Try the political quiz

6 Replies


Hurt, but that's not necessarily a bad thing as long as the people get more equitable working standards


"Helping the economy" can mean many things - what is most important is which arrangement helps the most people.


I don’t really understand the question, it is not nuanced enough for me to answer.



They have very little effect on the overall economy but they are important for looking after their members interests


hurt, but they are completely necessary for workers rights and should remain in place



The unions themselves aren’t corrupt but some of the senior figures potentially are


Help in places but should be politically neutral and donations should be discouraged


Neither help nor hurt. They are necessary to keep a balance between workforce issues and management overreach.


Help, when they're all under control by the government and can't organise strikes and instead take the role of bargaining members.


Largely they are helpful, but some clearly have other motivations other than their members (such as the railway unions).


It depends. Short term, I can see some damage potentially being done, but nothing that isn't temporary. Long term I think that having them around can be of benefit, even if it isn't a straight line to get there.


They hurt it in the short term but help in the long term if they work successfully for their members


Hurt, but they are necessary to combat any workforce maltreatment from employers.


Help, in theory but have recently become corrupt, and they should reorganize and reenergize.



Hurt in the short term, but help reduce economic inequality in the longer term


Help, but have recently become psuedo corporations with bosses as opposed to democratic leadership

 @979XN3F from New York answered…8mos8MO



Help if they focus on helping employers treat staff fairly and thus retain staff and maintain productivity. Unhelpful if their focus is solely on wages or holding onto lost hope of keeping one job until retirement without change.




Whilst they may temporarily hurt the economy the economy isn’t the priority it’s the people. They also don’t automatically hurt the economy they may lead to it but this is still a generalisation.


Hurt, but I still support them because they help the workers massively and keep companies in check.



Unions are corrupt relics of the past and are nothing more than a mouthpiece for revolutionaries and communists, and unions should have huge restrictions on their powers and actions to curb dissent and protect the economy.


Hurt, I dont agree with them but I also think that the government has no right to ban them. Although private companies do.

 @9BT3998from Illinois answered…12mos12MO


Help, public sector union are necessary as the government has a monopoly on labour wages.


They can do both. They are absolutely necessary to enable the voices of workers to be heard but should not be used to bully companies in certain industries into paying above the levels in industries where unions are weaker.
Either way we need to find ways to encourage both employers +unions to work together for the common good (maybe with more profit related benefits)


Help. Unionisation is a necessary ill to mitigate exploitation that harms the economy far more.

 @9BGCH7KRejoin EUanswered…1yr1Y


Having an individual or body of people to turn to in time of conflict with employers is essential to prevent discrimination


Help, but its not enough! We need a revolution of the Nationalist worker!


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