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Yes, and take religion out of marriage and instead make it a legal decision, as a contract between two people. Religious people can have their own separate ceremonies.


Yes Take the government out of marriage and instead make it a religious decision

Let 'marriage' be a religious sacrament, like e.g. baptism, no state involvement. If people want to enter into legal contracts with their partner they can form a civil partnership.



Gays and lesbians and trans deserve not to be a thing it is bad for people and human society and population and more it’s destroying the world



Can you explain how it is bad for people, human society, population and how it is destroying the world?

I am married to a woman. I am happy and hurting no one. We plan to have children so that removes the population issue. My wife and I both have great jobs, we contribute to society, my wife provides life saving treatment and I maintain UK infrastructure. I would say we are beneficial to people and human society and are doing the complete opposite of destroying the world (I personally am rebuilding the world).

Our sexuality and marriage status does not make us bad people, however your homophobia does.

 @9FL5NJN answered…12mos12MO

Yes and criminalise those who don’t support it. It’s homophobic and we should be working to a more inclusive and diverse society


Everyone be what they want i have no issues with that just don’t try and force it upon others or challenge people for not agreeing, people need to respect that not everyone will have the same views and opinions



So I should ignore people who tell me I don't deserve to live because of who I chose to marry?

Sorry, no. I will call out bad behaviour because I do deserve to live. Being gay is not a choice and if people were more accepting then we wouldn't need pride. You are kind of shooting yourself in the foot here...


No because I think that boys will never be girls girls will never be boys and therefore there is no need to marry each other



So you disagree that I, a woman should not be allowed my marry my wife, also a woman because you are transphobic?


 @99D5P6MSinn Féinanswered…2yrs2Y

Absolutely not, it is abhorrent that such things occur, and it is despicable to me.


Holy matrimony is a religious issue. Civil partnerships are there for same sex or non religious couples


No, marriage is a religious matter and should be up to the church to decide. Civil Unions should offer the same rights as marriage.


Yes, and reduce any government funding, assistance, or support for any religious organisation which refuses to comply


Yes and churches should be forced to allow same sex marriages… love thy neighbour - unless he is homosexual.


I don't believe the government or the churches can or should interfere with two consenting adults


No, remove marriage and make everyone get civil partnerships. It's really a decision to involve the government in your taxes plus a party so what does it matter?




No, marriage should be defined as between a man and woman and LGBT Marriage should be criminalized



Absolutely Not! It is another way of causing our society to degrade even further! It goes against our moral and spiritual growth.


Yes definitely, everyone is equal no matter what sexual orientation you are and it’s stupid that it’s even questioned!


Why wouldn’t someone support gay marriage? It’s normal and natural, it shouldn’t even be called “same-sex” Marriage, It’s just marriage and it sucks that people are so ignorant and biased towards homosexual/people attracted to the same gender/sex.


I believe marriage to be a fundamental commitment between a man and a women and to bring life into the world. However I don’t particularly care of a gay couple get married it goes against what I believe but if that’s what they want to do then there’s no harm in that. Also I would like to add that I believe the government should give more incentives to men and women marriages when they have children as family and prosperity of a new generation should be core values in every society.


Marriage is, and always has been, based on religion and as such should be under the control of the religious houses. If you're not religious then enter into a civil partnership which by law needs to reflect the same rights and privilege as a marriage. This will allow the freedom of same sex marriages/partnerships and allow the churches the freedom to decide too.


I feel marriage is a form of slavery and gay people should not be oppressed the way heterosexuals are.


Based on social media may e higher .I had MySpace and beb could. What iv herd I'd b shocked as a 30 p!us woman ...need to rules


No, marriage is between a man and a woman and churches should have the right to refuse marrying same sex couples.


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