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I support both a reintroduction of grammar schools and a focus on improving current standards - no reason why both cannot be achieved

 @9XCY2FVLiberal Democratanswered…3mos3MO

Yes, but also with the introduction of trade/vocational schools and other skill-based alternatives for students who struggle in the traditional system

 @B2CVMSLanswered…7 days7D

Absolutely. Children who are performing at a high academic level should have an option to continuing to thrive.
Similarly, children who thrive in subjects that are more practical, should be able to pursue them more long term in addition to taking on practical apprenticeships.

 @B26KLRQWorkers of Britainanswered…4wks4W

All education should be free and all the people should be guaranteed a job by the government. A job where no rich person will steal from the people.


Yes, but make sure there is equal opportunity for the children, and make sure there are quotas that allow for children from lower-income backgrounds to be accepted


Focus should be on improving standards, but this obviously isn't going to happen everywhere, so people should be able to have a choice.


change the education system as a whole, we are expected to learn so much in little time and 80% of the teaching we are given we do not use.


No, Funding should be on a case by case basis , and parents should be granted tax rebates if putting there children into private schooling


No, de-establish academies and return them back to the original state school plan and give the government back control and funding over state schools.


I believe it wouldn’t be a bad idea however, we need to put way more funding into our current education system long before we start thinking about that because that provides a unfair advantage for people just because of their IQ


Change the sytem to be more mordern - teach children their usual math, english science but add in things such as money management and house to deal with the house (bills, repairs etc) - You get these sorts of lessons with driving, why not living? Add driving as a school standard.


Yes, but regulate the 11+ so it is about natural ability and not something you can be tutored to pass and thus be only available to the rich.


Perhaps in some form, but carefully planned to avoid one tier being seen as failures, and to reduce pressure on children at the point selection made.


Yes but only if this occurs at the same time as more funding for comprehensive and special schools as well as the mainstream introduction of secondary technical schools and the removal of charity status of private education (plus increasing VAT)

 @9QJZ6XMReform UKanswered…7mos7MO

Yes but allow applicants to pass entry examination at ages 11 and for late starters 12 and 13 year olds. Also improve education facilities for the remaining less academically orientated children, such as more practical subjects like carpentry, plumbing, electrical work etc in addition to the three R’s, languages, etc



No, overhaul the curriculum and focus on providing different learning techniques and understanding 1 approach does not suit all


Yes encourage grammar schools and children to go but also equally focus on funding and improving public schools


Yes, though along alongside a complete overhaul of the current National Curriculum. It is outdated the current holiday structure has been unchanged since the children used to have to return home to help with the harvest.


Apprenticeships and alternative education should be an option as of the age of 14. The German system is one to imitate.


No, focus on improving current standards and DO NOT tax those who choose to send their kids to private schools. This helps the state schools as it reduces numbers in classrooms & should be encouraged.


I think the education system needs a revamp and look at more modern methodologies and focus on application of studies like maths at the time required


Change the subjects in school to more modern daily needs, teach about loans and mortgage for example


Allowing hybrid home/school education increasing school starter age to 7 but supporting young families with childcare costs


Whole education system needs an overhaul - one cap doesn't fit all, every child leans and develops at their own pace.


The school and education system needs to be completely restructured. We need to introduce project based learning and creative thinking.


No offer alternative education for those gifted in oractical skills or artistic skill rather than accademic subjects. Meet all the needs of children


I think children who are more academically capable should be given the opportunity to go to a better school


Under a different guise - we should just change our understanding of the strengths people have. Some people are practical, some are academic


Focus needs to be on teaching life lessons like money management. Baking etc. not ofstead reports putting pressure on teachers stopping them from teaching


Look at how to improve support for send children and those who struggles in schools. Make more vocational schools for those who dont find mainstream easy.

 @9QBZ592 answered…7mos7MO

Teach children hwo to earn money and make money work for them. In combination with grammar schools. Decent Communication is vital but make no mistake. the most rich people in the world had not even attended secundary school

 @9QBGS58Green answered…7mos7MO

Yes but it should not be based off exam results and should be based off an individuals natural intelligence and the way they learn, taking into account if they have any neurodivergence.


yes to grammar schools but first, the primary focus should be on improving current standards instead.


I would support a secondary education which provides interest for a wider range of interests and types of ability. This would include a range of more practical options and more in the way of life skills.


Yes, but all students should get the chance to take standardized entry exams (via their primary schools). It should not be up to the parents to decide whether they want their children to try or not.


NO!!! Selectivity only creates even MORE divide. Schools should be MIXED and INCLUSIVE in terms of culture, ability vs disability, economic possibility etc. It's investment in the staff, the whole system and in the premises that is needed to guarantee the appropriate standards .

 @9Q9FZTDReform UKanswered…7mos7MO

Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses so some form of streaming is required to enable individuals to achieve their maximum potential.


Yes but only regarding an option at a younger age to focus on vocational studies rather than academic studies


Schools need to focus on what tye students are best at and guide them into a related job while teaching students how to live


learn support need more fund so they bet help peole you have specil need and so dot push to and like not wanted


Yes. It's hard to cater to different abilities in one classroom. Having grammar schools for high achievers helps take pressure of the schools.


i do support the reintroduction of grammar schools but I also strongly believe that Comprehensive schools should be retained.

 @9Q78G4VReform UKanswered…7mos7MO

No, education system needs to focus on educating about life and subjects instead of teaching kids about different genders and sexuality


No, focus on improving current standards instead. I don't believe private schools should exist flat out, but I especially don't believe private schools should get any government funding or tax cuts.


No, instead, use the funds to invest and introduce more useful curriculums, i.e. economy/ financial education in replacement of Welsh/ English baccalaureate.


If selection is allowed at all it should be allowed in Specialist schools for aptitude / interest in their specialism (to prevent dumping)


For children that show incredible potential from a young age should be tested to see if they are smart enough for a special skill that could give them their full potential in life. But other children that struggle more should go to a normal school (with grammar lessons) so that they can get the help that they need without slowing down the very academic children.


Greater discipline in schools is desperately required and parents of poorly behaving children should be fined and their kids either removed from school or placed with others with behaviour issues so that they do not disrupt the education of others.


Ensure all children are taught how to pass 11+ not just those in prep schools, or whose parents can afford extra tuition


Yes, but there should be a scoping of narrow spectrum subject domains rather than cattle grouping of all subjects (i.e. if a child excels at languages and is cr@p at maths, this should not exclude them from majoring in language in a Grammar school, and vice-versa)


Yes they should be brought back so that all students can reach there full potential instead of just trying to bring all students up to what feels like the expected standard.


Yes but all pupils at every school should have the opportunity to learn to the best of their ability


No, secure and protect funding better for existing schools and create more specialist schools for children with SEN


Yes, but with big support and focus on skills beyond academia for all streams - creatives, practical skills etc.

 @9PXH9XSReform UKanswered…7mos7MO

No, the current education system needs updating, things we will need to know living on our own, learn about banking , finances, home improvements, cleaning ,more sex ed and pregnancy, shopping, fixing and repairing things , budgets , educated on better history & re, make it more interesting, like Lucifer, slavery of all kinds


No, the education system needs an overhaul. But not a reintroduction of an elitist society. That's why we are in this mess now. The government is full of grammar school boys who have no handle on the reality of some issues they are making decisions on.


If they introduce it again, it might lower the standards of current public schools I think, so Im in two minds about it.


Yes if the opportunity to apply for grammar schools is genuinely made available to all children to give them the chance to go for it


I'd like to see a focus within education that is not solely based on academia but recognises other skill sets and promotes then.


Learning should be vocational and learning through play while young. Home schooling be more supported


Grammar schools still exist in my county. They have been diluted recently as were made to increase class loads easier to get in to


Children should be able to progress at any point in their educational years no two people are the same state system used to embrace that slow starters or high performance we're not all one track


yes, however they should be government-funded so low income families can have the same opportunities as high income families to give their children a high standard of education.


The education should change where children learn crucial life skill that we’ll give them a better understanding on jobs they are wanting to do when they leave their education


Yes - if this means that the lower ability students have a chance to do schooling that they are suited to.


Some school who focus in specific areas of education should have a entrance exam but there should be a good option for everyone


If there is the possibility of students moving between schools instead of being categorised at age 11

 @9PLDZTKConservative answered…7mos7MO

Society does not accept that some children are very intelligent. Others like me hated school, we should advance the education of our best students.


I don't think there needs to be a reintroduction but I see no need to get rid of the grammar schools that still exist.


Yes, options for gifted children and options for a payed education should be available for those who can afford it. However, a percentage of profits from these schools should be used to better public schools etc.


The education curriculum should be overhauled to include teaching students more on life skills, like critical thinking and personal finance.


Insist on schools to introduce a grammar stream to allow children to excel but facilities open to all.


Selective grammar schools should prioritise children that come from state primary schools not private primaries where children are tutored to pass the 11plus. Abolish 11 plus tutoring


There is a need from any system to provide opportunities for all to find their best strengths and abilities. This will inevitably require some form of selectivity, but this should be done in a manner that is positively affirming for all, not only those who are academically brighter or who come from socially or financially more priviliged areas and backgrounds.


Some diversity of educational offer (based on skills) might be good if vocational trades were given more credence in society


There are grammar schools locally already. I do think streaming is necessary to serve all pupils fairly.


The whole education system is outdated and is of little help to youth now. We need more computing, learning about taxes, NI, how to start a business, saving, investing, excell spreadsheets seeing most companies use it. Helpful life skills


More funding for public schools but not everyone is academically minded find other sources for kids who learn differently


The school a child attends should be based on geographical location and not be the choice of a parent. This would reduce travel distances to schools and thereby reduce car reliance and congestion.


More focus should be put into introducing more SEN schools with the rising number of kids with special needs. Primary and secondary!!


No, a one school type system should be implemented at Primary Age so there is no division between rich and poor


Maybe, but the education system needs a complete rehaul. We need to embrace the fact that there are a lot of hands on careers out there and young people aren't introduced to them properly before making major life decisions.


The system should be state only, to prioritise spending on all children, not those with wealthy parents


No, use the additional funding to improve access to exam centres for home educated children and young people.


Improve the education system and update it. Return selective education. Increase funds to special educational needs schools.


The whole system needs to be addressed, it’s antiquated and proven not to work for children who require anything less than minimal help.


Yes, should be based on academic, so people who want it get in. Shouldn't be based on race, religion etc


I think people should be able to receive a grammar school level education but not separate off people - they should all be under one 'roof', to stoke less division. Education to be catered to the individual.


Both school systems should be improved but the reintroduction of grammar schools isn’t harmful particularly for girl schools that statistically do better for girls and is a good environment to thrive while other schools should also be invested in


Yes as long as most grammar schools remain free to attend for children above a certain academic potential, and children who are struggling to achieve academically receive extra support.


The education system should be thrown in the bin and reformed into helping children get by in life and not just pass exams

 @9P9VDG2Reform UKanswered…7mos7MO

Schools in general need a rework. More trade skills should be taught, and pupils with behavioural problems should not be in mainstream schools.


I think all education should be improved. Gifted and talented programmes should be available for naturally high achievers, as well as more support for students who struggle. So often very bright children aren’t challenged enough in state schools. Conversely parents of sen children have to fight to get the support staff their child needs.


I would support an education system that is less focused on academic rote learning and better supports and nurtures the diverse strengths that children have.


School are a different version of prisons for kids, to keep track of their IQs and behaviours. Kids don’t learn the same ways but are taught the same ways. If kids had more of an idea of living in the real world in my opinion I don’t think they would be as violent as they are these days as they are constantly being told what to do.


Public Schools should provide for students with above average capabilities - as they should for under-average students.


Yes, but allow pupils to move from comps to grammars if they are hitting higher standards and remove pupils in grammars who are not achieving


Yes, more 13+ options and remove children in grammar who are not hitting the standard and replace them with others who can achieve


A complete over hall of the education system is needed as it only works for those that learn a certain way. It should be more focused on pin pointing how the students work and how they can put these skills to use. Also teaching more life skills so they have a better understanding of how the world works when it comes to adulthood.


No, we need to do better in supporting children, specific learning styles are better for some than others, this needs to be identified and encouraged, rather than creating a "class system" in schools


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