This considers the use of AI algorithms to assist in making decisions such as sentencing, parole, and law enforcement. Proponents argue that it can improve efficiency and reduce human biases. Opponents argue that it may perpetuate existing biases and lacks accountability.
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Yes, but only with strict oversight, transparency, and in a manner that complements rather than replaces human judgment.
Perhaps in the future, when there's sufficient evidence that AI can in-fact be a reliable contributor.
Not indefinitely but it helps bring out a truly unbiased source (only if the AI is unbiased) into the conversation.
It might be a good idea for low level magistrates court, for thing like low level driving offenses (speeding etc)
No for now until it can be shown to work. But ultimatly it working alongside a human to ensure even and far treatment would be good
@9QDVJWV 8mos8MO
Sometimes the human emotion can make the wrong decisions and having a non emotional processing for some decisions would help prevent this
Ai will be entirely fact based. However, ai don’t necessarily have programmed human feelings. It would need to take into account the people impacted by a crime to dish out a correct sentence without a personal bias.
No, a computer cannot be held accountable and is not infallible so it must never be put in charge of management decisions.
When used with discretion and oversight of a person, it should be tool available to use but never make the sole judgement
AI can be used alongside and as comparison to human decisions, as a moderation. It would be dangerous to rely soley on AI at this early stage of development
It should he used to ASSIST with decisions, ensuring consistency.
Yes, but only in an advisory capacity. The judge has the final say.
@9PXXH5K 8mos8MO
I think it should be trialled and considered at least as an aid depending on the results of the trial.
I think it could be used effectively to support decisions and guide discussion but not be the final point
@9PV7DPW 8mos8MO
No. Not yet. AI is not yet dependable enough and the information it is built on is biased. So more discrimination would be likely.
It could be used to assist in decision making, helping to avoid unconscious bias, and remembering all of the presented evidence
A computer must absolutely NEVER be permitted to make decisions regarding the rights and freedom of living beings. It does not currently possess the development and ability to do so in a way that would be fair or justifiable, nor does it have any grasp of nuance. A computer cannot be held accountable, ergo a computer should not make decisions regarding peoples lives.
Sounds like a good idea, however when a mistake is made the victim or the defendant will pay the price!
Yes, but make it a local AI, trained exclusively on previous court cases and existing law (no Internet access)
Yes but only if it can be assured that the AI system cannot develop bias or prejudice, maintaining neutrality
@Sum_WunLiberal Democrat 8mos8MO
Not exclusively, but there's no reason why it shouldn't be used by justices to assist their decision making, so long as this is made clear when decisions are handed down.
@9P3C6ZK 8mos8MO
I think it should be allowed to be used to help search other cases as a search tool but it should play no impact in the actual decision. It can also be used to help check and verify bias and issue guidance.
It until we are way down the line in terms of capability, including a true understanding and application of morality as well as the law.
No, AI can be used to compile case notes, but a human or jury must make the final decision on charging or sentencing.
No, I think AI has its place within the Justuice system, but I think important decisions require a judge or mediation.
Yes but there should be a full investigatory body who audits the decisions and why the AI came to its decision to limit overreach.
Yes but code should be independently reviewed by many technical parties to ensure AI is not inherently biased based on inputted code.
Yes if t can be proven that people with have far trials. The current system allows bias to influence opinions instead of relying on the the evidence at hand.
Maybe - if it is based on the evidence and not opinion it could work, but humans would have to oversee it.
AI should only be used for low-criminal cases to allow workers to put more time into more serious casrs
AI could be a useful tool to aid legal teams reach an outcome but should not be relied on and used alone and without any human expertise or input
maybe trial it? in some stances it could help but may not match equivalence to a bad crime sometimes.
AI should be used in the longer term (once fully trained up) to support the decision made by humans.
Yes, but only admin/paperwork duties - mental health assessments and guarding duties should still be in our control
No, human judgement needs to be the sole decider in the criminal justice system to account for emotion
I would need to know more information to answer this one
Yes, provided the system used to assist has well defined parameters to prevent bias etc
as it stands as a fairly new technology, not for the moment. but a provably unbiased and ethical AI would be better than the current system
It could be, but not in isolation, there should still be a balance with human input
Not currently. We need clear understanding, testing, protocols & boundaries for usage before implementing
Only after thorough research and extensive analysis
It could support decisions but requires interpretation and consideration of the source data that the AI is using
Yes, but for guidance only. Not making the decision
To assist decision making - no final decision without human assessment
It should be used to give guidance or analyse material, but not automatically decide.
Yes but only if it considers all evidence provided and is not mislead by a lawyer attempting to lessen or get their client off free of charge.
not yet but in the future it should be used as an initial step to categorise and then allow for human judging after
Yes, but it still needs layers of human verification
Yes but only if there is a hung jury to prevent cost and stress to victims of doing the whole process again
@LeucoholyGreen 8mos8MO
No, because this has the risk to be abused & programmed to be biased against minority groups. See: GCSE & A-level results from 2020 under Boris Johnson's government.
In more simple criminal cases yeah but more complex and more sensitive cases need humans to make decisions
Yes, but only when AI can explain why it made its decision and always subordinate to final human judgement.
Yes in the future when ai has been perfected. Right now there’re too many biases as ai data was mainly entered by white men
Privatize and deregulate the criminal justice system and allow them the autonomy to decide for themselves if they want to use AI or not
Only if there is proven evidence of the AI having no bias and an accurate understanding of illegal human behaviour and rights.
Only when the technology is reliable and guides a human-made decision, instead of being the deciding vote.
No. AI is still very unstable and inaccurate and should never be used to make any decisions, especially not in a court of law.
It could be used as a tool to aid legal teams and increase their efficiency but not be solely relied on
No, but it should be used as a tool to help make the decision.
Yes, but have a human panel to vote on whether or not it should be accepted.
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