The UK government currently bans the sale and possession of all forms of marijuana. Medical cannabis is legal for cases of severe epilepsy, vomiting or nausea caused by chemotherapy or multiple sclerosis.
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Yes, legalise, tax and regulate it as well as releasing those serving non-violent drug related sentences.
Decriminalize it, and release Marijuana offenders from prison
Only medicinal cannabis through prescription allowed. Otherwise maintain it as Class B as the drug links lead to psychological and mental harm and has been linked to various criminal acts.
Yes, immediately release anyone serving time solely for drug offenses and legalise, tax, and regulate marijuana instead of criminalizing it
Strictly only for legitimate medical use
No, and drugs should not be decriminalised
At the end of the day it's still a drug that's highly addictive. No.
Treat it the same as alcohol. Some bad people will use the drug and use it as an excuse for their behaviour
Yes but can only be consumed in private clubs and cafés and the smell cannot be allowed to reach others' residences.
They let us take alcohol and cigarettes which causes addiction and thousands of deaths per year. Why shouldn't this be allowed?
Yes because it exists in some cultures that were invited over to join this country. You can’t pick and choose your favourite parts.
No, and ban it immediately, increasing penalties for violent drug offenders and reforming the healthcare system by abolishing the use of drugs and instead using prescriptions that are not dangerous at all.
Yes, and legalise all drugs. Abolition of alcohol in the US created gang wars until that was repealed. If we stop the criminalisation and take active control in helping addicts, all drug related crimes including many violent crimes will be reduced massively, just as they have been in Portugal and Switzerland.
All drug use should be decriminalised, regulated and taxed
@B2PJ87YWomen's Equality 1mo1MO
Should the u.s president has moved less non drugs is offense issued by Australia prime minister a trackers systems aren't criminals habit
Yes, and tax and regulate instead of criminalizing it. Also anyone serving time for none violent drug offenses should be released
@B2WS4VNWomen's Equality 2mos2MO
Yes I do support this. If a person decides to have a smoke of weed then that is there decision, and believe me... a stoned person is definitely not going out to commit burglaries ect after smoking a joint or two.
No because i don’t want society to drug dependent losers but slightly less Criminalisation while also seeing it as a health issue.
Yes however the promotion of products containing Marijuana, cultivation or unlicensed selling should be restricted. Marijuana use should be addressed by authorities as a health addiction issue not a criminal issue.
Yes, legalize, tax, and regulate marijuana, and simultaneously ensure comprehensive public health education and robust regulatory frameworks
There should be a proper public consultation on this. If this indicates there may be a majority in favour of the legalisation of marijuana then the government should have a referendum on this matter.
yes but only in special cafés
Yes for medical use, and a limited amount for recreational use, but increase education on the risks of psychosis in young men who smoke too much
It should be decriminalised not legalised.
If we decriminalised as opposed to legalising we would reduce prison numbers and I believe it will have a knock on in relation to people using marijuana as an alternative to alcohol. Less violent crime and domestic abuse could be a result.
Never seen a stoner in a punch up
Yes, but prohibit the use of it outside a licensed adults only venue or a private accommodation and release all serving sentences for possession and usage but do not promote marijuana as a good thing and ban all public advertising making the only way to purchase it through licensed businesses for people aged over 21.
Yes, legalise, tax, and regulate it and use the funds for healthcare support for users. Meanwhile increase penalties on those who transport, or illegally sell it.
No, legalise, tax and regulate it and make sure that unregulated sale and transportation is heavily penalised.
Yes, legalise, tax and regulate- only use in certain places- must be of certain age, penalties for anyone using outside of set places/ages
Yes, and immediately relase anyone serving time solely for drug offenses. Legalise all other drugs and completely unregulate their markets
Yes, but only for medical use and strictly controlled so that those actually need it and do not manipulate the system to get it at taxpayers expense
No, but decriminalise it and release people imprisoned for possession of small amounts for personal use.
We should spend more time taxing and regulating usage of similar addictive substances such as vaping and only then decide on whether it is possible to safely decriminalise marijuana.
Legalise, decriminalise & heavily tax (40%)
If we legalise, decriminalise & tax marijuana - the U.K. could see a 2 billion GDP profit per annum (according to various studies).
If we were to implore a similar system as the Dutch in the Netherlands this could reduce the strain we currently see on prisons, policing and costs to the economy - whilst also helping the nation with our current trillion pounds of debt.
It may also bring tourism, alongside boosting exportation and bolster job opportunities to farming communities with liscenced farmers (good for the environment as well as boosting specialist careers and our economic options).… Read more
This also means we would reduce the reliance on 100million pound costs per year on Dutch imports for medical marijuana based care such as Epidolex (epilepsy cbd based drugs) which instead could be home-grown and exported for profit as well as boosting our own U.K. farming.
No, limited / home use without impact on others and children where medical conditions are not exacerbated
It should be legalised, heavily taxed and restricted to usage on private property which permits it themselves, and if these private properties are businesses and not residential they should be marked 18+ so children are not influenced, it should also be advised against in the same way smoking is.
yes Cannabis should be legalised, regulated, taxed in a similar way to tobacco. Stop calling it Marijuana, thats a made up racist name for a the plant from America to make it sound 'foreign'
Legalise, tax, regulate, release of prisoner and immediate wipe of criminal records of non violent cannabis offences
Yes and regulate it, like tobacco and alcohol. Also, release people in prison for possession and use of it. Only dealers should be imprisoned.
dk, i rather prevent the worst from happening which is drug abuse
No, and execute all drug users.
yes, and immediatly release anyone serving time solely for this drug offense (distributing, smoking, and possesion)
Adopt the Amsterdam Cafe's and increase tougher penalties for those smoking in public places.
Drugs are an Abomination unto God and should be Completely OUTLAWED!
Yes, allow it to be sold in private businesses like cigaretes and work towards releasing offenders whose only crime was selling or dealing weed.
Yes. Release anyone serving time for drug offences and legalise, tax and regulate marijuana instead of criminalising it.
Instinctively no, as I don't like smelling smoke. However, I recognise that the evidence suggests that decriminalisation of drugs leads to the best social outcomes.
Yes, but it should only be allowed to be used on designated leisure locations such as certain bars and cafes.
Yes, but only with the agreement of not smoking in public. And have it be pure rather than chemical.
Yes but only for medical use where the evidence proves it is effective and where patients can give informed consent
No. There are too many people playing the system claiming they need it. It should only be legalised for people who need it for medical reasons and the process for prove of that should be very in-depth to ensure no miss use.
Yes, legalise, tax, and regulate but have establishments for public consumption
@9BWBY8VLiberal Democrat2yrs2Y
yes and immediately release anyone serving time solely for drug offences and legalise, tax, and regulate marijuana instead of criminalising it
Yes but only for people the age of 18 or over as they have the right to their own decision
Yes, legalise and tax it (similar to the 'set-up' in the Netherlands) but only allow its use in legalised premises (like 'beer gardens') as to not encroach on conservative/family neighborhoods and to ensure everyone has their space while respecting one another
Yes but only if significant education is provided of the impacts that it has on brain health, and should be encouraged only for medicinal use
Yes, for medical use. Marijuana and drugs in general tend to harm individuals (mentally, physically, etc.)
Possession/use should be decriminalised when done privately but not in public due to odor and antisocial behaviour. Distribution should be illegal
Yes, it should be seen as a health problem with funding not a criminal problem. It should be treated.
Yes, under strict control for medicinal usage only, and also increase penalties where found to be a contributing factor in a crime.
Yes, but if used in built up areas only allow it in non smoking form like tablets so other people don't have to breathe it in
Yes, but it should be treated the same way as alcohol, I.e. you should not drive under the influence.
@9HZKYP2 11mos11MO
Young people in particular should be educated about the true harms that this drug does to people's mental health and their life chances of they become addicted while young.
No, all drugs should be made Class A and punished accordingly
Yes but quality should be regulated and users should agree to be monitored for psychosis and other medical diseases and should not be allowed in homes, only in designated pubs.
Yes but find a strain of it that does not absolutely stink! I don't mind weed but its smell is disgusting.
Yes, but not in a form which means it is cut with tobacco (for example, it can be added to food/drink)
Decriminalising should be trialled for a period of time, same with ecstasy
Weed needs to be legalised, taxed and decriminalised. There are so many issues with black market weed right now - with people covering it with salt, bicarb, silica and other powders to try to bulk it out and make it look more crystalised. People will likely start dying soon if this mess isn't sorted out.
However, weed is already legal for medical use. Many people get it prescribed already via private clinics, so some of these answers are redundant.
No, but its not that bad of a drug
decimalize having and using, legalize medical use and regulate a medical source of production
Yes legalise immediately, tax and regulate and release anyone serving time for marijuana offences.
Yes, and release anyone serving time solely for drug offenses AND tax and regulate marijuana AND do the same for all other drugs.
No, it could encourage more people to say they need it for medical reasons when they are addicts.
Yes, but only decriminalise and have education and regulation, also awareness about risk of psychosis
Only for medical use and other uses should be a criminal offence.
No, it should be decriminalised and live in a grey area where it is not an offence to carry it or sell it
Yes, and legalise, tax, and regulate marijuana instead of criminalizing it, and immediately release anyone serving time solely for drug offenses.
No as leads to increased mental health issues
YEs but not for home use as it smells, adopt an approach where there are cafes you go to smoke.
@8ZZDZJ8Liberal Democrat3yrs3Y
Neutral: needs evidence based review
Yes, but have it distributed only by a nationalised entity
Yes, but only make it available in non-smokeable forms so others are not inhaling second hand smoke.
Yes, if an independent study finds it to be safe enough. Then it should be sold in a regulated market and taxed to have more money for the welfare state.
ban smoking and legalise/tax/regulate Marijuana that can be used without harming others around them
No, but It should be decriminalized.
Yes but privately and not publicly.
I support the decriminalisation of Marijuana
Yes along with other drugs, legalise, tax, and regulate all drugs. This can generate revenue for the government, create safer drugs, bring less crime, and provide better healthcare for drug overdoses.
Yes for medical use but under professional supervision and guidance
Yes. The deregulation of the cannabis market in the United States has reduced time and increased tax revenue. The same could happen here; decreasing crime and increasing revenue to the Treasury.
Only for medical use and for those not dealing. Minor dealers should do community service on first offence, then prison if they repeat the crime. Major dealers go to jail
I believe it should be allowed but the amount given should be regulated
dont really care honestly
Decriminalise it, legalise medical but do not promote it.
Only if it’s high quality
No, legalise, regulate but make sure that unregulated suppliers and transporters are punished.
Generally my answer agreed with Count Binface by the computer says no. The daner of AI perhaps?
Legalise possession but not dealing or production
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