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Yes, but I think that if the European union isn't a theocratic pro-american alliance then it should just be abolished


No, it should stand at the current number of 27, with the monitoring of all the members in the E.U. who aren't aligned with all the current, and up to date E.U. regulations and legislations. The other countries that are ''candidates'' should only be the part of an extended union, so-called 2nd tier. They should not be allowed to join the existing 27 countries. E.U. should not be expanding any more under any circumstances. E.U. also should constantly monitor all of its members for the corruption, slow bureaucracy, funding, etc. Members such as Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Malta, Hungary and Cyprus should all be monitored for the extended periods of time. Schengen privileges should be revoked if members do not continue progress.


It should be the true power states who are protecting the area to make the calls not everyone as there is conflict zones or Turkish and Greeks etc who you can't please everyone


It does not work now it costs vast sums and each country loses a little more democracy with each new law


I think we should get rid of the European Union as it’s more of a dictatorship and that’s what we fought so hard against and many people lost their lives.


Too many countries with different economic potential mean that detailed solutions to challenges are often not possible to develop


I would rather make the Untied Nations have more real authority, so any and all nations which abide by human rights can share in the protection, trade, and open borders with each other.

 @9J7HYJW answered…1yr1Y

EU expansion should be limited so as to ensure it remains democratic and not too financially burdened


No, but all member states need to have the ability to meet stand alone financial independence before being allowed to join.


NO the EU has thrived in the 21st century due to expansion into post-communist states if members are expelled and expansion banned the EU will suffer economically and internationally as countries expelled will seek closer ties with Russia and/or China


No, any country should be allowed into the EU assuming that they uphold the basic values and contribute their fair share


Yes and no. This is hard. I don't like any block trying to compete to be the wealthiest and best - it's a toxic game. At the same time, it can be good for countries to work together so closely, as long as it's for the welfare of the citizens and NOT about being a major power.


Yes. It should be left to the 10-20 top economic powers throughout Europe strictly.

 @9DGGF52 from Michigan  answered…2yrs2Y

I think it should be easier to remove countries that violate EU law like Poland and Hungary.


No - promote further membership, but only if Copenhagen criteria is met, and there is a clear majority who want membership


No, this is not relevant to the UK now we are not a member but I would rather the EU was simply a free trade agreement that we were a member of.


I am more in favour of european economic relationships whilst not being controlled centrally and member states have their own say but for security purposes stick together

 @9B7QQM2from New York  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, and the European Union should abolish its parliament and reform into a solely democratic alliance

 @96PR56JLiberal Democratanswered…2yrs2Y

No, and an ever-closer union leading to a United States of Europe should welcome any European nation which meets the democratic, economic and human rights requirements of integration - if a 2/3 majority of citizens vote to join.


Whoever wants to join the EU should be allowed to join and whoever wants to leave the EU should be allowed to leave


No but countries should be Free to leave the European Union just like Britain did


Yes, but other groups can be created under an EU umbrella providing local autonomy but with general cooperation and guidelines.


Depends on what the people of that country want. Let them vote like England did.



No, any liberal democracy in Europe who wishes to join the EU should be allowed


There should be a higher bar for entry, but other countries support them to become more economically viable.


No, but member countries should have to meet strict standards in terms of human rights and quality of life provided to its citizens and maintain them.


All countries in the continent of Europe should be part of the EU, just like all countries in the continent of Africa are part of the AU (African Union)


No but all countries should be financially secure by themselves and not reliant on others and should have comparable contributions


Don’t know. All should have a say but be held equally accountable and be financially self dependent


No, There needs to be reformes to the current union where candidates are elected and decisions can be made more fairly.

 @8SKLXRQLiberal Democratanswered…4yrs4Y

There should be a reduction because the EU only cares about western and Eastern European countries not Southern


No, countries should be free to join and leave the EU when they want to.


No, and that's a really vague question. What countries are you trying to remove?


 @8R56832Plaid Cymruanswered…4yrs4Y


Better to abolish, but no reason to reduce the number under the current system


The European Union starting as the trade association it was, should only accept countries that after a number of tests can afford to and can continually afford to pay in and contribute to the EU fairly. When it has been proven that they arn't pulling their weight, they should be dropped from the union, keeping it fair on other countries involved.



No, the problem is not the EU but what the EU is currently focus on, which is not the welfare of its citizens


The UK is out of the EU anyway. Personally, I hope the EU collapses or is abolished.


No, but no new countries should join, the EU should focus on integration rather than expansion.


All countries and people deserve a chance at a batter life and being able to develop and be able to provide for their citizens in a safe and free country




I would make an economic union with opt outs and human rights protections, with internal blocks such as a balkan or western europe one.


Yes. But powerful veto options that prevent progress should be overhauled


Several countries have not benefited from their membership. Also they are loosing their cultural identity




Yes but Turkey should be omitted and additional measures should be taken to ensure fair democracy within member states.


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