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Yes, and take religion out of marriage and instead make it a legal decision, as a contract between two people. Religious people can have their own separate ceremonies.


Yes Take the government out of marriage and instead make it a religious decision

Let 'marriage' be a religious sacrament, like e.g. baptism, no state involvement. If people want to enter into legal contracts with their partner they can form a civil partnership.






I don't believe the government or the churches can or should interfere with two consenting adults

 @9BSVXNNfrom Massachusetts answered…12mos12MO

I dont believe it is for the government or a religious body to hold authority over marriage



Just let them do what they wanna do People should just mind their own buisness


Stop giving churches the choice, if funded by public or government they should marry who they are told to


my religion says no but i cannot control the law and believe people have the right to be happy.


 @9FL5NJN answered…7mos7MO

Yes and criminalise those who don’t support it. It’s homophobic and we should be working to a more inclusive and diverse society


yes but don’t boast about it everywhere


who would want to tell you anything if you react like this to someone celebrating their marriage what are you like at a child's birthday party? are you going to say to a child that they are being too happy over being older and that you don't see adults enjoying their birthdays?

it is honestly a bit sad that you think people who celebrate anything is instantly shoving it down your throat.


Questions at best are not a yes or no answer . This test is becoming very ambiguous.


There is often much more nuance to questions on political opinions, thus making more sense to have a vast range of answers.


no they shouldn't be allowed to because it violates many beliefs in many religions. furthermore personally they should just be classed as partners



But what if they don’t have the same religion or beliefs ? You're not going against your own beliefs so why would it matter if someone else does ?

It’s nothing to do with you.


I don't really care either way, what people do in their bedrooms or who they choose to marry is their choice alone


Only forbid same-sex marriage for Muslims as being a homosexual is forbidden in Islam. However, non-Muslim homosexuals can be allowed marriage.


Yes, and make civil partnerships available to straight couples for those that want the legal protections but not the religious ceremony.


Take the gov out of marriage and make it a religious matter BUT They should put ground rules, like not marrying minors, etc


I don't believe that marriage should be contractual in any form, or that it must coincide with religion.

 @9H57DTXfrom Oklahoma answered…5mos5MO

No, because the legalization of same sex marriage won't actually work to end discrimination against gay people.


personally, i don't, however, this is because of religious reasons once again I don't control what other people want to do or want to think and neither should anyone else so i don't see why people having same-sex marries is a problem because it doesn't effect anyone if two people of the same gender get married it won't make the world end so in that stance even though i don't believe same-sex marriage is good i still believe it should be legal


Churches should have the right to refuse, and while marriage is both a legal and religious bond, create a new term to describe any individuals who are governmentally but not religiously married.

 @9FVSZ3V answered…7mos7MO

Marriage is a farce, it leads to partners like myself and my partner being treated differently for financial issues. Marriage should be a personal choice and have no legal status of benefit.


i don't support same sex marriage but don't have hate for same sex marriage


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