n 2014 the EU passed legislation that capped bankers’ bonuses at 100% of their pay or 200% with shareholder approval. Proponents of the cap say that it will reduce incentives for bankers to take excessive risk similar to what led to the 2008 financial crisis. Opponents say that any cap on banker’s pay will push up non-bonus pay and cause bank’s costs to rise.
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@979XN3F 2yrs2Y
No, but require bankers to provide equity during financial crises
Any worker should be rewarded according to success, but not with excessive amounts of money, that is unfair! And in my opinion , the brokers who were responsible for selling sub prime mortgages should pay back all if not some of the money they made, as it was the tax payer who had to bail the banks out. Banks should not rely on the tax payer to bail them out when they make risky and frankly stupid decisions. Any banker who profited from our losses should have been made to pay that money back!
Bonuses for good performance but there has to be a point where they’re not realistic. Such as people getting bonus’ while the company recieves bailouts
Yes, lower the bonus to only 20% of their overall pay. Why should they get more bonuses when a nurse who risks their life doesn’t. Unfair system.
No, but only if the bank has not been bailed out and taken money from the public purse. Banks should not be paying out any bonuses if they have taken a bailout from the public purse and not paid it back in full.
Should be abolished altogether. Why do you deserve a bonus for doing what you’ve already been paid fir
Not as long as global competition incentivises talent to move out of the UK. This is a bigger problem than the UK alone can manage.
Short term bonuses should face higher tax rates incentivising base pay and long term targets (5-10 years)
Yes, but there should be a cap as no bonuses should exceed more than 50 of your wages and failing banks should be nationalised
There are various moral and ethical concerns about banker's bonuses but my instinct is that it is not the place of government to decide these sorts of things. I also agree that if such regulations are passed banks will simply take action to circumvent any restrictions, e.g. by increasing salaries.
Abolish the cap on bankers bonuses but tax the bonus separate as an extra tax. The tax should be 100% until they have reduced their works carbon emissions, and the tax rate on their bonus reduces by 1% for every 1% they decarbonise.
This is a silly question as all they will do is increase their salaries to ensure they get the same amount of money if not more
No, but there should be a new level of tax for bonuses that are higher than 100% of their yearly salary.
Yes, but bonuses should be based on the state of the economy e.g. inflation, mortgage rates, interest rates etc.
Nationalise the banks, workers should still be rewarded based on their success but with the amount of money they make it should be taxed, and either lower the cap to 50 and pay tax on bonus, or to 25 and pay no tax.
@9FL5NJN 2yrs2Y
Yes with more profit distributed to workforce. The people that actually do the doing
Yes, lower the cap right down and nationalise the banks
No, but the cap should be 300%
No, but but tax bonuses over a certain percentage of income
The banks should be nationalised, and bonuses should be capped to 10%
Bonus should be based in performance if they can prove they have made significant profit then no if not then it should be capped more
No, reward them for their success, but nationalise the banks to prevent greed.
They should not receive any bonuses. This is our money, they should be paid a salary and that is it!!!
This should depend on their pay, if under £100,000 the limit should be 100%, but if pay is £1m (for exple) should be limited to 10%. Make it fair!
Yes, and lower the cap to around 50%. I don't think the banks should be nationalised, but there should be a government body that oversees the banks' to ensure we don't have another financial crash that is caused by the bankers for them to get bailed out by the public.
No, exessive pay of managerial roles is bad for smalltime shareholders and bad for the long term health of a company.
Yes, but as a wider restriction on bonuses for high wealth individuals rather than specifically bankers
Bonus’s should be banned as those receiving them are paid well enough and receive salaries on the back of those earning the least
Yes, the bonus they receive should be capped at 100%. However, the excess money should not go into the bank's profits and shareholders.
I don't trust the banks.
Yes, this will prevent bankers from taking excessive risk
Yes, and nationalise the banks if they accepted bailouts from the governemnt
Bonus can be based on success but there needs to be control on how much a top earner can earn at a company compared to someone working at the lowest level
No. However, all those working in the bank industry should be paid the same level of bonuses.
Ban the bonuses entirely
No, but raise taxes on bonuses to around 50-60%
No, but cap bankers' bonuses at 200% of their pay
No, but tax bonuses at a higher rate
No, it's not the role of the government to dictate private pay.
No, but when their excessive risk taking fails, they get punished
No but increase tax on the very wealthy
A series of questions over national salary bonuses will be asked via Liquid Democracy.
This is a decision for the banks, but ideally they would be transparent for this. There should be sanctions on the bank and the individual concerned for incentivising high risk or illegal behaviour, and one consequence could be repaying the bonus.
If a bank wants to pay huge bonuses to their employees then that's up to them, as long as it's not taxpayer money
No, but taxes on these bonuses should be similar to wage rates
Yes, but only those who work for banks where the government has a substantial share in those banks.
Yes Bankers Shouldn't receive bonuses when they abuse tax payers money
Yes but only if you are able to pay an equivalent bonus to all the rest of your staff first
Yes but only if they deserve it, and it should be capped at 20%.
Yes and lower the cap to 75%
No, privately run banks should be allowed to award bonuses as they see fit, majority publicly owned banks should have a cap.
Bankers' bonuses should be eliminated for all earning more than £100K a year.
No, but it should be taxed at 55% once over 100% of their pay.
Bankers should not recieve any bonuses until all the bailouts have been payed back with interest
Bankers should be paid a standard salary and only paid a bonus when the work they do brings a profit without introducing risk to the financial sector. If they loose money they should be sanctioned.
They're getting paid too much already, no bonuses
Bankers should not get bonuses once there government has had to bail them out . And bonuses should only resume once that bail out money has been paid back in full with interest to our government . It should be made illegal for them to have any bonus whilst still owing bail out money to our government .
They already earn enough money.
Don’t know much about the subject
No, and stop any bail outs for banks
Bonuses should not be awarded when banks are failing and workers must be laid off
No, the Government has no right to dictate the pay of its people.
No as talented workers will be driven to foreign markets. Though bonuses given even during failure should be shamed publicly
@8PW7T9HLiberal Democrat4yrs4Y
No, bankers bonuses should be taxed more heavily to compensate the taxpayers for the bailout, past and future.
bonuses should be rewarded for those exceptional at their jobs not just ‘money left over’.
They should be determined by how hard they've worked by the labour of company.
Capped at 150% of their pay
No, however there should be a public banking option
No, when the economy is doing well they should be rewarded, but whenever there is a crash those most responsible should be hunted down like wild pigs in the forest.
No, but increase tax on large bonuses
No, but tax their bonuses at the highest rate
Don’t know enough about it.
Yes but lower to 50% or 100% with shareholder approval..
No, any worker should be rewarded based on success as long as it’s legal
Lower the cap to 5%, they already have enough money in their wage packet
no, should be capped depending on the amount of bonus pay.
Complete reform should be had with a cap of around 10%
Bankers bonuses should be banned altogether. Doctors and nurses don’t get bonuses when they save lives, bankers shouldn’t get bonuses when they make money.
No, but only if the banks are not using government subsidies or increased fees from citizens to pay their successful employees
Pressure banks to increase competition for bankers jobs. There is too much rent seeking going on. Shareholders need to take action.
Bankers bonuses should be allowed, but capped at 15%
Yes and lower the cap to 20% and tax it
Yes, nationalise the banks and lower the cap to 50%.
No, but they should be taxed on these
No, but cap bakers' bonuses at 200% of their pay
No, the government doesn't have a right to cap bonuses.
I don't think it should be capped but the rules under which they operate should be more strict and under more constant scrutiny. If they are found guilty of illegal trading, breaking the rules as in the 2008 crash etc they should be imprisioned as Iceland has done
i dont get this question
No, but regulate banks more strictly.
No, but it should be determined by the workforce.
Yes and make banks into co-ops
No, they shouldn't receive bonuses and be satisfied with their pay instead.
with all being paid UCW then all should only be paid by the hour for what they do. No bonuses or overtime needed.
This is between the employer and the employee to negotiate
No, but should be made public.
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