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9 Replies

 @4TTW7YZfrom Croydon answered…3yrs3Y

Any worker should be rewarded according to success, but not with excessive amounts of money, that is unfair! And in my opinion , the brokers who were responsible for selling sub prime mortgages should pay back all if not some of the money they made, as it was the tax payer who had to bail the banks out. Banks should not rely on the tax payer to bail them out when they make risky and frankly stupid decisions. Any banker who profited from our losses should have been made to pay that money back!

 @9LQHXH9Greenanswered…4 days4D

Yes, the bonus they receive should be capped at 100%. However, the excess money should not go into the bank's profits and shareholders.


There are various moral and ethical concerns about banker's bonuses but my instinct is that it is not the place of government to decide these sorts of things. I also agree that if such regulations are passed banks will simply take action to circumvent any restrictions, e.g. by increasing salaries.


Abolish the cap on bankers bonuses but tax the bonus separate as an extra tax. The tax should be 100% until they have reduced their works carbon emissions, and the tax rate on their bonus reduces by 1% for every 1% they decarbonise.


This is a silly question as all they will do is increase their salaries to ensure they get the same amount of money if not more


No, but there should be a new level of tax for bonuses that are higher than 100% of their yearly salary.


 @989PHW9UKIPfrom New York answered…1yr1Y

No, but bankers should also provide equity for any financial problems that their banks face

 @984F8CVfrom New York answered…1yr1Y

No, but bakers should also provide equity for any financial problems that their banks face


As long as the bonus is being paid out of private funds then it shouldn't be capped. This additional income can then be taxed as additional income as any other income would be

 @979XN3Ffrom New York answered…1yr1Y

No, but bankers should provide equity to their banks for any financial problems that they face


No, a workers bonus should be based on their productivity and never capped but society should stop rewarding unproductive workers that damage the economy such as bankers


Bankers are already well paid, in the current economic crisis, no bonus should be paid.


No, but banks should be forced to give said bonuses to ALL of their employees, from the janitors to the CEO.


No, but banks should receive equity from any financial problems that they face


Bankers should not charge fees based on "% of other people's money" - they should only be allowed to charge like solicitors and accountants for hours at published rates



Yes, Banker's bonuses should have a price cap determined by the bank in question. Ranges may be determined up to a maximum of 120%, however they must do so before a specified date set by Parliament. Failure to do so will result in a cap of 50%


break up larger banking corporations, ban all bonus payments related to pay


No, but bankers should also pay into any financial problems faced by their banks


No, but the government should ensure that they are taxed appropriately


Bonus should be capped at annual wage of the lowest paid employee in the company


Bankers bonuses should sit at -100% Thats around a %1000 markup for absolute scum bankers.


If it is a private company then we should have no input on how it's run but if it's nationalised then yes it should be capped


No, but a balance should be found to ensure growth while lowering the risk of a financial crisis


Bonuses should be abolished as its always the people in power that get them and not the people that do the work


No, but the method by which the bonus is decided should be reformed by permitting the labour force to determine it based on genuine performance.



No but there should be a separate banding for tax, increasing at higher levels and rates



No, but maybe 50% should be directed to local community causes or other societally beneficial efforts.


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