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175 Replies


Yes, except for those in prison at the time of voting. Those on parole/probation should be allowed to vote as they are participating in society.

 @4Y254FYfrom Bristol, City of  answered…4yrs4Y

 @4V3M4BTfrom Hertford  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but only after they've been assessed mentally to show their capable of Making a stable and informed decision


I believe one time offenders of minor crimes, such as shoplifting, possession of drugs, driving offences (that were not done with the intent to cause harm) things, such as that should be allowed to vote once they have been rehabilitated. however, all and every murderer, rapist paedophile, kidnapper (excluding people who have been charged with kidnap because they have lost rights to their own children during a divorce and have not done any harm to the children) and sex traffickers, and most people involved in organised-crime, such as terrorists and hitmen and leaders of gangs and mafias should not be allowed to vote ever.

 @9QLTD8MLiberal Democratanswered…9mos9MO

If they are incarcerated no. If they have been released their conviction is spent and therefore should be allowed to vote providing they are not on bail.


Except for those with DV, stalking, sexual offences, crimes against children and repeat violent offenders as well as crimes against vulnerable persons.


Yes, except for people convicted of murder or violent crimes that leave the victim in a terrible condition. People who have committed manslaughter should still be able to vote.


It depends on the severity of their crimes, how well they've re-integrated and how good their mental health.


People serving life sentences should not have the right to vote. The severity of their crimes should directly affect their rights to vote and have a say on society


Yes, only after completing their sentences and parole/probation UNLESS they are convicted of murder or violent crimes or sexual crimes

 @9QF8GGVConservative answered…9mos9MO

Yes but surely this should be dependent on the crime and psychological state of the convicted criminal.


Yes but only if they have not committed a violent crime and they have completed their sentence and parole/ probation


If the person is released from jail before while the government is in office. I.e. before the next General election


Yes, if they are only charged for a short time. If they are locked up for life then there isn’t much point


yes if sentence and parole is complete but not for felons convicted of murder, rape or other violent crimes

 @9Q8SS3GWomen's Equalityanswered…9mos9MO

No , I believe people who have committed the worst crimes like - murder, man slaughter, rape, gang rape, domestic violence, paedophiles and sex traffickers shouldn’t be alllowed to vote (as long as there is concrete Eve fence to prove the did the crime / excluding rape cases)


depends on the crime, if its something really mild they should be able to vote, if they did a severe crime they shouldnt


Yes, but understandable that each case is different and needs to be accessed on a case by case basis


Yes, if it is believed that they have truly made up for their wrong doings and if they have made their area or city a better place for civilians.


Depending on their crime, and if he/she has gone through a period of rehabilitation and good behaviour.


The question should be… should people who have committed minor offences be considered criminals? Shoplifting and murder can hardly be compared


This is a difficult thing. Provided, there is undoubtedly, without corruption, that person is a criminal, it is very risking giving voting power, especially if its a large demogrphic, power to vote and influence the direction of general public


Paedophiles and rapists shouldn’t have any rights whatsoever. The rest should still have the right to vote


Yes, But only allowed when the sentence is below 10 years to prevent people voting a law that wont ended up affecting them


This should be for judges to decide on a case by case basis. Judges should decide whether or not forfeiture of the right to vote is an appropriate part of the punishment element of a sentence.


Not while they are in prison serving a sentence but once they are released they should be entitled to vote again


Depends on the seriousness of the crime. I think registered sex offenders and violent crimes should lose the right


If they make a mistake once and are convicted for it, there is a chance they could do it again which is risky


I think voting rights should be removed for convicted criminals but they can automatically apply to reinstate them.


No as they may vote for someone that will bail them immediately and they could've literally committed mass genocide


to vote, you should prove you have understood the party policies of the party you want to vote for and why you support them.


Yes - providing sufficient time has lapsed after serving their sentence where no further crimes have been committed


They deserve the right to vote but should receive education on pollical and social climate of the UK so they can eliminate any biases they have and avoid them scapegoating immigrants.


Yes, except for felons convicted of very serious charges of fraud, money laundering, murder or rape.

 @9KCDXM6 answered…1yr1Y

Yes, except for people accused of tax evasion, fraud or murder or violent crimes, rape or crimes against children


felons convicted with worser crimes (murder, rape, etc.) shouldn't be able to vote as well as felons who haven't completed their sentences yet


Yes, but as long as it is not an extreme offence, and it has been 10 years since the crime was committed.


If the UK prison system worked then yes they should have the right AFTER their sentence and their rehabilitation. However, murderers, rapists and paedophiles should NOT.


Peadophiles, murderers and terrorists should have a life time ban but other criminals should be allowed when they finish their sentence


Yes, but only if it has been confirmed that they have been successfully reintegrated back into society upon completion of their punishments.



Only after sentence is served and they're not on a sex offenders register or seriously mentally ill



Yes, except those still serving their sentences/parole, whith no evidence of violent crime


Yes, except those convicted of murder, crimes againts children, rape and other violent crimes.

 @9D5TZWNfrom New York  answered…2yrs2Y


A citizen's right to participate in democracy is diminished if they refuse to abide by the law, however if the law they broke was a law they believe should be changed, then they should be allowed to have a voice.

 @B44MLG5answered…3 days3D

No, they have to be off the drugs and prove they are developing themselves before they can vote. Maybe then they can vote.


Yes, but only after completing sentences and a 2-year probation term standard that I want to introduce for all crminals with over 3 month sentence and they cannot vote if they commit any crime punished with mroe than 2 years in jail


Yes, if they have been proven to have become a changed man. This is to exclude serial offenders that are not in prison as of the current moment


Yes, but only after completing their sentence and except for felons convicted for violent/harmful/weird crimes

 @B3H865QReform UKanswered…3wks3W

Yes after completing their sentences/parole/probation and passing a simple test to ensure they understand basic politics and are mentally stable and aren't going to make any stupid decisions. I also think all people should have to pass this test, but it should be written into legislation so it can't be changed, and everyone should agree on it to be fair.


Yes, because stripping criminals of human rights is dehumanizing and only causes them to behave worse.


Yes, for everyone after their sentence is completed, and yes for minor crimes, but not murder or other violent crimes.

 @B23HPY2Reform UKanswered…3mos3MO

voting is for society to grow and hopefully grow great, criminals choose not to live by societal rules so no they should not get a vote until they are released and proven rehabilitation


I think that criminals that have pleaded guilty, and genuinely are 100% guilty and have confessed, unless they've committed murder, crims should be allowed to vote.


If they are serious crimes then no but if they are petty crimes then it's fine. And only if they finish their sentances


Yes but only felons convicted of non violent or oppressing crimes that don't involve harm to other people


Depends on the extent of their crime and why did they commit such crime, e.g. destroyed a building cuz the gov built it.


If the person's crime is minimal or predicted to be falsely imprisoned, then I believe they should be able to vote.


All convicted criminals should have the right to vote, except if they have previously committed a crime against the state; eg. terrorism or treason


I believe those that have done horrific crimes should not however lots of convicts may have been placed in prison due to our laws which lots of the closet may not agree with and need changing therefore we needs their anecdotes to help make a decision


Yes, removing the vote from criminals incentives governments to criminalise groups which would vote against them.


Yes but only after completing there sentence and everything else and as long as there crime arnt like mass murder genocide or rape man slaughter wouldn’t count since there are accidents and that


How would it make you feel to lose your right to vote because of a past mistake, even after you’ve served your punishment?


Not good as I am part of UK and have the right to choose who can rule my country


Yes, if they would otherwise be entitled to do so, they have as much stake in the outcome as anyone else, and their votes won’t change much anyway


Yes, unless they are convicted of things like rape, sexual assault, pedophilia, or harm against children.


Yes, but only 5 years after they are done given a successful multiple-layers background check every year after completing their sentences and probation/parole.


Yes except for felons convicted of murder or couldn’t crimes and if after completing their sentences and probation


Yes, except for felons of murder, violent crimes, fraudulent activities, or non-violent crimes involving children


If they are due to be released within the next government term, otherwise not. Foreign-born criminals should lose their right to vote.


Criminals who have served time in prison should be allowed to vote only if they were misdemeanor charges


I am unsure how I feel about this. It depends on the crime I guess. It also depends if the criminal has been rehabilitated successfully.


Completely depends on whether they are of complete sound mind and have priorities straight and won’t go back to crime ever


Yes, unless in their trial they were proven to have a mental disorder which influenced them to commit the crime

 @9QPGQTFfrom Pennsylvania  answered…9mos9MO

I agree with Rand Paul in the United States. Ex-felons who served jail time, should be able to vote after their release from prison.


there should be an assessment to determine if they are fit to vote, after theyve served their time of course. sex offenders should be excluded, and not allowed to live, let alone vote


yes but only after serving their sentence and except people convicted of murder, violent crimes and sex offenders


Yes, if they will be freed before the next election so they have a say in the society they return to.


Yes, after completing a majority of their sentence/parole AND completing a civics course with a test.


Felons who a have gone to jail more than 2 times in the space of 10 years, or are currently in jail/prison should not be able to vote, only after a period of 5-10 years of no criminal activity the person can vote again.


Yes, except for felons convicted of murder or violent crime, those who have not committed these crimes should only have this after completing their sentence and parole


No, but allow some leeway for political convictions and others. Murderers and financial crimes should not be allowed to vote


Yes, except for criminals convicted of murder, violent crimes, sexual crimes. Essentially those on short sentences for minor non violent crimes should have the vote.


Yes, except those guilty of financial crimes or corruption, until completing their sentences and parole/probation.


Yes, if they have jobs that they pay taxes on or are full-time community work volunteers. Every tax-paying citizen deserves the right to vote.


Yes, but only when they have done there sentence and have give sufficient evidence that they won't reoffend.


Minor convictions should not lead to someone losing the right to vote. But if the conviction is something serious, then they perhaps should lose the right


yes if they want to but if it's an individual there's done some horrible stuff or some heinous crimes then no


In theory yes. But the issues colouring my answer are not about the convicted felons themselves, but rather the prison system and how they treat prisoners. Norway has an exceptionally low rate of reoffending because they actively rehabilitate their felons rather than punishing them.if our system was set up to understand why people ended up in prison and to help them, we would have healthier citizens coming back into society. And I would support them voting. But people are not treated well or humanely in the UK Prison system, and therefore cannot reintegrate into society, and carry many psychological issues which may mean them having a skewed view of the world and not voting responsibly or with awareness.


It depends on what the crime the criminal commited,their service length, their behavior in prison and the prison managers discretion.


Yes, because it prevents a corrupt government imprisoning political opponents. The UK is a long way from being that kind of a dystopia, but the principle is important.


Yes except for absolute wrongens, those who have committed the most heinous of crimes for example pedophiles, rapists, murderers etc.


Create a simple political education test to ensure the citizen makes an educated decision about their vote, if it appears the citizen is oblivious about their decision it should be ignored.


Yes, but only after they've been assessed to prove they are mentally and physically able to make a stable and informed.


if the election will affect their life - as in they will be out of prison during the government the election creates

 @9PLDZTKConservative answered…9mos9MO

No, you should loose your rights in prison and then start to earn them back by good behaviour and committing to learn and rehabilitation. Voting is a right for law abiding citizens


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