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81 Replies


I think the world has changed since unions were created. Employees rights have improved and been made law and is supported by human resource departments.


It doesn’t matter, unions are a backstop against large, unscrupulous organisations that hold too much power


Hurt, I dont agree with them but I also think that the government has no right to ban them. Although private companies do.


Hurt, but realistically they are necessary to ensure workers are protected.


They can help workers but when given to much power can damage the economy


Help, but while political donations should be allowed, they should be public and open (as should any from corporations). Some have also gained too much power (such as police unions, which allow their members to get away with too much)


Help in principle but in practice can be undemocratic, corrupt and with a narrow interest. Reform around union democracy and powers of office holders, not the function of unions themselves


I don’t really understand the question, it is not nuanced enough for me to answer.


Whilst they may temporarily hurt the economy the economy isn’t the priority it’s the people. They also don’t automatically hurt the economy they may lead to it but this is still a generalisation.


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