Do you agree with the UK’s Brexit decision to withdraw from the European Union?
On June 23rd 2016 UK voters approved the EU membership referendum 51.89% - 48.11%. The referendum resulted in a vote for the EU to leave the UK. A majority of voters in the England and Wales voted to leave while a majority of voters in Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to stay. Proponents of the exit argued that EU membership undermined the UK's sovereignty and leaving would help the UK control immigration. Opponents of the exit argue that leaving the EU would damage trade, cause unemployment and harm foreign investment.
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Stop 90% of foreigners from entering the uk. The people are tired of it and would also love to ban Islam at any cost. Further permitting the free parading of Islam and the laid back migration process will inevitably result in a cultural meltdown.
No but only because of the way the campaign popularised racism
Yes to having our own laws recognised but NO to destroying our cordial relationships with our European cousins. Recognition for us living on an island with limited physical resources by the europeans would have gone a long way to have knocked the whole leave/stay malarky on its head. Living on the continent seems to make it impossible for them to understand the islander mentality after all they can just move/get things from/to new areas whilst we fall into the sea! (effectively we live in a cage whilst they are free---result different mindsets/different attitudes/different ways of dealing with life/different priorities)
No, the UK has always been culturally, politically and economically tied with Europe, and the choice to leave the EU has negatively impacted both our economy and diplomatic relations with Europe, whilst creating division in the West that has been exploited by Russia and right-wing extremists across Europe. However, the EU is not perfect, and a better alternative to either outright leaving or outright remaining would be to have reformed the EU so as to consider the needs of individual countries in addition to the needs of the overall Union.
No, it was a no-deal pushed by UKIP despite having no seats. It has damaged both the economy and reputation of the country.
There should have been no referendum. I voted remain but do not think rejoining is sensible at this point.
Yes because it was voted for, but it was a bit of a pass the buck exercise from the government so they could remain blameless. Overall I think leaving the EU has crippled the economy and taken away any leg we had to stand on when negotiating trade deals.
I'd rather remain in the EU.
Referendum result needs to be respected
No and we should rejoin the EU
I do not agree with the EU's neo-liberal agenda, but nor do I believe free movement should have been ended.
No, the uk should immediately re-join the EU and it’s institustions like the Schengen area and the Eurozone
I respect the democratic will of the British People even if I disagree, however we should maintain a close relationship with the EU and string trade ties
Yes, but maintain free trade agreements with EU nations and don't stop immigration completely, but rather, slightly stricter rules so that the needy may enter and seek asylum or better opportunities.
My opinion is this regardless whether this country is in it or not I will still work around it. I am not a big fan of the EU the political side that is however I do like the free trade agreements and the free travel as well now that we are out of it. This country should focus on keeping tires with other nations. We should stay in the Schengen zone but most importantly this country primary focus should’ve been securing closer ties with Canada Australia and New Zealand and create their own union possibly even a federation. This could give the UK greater power anchored granted superpower… Read more
It is up to the people of the country on if they want to join the EU, though I believe that if the UK wants to leave the EU, they should form CANZUK with Canada, New Zealand and Australia
Whilst it will and is causing great financial issues at the moment, I believe that economic globalisation is harmful to society
Maintain free trade agreements + live up to promised policies, re-strategies and create new trade bloc.
I believe it was a bad decision at the time and that it shouldn't have happened or should happen in the near future, but I see leaving the EU as something that will most likely have to be done sometime in the future.
Yes and No. Yes because we can make our own rules and no because we should still have free trade and freedom of movement with the European Economic Area and Switzerland.
@B26KWF2 2mos2MO
No. This was a method done for the richer to get richer and for the rich to look for other ways to exploit the poor.
Yes but we should have aimed for a deal more similar to what Norway has where we are not in it but hold close ties.
No absolutely not. It's not acceptable to almost crash 4 countries's economies because leaders want to restrict immigration.
No because the facts were not clear but we should maintain free trade agreements with the EU and accept the reality of Brexit.
Yes but we should have aimed for a model similar to Norways Norway-Berges model where we are still partly in it?
Yes but we should have aimed for a complete seperation but aimed for something similar to the Norway-plus model
Work with the EU nations for limits on migration and maintain the freedom of people and free trade agreements.
I think the UK should have left but should have tried to retain our positive relations with other European countries and also aimed for a model similar to the Norway bergies model.
Yes it was a good idea to leave however, we did not get a good deal and we have controlled our boarders properly.
I think yes the UK should have left but maintained a model similar to Norway where they are not in the EU but do still cooperate with them similar to the Norway Berges model.
We should have left the EU but aimed for a similar structure Norway has with the Norway Burges model.
Yes but leave the economic treaties in regards to spending, and stay in the Customs Union and Single Market
Yes, on the off chance than they maintain strong relations and do not do it for patriotism or a firm belief that the UK is superior in some way.
It is a good idea in theory, but the UK government should use it's independent law making ability more widely to have a simplified regulatory regime when compared to Europe, while retaining alignment in key trade areas where the economic benefit of doing so is far greater.
We should have stayed in. As I predicted, leaving has brought **no discernible benefits** and has instead unleashed a range of **negative consequences**. The expected gains haven't materialized, and the challenges we now face—economic instability, trade complications, and political division—have only grown. Furthermore, immigration should have been managed with **specific control measures** regardless of our EU status. **Unfettered free movement** isn't necessarily ideal, but this could have been addressed without leaving, ensuring a balanced approach that maintained the benefits of collaboration without undermining control.
No defiantly not, we should re enter the customs union Anne single market asap and rejoin when political conditions are right.
I would have voted remain at the time, but was living abroad. Now I just accept that it's the case and we have to move forward.
Originally yes but as we were lied to, not told the full story and because it was badly handled my answer now is no.
No - but now it has happened I don't think we should rejoin and instead use it as an opportunity to pay less money out to other countries and take back control of our borders
No but we shouldn't re-join as they will try to punish for us leaving and the EU government is a lot more crooked than most European governments
I disagreed with the Brexit decision in 2016 but respect democratic vote and want it done properly so we at least get some benefit from it.
@9992HTR 8mos8MO
Yes, in principle I support any nation being able to choose their own destiny, especially through the democratic will of the people.
Another multilayered issue, both being in and out of the EU brings its issues and benefits, we can only see where we are and look to improve the future.
A deal with the EU would be needed prior to another national referendum. Brexit rightly or wrongly was chosen by British public. If joining Europe change in currency should be considered.
@9QPN449 8mos8MO
Any vote that comes within a 2% margin should be have a revote, and be delayed by a month. A vote that is near 50/50 shows there is not enough knowledge to certify a vote.
From an economic perspective yes, but social factors such as freedom of movement and migration should be re-negotiated as part of a separate agreement - these are two different issues that shouldn't be combined into one membership agreement with the European Union
No I do not agree.! This was the most stupid decision I know of that England has ever made in it’s entire history
Whilst I agree we should have stronger borders and a higher control on immigration, I have yet to see the benefits of brexit. I think it’s important to keep strong relations with our bordering countries and countries of the EU, we should however have a control of our own decisions as a country.
No, but it happened. The decision should be respected and carried out, instead of trying to back peddle.
No, but to re enter now would be at a massive disadvantage and we would not be given any power or say in decisions made by the eu and not taken seriously
@9QKM2CJLiberal Democrat8mos8MO
We need a close trading agreement with Europe, but we need to restrict the amount of people allowed to enter the UK - we are full to bursting
No I do not agree, I believe we weren’t told how much it would change our country and the repercussions that there would be with how the living situation would be affected
No, and I am extremely disheartened that despite Scotland voting to stay they were forced to leave - it should be a separate decision for each nation to chose
Yes, but I believe the process was messed up by the Conservative Party and the full benefits of Brexit have not yet been achieved.
I think that the UK, should be separate from the EU, but they should have done it, during a prosperous economic time, not when the country was going through Austerity
I have mixed feelings as I feel the EU has undemocratic tendencies and should be reformed to serve member states better
Yes, but we decided to leave. And you made all arrangements with none of our inputs. Putting us in a worse position. It should have been a fresh start with fresh deal... and considering other countries not just the EU.
Each country should be in charge of its own sovereignty, rather than unelected officials making decisions that effect UK citizens with regards to UK. Free movement and free trade agreements.
Yes, if to join a left wing coalition of other left wing governments to replace the capitalist EU, no not at all on the current anti migrant basis
i don't necessarily think it was a good decision and agree that it has been harmful in many aspects, but it wasn't all bad, and i think that many of the brecht consequences were due to britains poor state of government at the time, and disagreements throughout the parties, i do not think that rejoining the EU would be beneficial and i think it would cause more harm due to the range of differing opinions within parliament
@9QF8GGVConservative 8mos8MO
No, but I believe we are slowly seeing the benefits. It has taken a lot of effort and negotiation to leave, I do not think that we should rejoin the EU.
I accept the decision of the referendum but would accept more open trade agreements that support the UK economy.
Now it’s happened it would be a mistake to go back but it’s important to improve our relationship with the rest of the EU
No, but we voted for it and must respect the democratic choice of the country and prepare for life outside of the EU to the best of our ability.
Voters were influenced by lies (£350m per day back into the NHS) to leave Europe - we should have a referendum
I voted remain, but leave won, I don't like it but that's democracy for you and you have to honour that
The lack of preparation and understanding of the consequences has been horrific and cost everyone. Trade agreements need to in place but not at any cost.
Yes but there needs to be effective solutions to the issues faced by both england and the rest of the U.K and Ireland too
I do not support the EU and the lack of autonomy as a consequence of involvement, and potentially would have voted for Brexit, however the execution of the withdrawal, as been a disgrace, and we are worse off since we have left.
Yes, because it was a democratic vote. I do think we should have stayed in the European Union. I also think that better information should be circulated regarding the potential affects of voting either way. There was a lot of hype from people who adopted strong positions about Brexit which led to the public thinking they know how to vote without fully understanding the implications of what they were voting for.
No but it has happened now and we need to stick with it as our new deal to rejoin will never be as good as what we left
No but I do think the government needs to focus more on British produce, product and business over import
I voted remain but now the country voted leave we have to respect democracy and sort the best deals for our country
No. Vote leave was an unfair campaign which fed off uneducated people by targeting their internalised biases.
No longer agree as the policies were built on lies and have been unfulfilled, fuelled by racism to encourage less educated voters, and damaged national trade.
No but we should maintain our own justice system and the EU should be held accountable for ethical trading with all nations not just those in the EU
I voted remain, but it would trouble me to go back on a public vote and rejoin the EU. The relationship does need improving, but unsure how this can be achieved
I voted to remain in the EU, however now we have left I believe we should stand by this decision and would not want to rejoin the EU
No, except we do need to limit migration, we should've focused on that, free trade and free moement I agree
I now believe we should join the EEA as Brexit was poorly handled by UK (and to some extent by EU) and the current situation is no good for anyone.
No but to maintain a democracy we must respect the vote of the public. However, not enough information was circulated from government to the public on the impact leaving the EU would have on the UK, and reinjecting the money saved from leaving the EU into the NHS as promised has not happened.
The referendum was a farce. The general public were not well enough informed to understand the issues.
@9PNCRJD 8mos8MO
I do not agree or disagree with the decisions there are valid arguments for leaving and staying. I appreciate not being tied down by some EU rules, but miss freedom to live and trade more easily within EU.
I really thought that we would have company’s to just sell British only, to sell a high quality product. The government have not even put everything into place so we can move forward
@9PN6W4QLiberal Democrat8mos8MO
It’s happened. It wasn’t what I voted for, but i can see things happened recently in Europe that I would not have wanted to be part of. If we can get our act together we can make it work. There were some good things about Europe that it would have been good to keep. Hopefully we can one day incorporate those elements back into our relationship with Europe
Yes, but it is clear that the UK was really not prepared for the yes vote and did not negotiate well on the withdrawal.
You government introduced Brexit after the people voted to leave the EU. The people had no say on Brexit - it's the government of the day's concept and not the people's
I did not vote to leave the EU and I was not happy with the decision at the time. However this is what the general public voted for so we need to get on with it now.
@9PLDZTKConservative 8mos8MO
Yes, the EU is totally corrupt Members of the European Parliament are over paid and it is a money gravy train for usually failed politicians from their own country.
i think it's important to devolve power but i don't agree with how it has been done. it depends on the relationship we can make and the legislation we implement afterwards. unified standards are a good thing in food etc.
It's a complex issue with lots of pros, but ultimately was probably done for bad reasons and in a bad way
was undecided - but found the brandishing of statements like £xbn would go to NHS if we leave to only be backtracked. Also the fact the PMs failed at hurdles and new ones we didnt even vote for came in - on repeat.
Yes, but maintain free trade agreements with EU nations No, but renegotiate for strict limits on migration into the country and the terms of our monetary contribution
Yes but maintain free trade agreements with EU nations and agree no limited EU travel for UK passports
I disagree with Brexit but I also don't like the EU because it's a capitalist system which funnels money into the rich of Western Europe.
I don’t agree with the decision any longer, but I believe that now we are out of the U we should commit to improving our current situation rather than faking to be let back in and going through the long, expensive and arduous process once again.
No, the result should have a minimum swing of 5% and exit strategy should have been better negortiated
The decision was already taken so might as well stick to it. If it was not property thought through why now?
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