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 @4WS739Jfrom Buckinghamshire answered…3yrs3Y

 @4WQVDS2from London, City of answered…3yrs3Y

 @4XM8PZBfrom Lincolnshire answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, especially since the government has issued the bedroom tax, targeting many lower income families. Having seen local residents forced to move out of their homes because they cannot afford the bedroom tax, they should also bring in the mansion tax. The wealthy have not seen any tax increases under this government, theirs have been cut, yet the lower class families have been far worse off especially due to services cut by the same government that's cutting taxes for the higher class.


Depending on personal wealth and thw loopholes they already use to pay less tax


Yes, but only if the homeowner owns two or more “mansions” valued over £2m




The inceased taxes should be on valued houses/mansions of 5 million £


House tax on high value properties is fair, but for people who can't afford to pay it, there should be a forgiveness system in place, if there isn't one already.



Depends on the finances of the home owner, they may have inherited the mansion.


Yes, if foreign owners or owned by a company (any mechanisms individuals use to pay tax).


No but they should be guided to make profit off the land (solar farming ect) and tax it highly





Yes, but dependent on the price of the property when they brought it.


Have you seen the price of houses in the south? This questions lacks a regional understanding. If someone works hard and buys a home why should they be taxed agaib?



Exponential increase of property prices is not a reflection of the homeowners wealth, taxation on 2nd homes would be more appropriate

 @92R955ZLiberal Democratanswered…2yrs2Y

This is arbitrary. Yes there should be much more progressive income and wealth taxation but not just picking an asset class and value and levying a tax on it arbitrarily.



Yes, and implement higher taxes on additional properties, including those intended for rental


No, as the £2m figure is not representative of the U.K. as a whole, nor does it take into account needs (family size etc.)


Yes in the form of higher council taxes in order to reduce the council tax for poorer council wards



Needs to be tied to the location of the home, 2 million is not a mansion in London.


Yes but only slightly whilst making it harder to avoid tax and increase sentences for doing so


Housing should not be private property and mansions should not be used as housing. Instead, we must work with homeowners to convert them into more useful things such as shelters, hospitals, and schools.




No, it should be a graduated system rather than set at a specific arbitrary number and should take into account the varying costs of housing in different areas. And homeowners should pay more for second homes.


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