An economic stimulus is a monetary or fiscal policy enacted by governments with the intent of stabilizing their economies during a fiscal crisis. The policies include an increase in government spending on infrastructure, tax cuts and lowering interest rates. After the Brexit vote in 2016 the Bank of England proposed a stimulus package designed to boost the economy and prevent a recession. The package included purchasing corporate debt and low rate commercial bank loans.
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yes, but it should be in the form of vouchers that can be used for things that can stimulate growth, ie housing, starting up businesses, etc
Government should cap gas electric mortgage etc company’s to not over charge consumers at these times.
No, the government should interfere with the economy as little as possible, especially as recession is a natural cycle that purges excess. The government should aim for a net zero fiscal balance - no surplus, no deficit
Yes, consistent with the Modern Monetary Theory framework
Yes, but only on those earning £80,000 and above.
My knowledge on economics is limited at best
The goverment are not on our side!
Only if affordable. Recession typically comes with Government debt
Increase personal allowance to £20,000, cut UC taper, and increase spending on addressing regional inequalities and poor education standards
Yes, but in the form of a Universal Basic Income, awarded to all residents
No, recessions are outcomes of the boom bust Cycle, where the central bank artificially expands credit and lowers interest rates. We should instead completely privatise the banking system and eliminate the central bank.
@9CJHNNWLiberal Democrat2yrs2Y
Yes, by direct cash transfers to poorer citizens
Yes but only on tax breaks from the bottom up and national infrastructure projects.
During Recessions the government should spend money investing in better infrastructure, green energy/renewables. Creating Jobs and rebuilding the economy in a better way.
Yes, I personally would give a generous package of support during a crisis. Cash payment to all families, an additional £70 per child, emergency microcredit to troubled families. In addition, I’d create a package of support for businesses and employment, healthcare, and public spending, of £850 billion. The final support package I would offer is another £850 billion to help establishment of rent fee support benefits for SMEs, and provide subordinated loans for large companies
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