In November 2019 the UK Labour Party promised that if it won a majority in the upcoming general election it would provide free full-fiber broadband to every home and business the UK by the year 2030. Under the plan the government would nationalize the digital arm of BT (Openreach) and provide over 95% of UK residents with broadband. Currently 7% of households in the U.K. have access to full-fiber broadband. The plan would cost an estimated £230m a year and would be funded by a new tax on large technology companies including Apple and Google. Opponents (including the Conservatives, Lib…
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Yes, but make it a gradual process to help save money
Homes = Yes. Businesses = No.
it already subsidises this to means tested people...this needs to be advertsied more...and competition drive the prices down
Yes, but to low-income households only.
I would prefer a fund to afford the boardband and the ability to deny it and the company which provides it must be a company such as sky, bt, ee etc not the government providing stuff
No this will cost too much, but for people who need broadband, that should be considered in benefits.
Instead of free broadband, offer minimal living wage so people can AFFORD the broadband itself. Free broadband on its own seems very expensive.
No, this will cost the government over £50bn but we should once we are in a better place economically.
No but invest far more in capital spending to give it to all by 2030 and subsidise half the price for those below £27,000 a year
Yes but at the moment, only 7% of households in the UK have access to full-fiber broadband and if they completely do it it could crash the economy even further than it already is.
@9RKBWGFLiberal Democrat8mos8MO
It should certainly be kept in mind but it would be a costly endeavour and should be done over time instead of all at once
Yes if there was created a public company like British Broadband that would implement the changes (if people wanted them only) and would maintain their network.
Yes, but with targeted subsidies and investment in infrastructure rather than completely free broadband for all.
No, but there should be other options - everything is digital now and it’s not fair on those who cannot afford it. Maybe provide it only to those of a lower income / on benefits who cannot afford it.
@9QLQ7PD 9mos9MO
Standardize the price and stop it being increased ridiculous amounts as people are deemed as a valued customer / consumer but paying ridiculous amounts due too companies charging what they like so make it standardized so that companies can't deem what they want depending what they can offer different too other companies it should be standardized making it easier for people to afford.
@9QLM39PLiberal Democrat9mos9MO
No but provide it to UK homes that live in areas that don't have the proper structure. Also provide more access, improve the overall structure.
Internet access is essential to surviving in the modern world and should be treated as critical nationalised infrastructure
Unless they can recoup money from elsewhere this will be too expensive, however they could offer a middle ground of subsidised broadband.
I think low income family across the UK, should be given free full fibre broadband, it is an essential in this day and age
At this day and age, broadband is so essential to daily life, that if you don't have it, you're under a rock
Everyone should have access, but I am aware of the costs that are needed to have it constantly maintained.
Give everyone broadband and abolish the marketing departments of broadband companies, if everyone has it, no need to see adverts for it
No however improve technology to improve speeds. Cap the price so everyone pays the same for their broadband
No, provide a national broadband provider with prices scaled to household income. Force the private sector to compete
No, but the government should ensure that everyone has better access to full fibre broadband by improving coverage in all areas of the country, especially remote and rural areas.
More competition via a government broadband shouldnbe available and removal of the increase in cost midway through a contract.
Instead, invest in better public access to computer facilities. For example local libraries that offer free Internet and printing services.
The price of this should be capped or made standard but affordable. Perhaps it should be free for those on benefits for the first year to encourage them to find work.
Yes, but only a basic internet for communicating. You should still be able to have faster, private options, with additional benefits.
No, but broadband should be subsidised and infrastructure must be improved, particularly in rural areas
Dependant on situations… example- I feel if someone has to work from home, their company should be paying for their WiFi
It should be made available to all, using Wibre if necessary, but people should pay with support with the disadvantaged...
No, but more funding should be invested in extending the fibre network - too many communities have limited connection.
No; take that money, put it into creating positive public spaces/services that offer those services instead, such as libraries.
A minimum bandwidth for broadband should be provided for all and anything above that level can be charged, but BT should be governed stricter
Internet is a large and necessary part of modern life. A basic, low bit-rate should be available to all citizens with cheaper upgrade packages.
Inițial connectivity and infrastructure should be free, then access paid as a service like electricity
No, but it should be cheaper and available to every household. Low-income families should be able to apply for support
The government should mandate availability across all of the UK and subsidise it low income households. And prevent ISPs from exploiting consumers.
They should provide free internet to all homes with an average of 1Mbps speed, but not necessarily broadband speeds for free.
Make pricing fairer. Stop companies ramping up monthly prices. And help to those who can’t afford it
Yes, but only for low-income families and people who need internet connection for a job that entails hybrid working.
Free internet should be provided at a certain level - like radio and tv - but not everyone needs full fiber broadband
No but all companies should have a cap on pricing to allow everybody to afford a reasonable standard of broadband connection
I think the government should provide BASIC free broadband for all homes. If people want more than a basic setup then it's up the the individual to pay for the extra costs.
Those that are in areas which broadband speed is slow should recieve standard free wifi, and if they want to upgrade to faster speeds they can do that at extra cost
UK homes should have the opportunity to apply for free broadband, not automatically given to them. This way it won't cost £50bn and will instead be a gradual process.
Yes there are a lot of people that go to school and not everyone can afford to pay for WiFi and businesses rely on WiFi for some aspects of their work
Yes, but only for families with school aged children, university students and those in reciept of benefits
No but the government needs to invest in developing infrastructure to ensure every household has access to full fiber broadband
Access to the Internet is a requirement for nearly every aspect of modern life and the proposed cost of doing so is miniscule by the standards of public spending; a national broadband service makes sense for numerous reasons.
Yes, it can be a basic package available to all but households and businesses can pay to go private and get faster speeds
Yes, provide free broadband through a nationalised BT but also allow the option for internet users to pay for a privately-owned internet provider
Nationalise the broadband providers and provide free broadband to lower income people and start up / not for profit or SME businesses
I don’t think it’s important enough to be part of a manifesto. Broadband is a £20-£30 monthly expenditure.
yes, but at what cost to the government and tax payers? this is an ideal that is only imaginable for the UK at this time.
If the broadband is bought by the government, it will be owned by the government, so there is potential that the way we use the Internet will be controlled by the government, so no!
Yes, but for those who cannot afford it by regular means. The internet is sadly required for a lot of things in this current climate, and many are missing out.
Many people are capable of paying for their broadband. However, the internet is an essential resource and lower income households should be provided with it. Full fibre broadband should also be extended to all regions with government mandate.
No but processes should recognise that not all households have internet access and allow for different ways of doing business
They should ensure high speed broadband is available at an affordable coat to all households and businesses
Broadband should only be provide for free to those who are unable to afford it, either as a monthly cost or direct benefit. The broadband being received should be adequate enough for them to go online and access public services and websites, but not necessarily to support streaming or gaming (although, most broadband is at least 20 mbps, which would allow streaming). The person receiving free broadband should be able to pick their provider and should be able to log complaints directly, as if they were the customer.
No, but there should be universally accessible public facilities like libraries to provide internet access
Yes, it's increasingly becoming an essential utility that facilitates access to opportunities and resources, and increasing access will have a positive effect on the economy
@8YPK9B4 1yr1Y
No, but cap costs of broadband similar to energy, and provide incentives for companies to provide coverage in low density population areas.
Access to the internet is vital, however we have more pressing matters at hand. This should be further down the line.
Yes, but have a choice between paying out for a privately-owned internet provider or pubibly-owned free broadband or both
Yes but have a nominal charge.
@9FLR736 1yr1Y
Yes but only the cheapest broadband that gives the basic necessities to check emails, and surf the internet as opposed to being able to 4k stream multiple devices.
It should be subsidised for those on lower incomes because everyone should have access to broadband
No, but the government should subsidise infrastructure improvements to increase access
No, but invest in providing availability to all households then subsidise it to a low rate to increase overall productivity
Yes, but only if the cost is reasonable. Also implement it gradually to prevent immediate expensive spending.
Should provide to low income families.
Yes, but only to those who cannot afford their own
No. If the government provides it, the government can use it as it wants for data mining / profiling / eves dropping
Yes, in the modern world the ability to access broadband is essential
Yes as long as we accept they can listen in. If someone doesn’t want that they can pay for it themselves.
No, but nationalise broadband provision as it is a natural monopoly
@9XCY2FVLiberal Democrat5mos5MO
No, but free public access to broadband provided by the government should be available in all libraries, schools, medical facilities and dedicated cyber hubs to ensure accessibility for all
@filly 6mos6MO
Yes, the government should aim to provide full fibre broadband to every household in the UK for free. However, the government should not provide free full fibre broadband to businesses.
they should help those who can't afford broadband especially house holds withy children who rely onm the internet for education
If we can afford it without negatively effecting the economy and still focusing on other important stuff then yes
@9TK6LNTLiberal Democrat6mos6MO
The government should create a program to help subsidize broadband, but not make it completely free.
The government should create a publicly owned telecommunications company to provide subsidized rates instead
They should give it to students whose household cannot afford it and those who may be able to use it to find a job and work from home.
Basic should be free for low income households and providers should be limited for what they can charge for upgraded services. Businesses should not receive it for free.
@9P7Q4GVLiberal Democrat 9mos9MO
The government should offer it, but it should be up to the person to decide how/if they want broadband.
There should be a sliding scale where those on universal credit etc get help to afford broadband. The same can be applied to small businesses
@9P4595XLiberal Democrat10mos10MO
The government should invest in such infrastructure, but people would still pay a fee if they use it.
@9P3FWM6 10mos10MO
Yes but only to low income households and not everyone needs full fibre broadband just sufficient wifi.
The government should incentivise the commercial sector to extend full-fibre broadband, by issuing contracts by public tender, but should not do this work itself or through a public sector body.
No, broadband should be treated as a utility (like water and energy) and ran by the government but not for free
No, they should fund libraries and other community spaces so they can provide internet access to visitors.
Yes as long as it is a good quality service and upload/download speeds are capped at the same level for everyone. The option to purchase higher quality service should remain available to those who want it.
The government should build and run a broadband network available to every business and household, but it need not be free. Just not-for-profit.
No but it should increase funding for public facilities such as libraries where people can use the internet for free.
No, but those on benefits should be able to claim a capped or reduced cost broadband from any provider.
No, but the government should properly fund nationwide rollout of fibre infrastructure & ensure the work is actually carried out so that the money is not swallowed up into corporate pockets.
Broadband should be made free from people on benefits to support looking for full or part time work.
Provide a basic free broadband through a nationalised BT but also allow the option for internet users to pay for a privately-owned internet provider
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