In. November 2017 French President Emmauel Marcon proposed creating a central European intelligence agency. The proposal would pool each member country’s intelligence services into a single agency which would help combat terrorism.
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No, but increase cooperation between MI6 and other EU intelligence agencies
Yes but they should not have too much power and should be regulated to make sure they are working correctly and not corruptly. Also countries should still be allowed to have their own intelligence agencies.
No, information regarding the UK should be kept to UK intelligence agencies only to protect national security.
Intelligence agencies tend to be unethical. Unless they are changed, intelligence agencies do not serve the people as much as they should.
No but they should work together more often and the work should flow through a central hub that all member states can share with one another.
No, the various European intelligence agencies are very uneven in terms of quality, many have even been infiltrated by hostile powers (Germany's BND for example).
Country's national intelligence should remain independent but I do like the idea of a Eu agency, they could work hand in hand.
While there should be a central EU intelligence agency, no country would willingly disband/merge their agencies to help one another. It isn't a wise move, and in that secret world, even if they did, agencies would still exist and do their own thing, if not at the very least constantly compete with one another.
Countries should have the option to join and vote fairly on the decision.
No, but a collaborative intelligence agency should be established to share relevant info
EU intelligence agencies should work together, but the UK should maintain its own intelligence agencies
National agencies should be maintained, and a European service created
@9DXS9BR 2yrs2Y
No, but information sharing should be standard practice.
No, but create a pan-EU intelligence alliance.
A unified intelligence agency should be established, but national intelligence agencies should also be allowed
No but they should be encouraged to work together more
No not until the EU become democratically elected
No, and abolish domestic surveillance!
No they shouldn’t be merged to create a central EU Agency. Instead I think working together with them will be the best option
@9WTN5BT 5mos5MO
No, there is strength through unity in diversity. A higher system would be useful perhaps higher than the EU.
No, but all European Intelligence Agencies should share all their Intelligence that effects other like minded countries to one another to coordinate responses.
@9QMY4TJLiberal Democrat9mos9MO
No but a A central EU intelligence agency should be created that works in parallel with member countrys intelligence services
No, but intelligence should be made available to other agencies upon request, on a case by case basis
A central EU agency should be made to combat terrorism, but this should be in addition to the current individual agencies.
They don’t share information now this has not changed in 200 years it’s every country to themselves unless it benefits them why spend for more ineptitude
@9Q6NWXY 9mos9MO
Yes, create a central EU agency as an arm of NATO, where all countries involved can have a say on how intelligence is shared and used.
@9PWDD5L 9mos9MO
I think a centralised branch must be created with representation but individual agencies are needed within their own countries. Cross -border cooperation should be encouraged though
No. But we need better ways of working cross border, and work and share information. As soon as we centralise it’ll become another cash cow
A central agency would be a great idea - although each country should retain and intelligence agency too for domestic issues
Only if there is appropriate representation of each member country's interests, with enough devolution to ensure that potential corruption within the greater organisation does not critically damage the intelligence capability of each member nation
If taken down by rising cybercrime it could result in significant damage so no but the introduction of an EU counter terrorism force who can receive info from individual intelligence agencies could work
@9P589BD 10mos10MO
No, but a central EU agency should be created in addition to the continued existence of national intelligence agencies
No, governments can change rapidly and the potential risk of confidential data being shared with hostile nations is too high.
The should for a type of intelligence union, where each member has its own services, which feedback to other agencies.
Yes and no. I agree with them merging a on some matters but I think it is important to have our own intelligence agencies
Pooling together resources from across the EU will allow for clearer communication among the national agencies.
It would only work if we didnt see the EU as multiple countries and saw it as one big country then merging would be a great idea. But as we are multiple countries, it would not be a good idea.
Each country should maintain their own intelligence service but there should be a high degree of cooperation between EU and affiliated countries
No but more cooperation should happen to stop organised crime and terrorism across all European countries not just EU ones.
@9N3PGPXLiberal Democrat10mos10MO
They shouldn't be merged, but more intelligence sharing similar to the Five Eyes program is a good idea
@9N224LH 10mos10MO
While we ought to encourage co-operation between governments, I feel as if any intelligence service limits transparency and we ought to minimise the use of intelligence services altogether.
No, each country needs their own intelligence agencies to be nationally secure. However, there should be better communications between agencies to allow discussions/tracking of threats to the wider area.
No, but the EU should be able to provide regulatory oversight of and conduct inquiries into the intelligence agencies of its member states
We should be increasing our own Intelligence Agencies first, but collaborate with some other countries that are trusted allies.Not all EU Countries can be trustworthy.
No, countries require their own intelligence, but their should be a Central EU intelligence Agency with representatives of all countries
Shared intelligence could put the uk in a Vulnerable position Regarding national security however Intelligence should be merge to protect our national security also
I believe in working with other European countries and on sharing intelligence . I see a role for such an organisation on top of Uk intelligence but fear Brexit will have prevented increased cooperation such as this question suggests.
No, a single intelligence surveillance system encourages Orwellian control. Intelligence agencies should cooperate with one another more openly though.
this is a bit controversial. in theory it sounds great, it could be however a dangerous weapon in the wrong leadership
There's no need to merge agencies, but set up something similar to EUROPOL wherein there's a central agency for EU-wide collaboration on intelligence matters.
No, these agencies already work with each other and pass critical information. Most importantly having one huge intelligence agency means with the wrong influence, a person, a company or a government could have complete control of it to the detriment of everyone else.
We should not amalgamate intelligence services, however greater cooperation between EU nations would be of benefit to all states’ security interests.
They should not be merged, but they should work together, and a central EU agency should instead be formed.
They should remain indepenendant but there should also be a central EU agency which pools resources, similar to Interpol
No, but increase sharing of data only if there are national security concerns involving two or more countries.
No, but allow easier access for intelligence sharing in order to combat secrecy and hostilities among various countries.
There should be more communication against common enemies, but each country should have (or not have) their own intelligence agency
I can see how this would work. It would need some research first, and clear communication on how it would work.
No, but there should still be a joint EU intelligence service that works in collaboration with each country
Yes and no, keeping ourselves safe is crucial but the being part of the EU and keeping ties is important to not isolate ourselves
The EU should have a Central Intelligence Agency but members should be able to have their own which act somewhat independently
It would be good to have an EU agency, but not instead of individual country agencies.
Only if the agencies cooperate.
No they should work closely together though
No, countries should have the authority to handle their national security independent of other nations. However, there should be an additional joint organization to combat terrorism.
Member nations should have the right to retain an independent intelligence agency, but combat terrorism and organised crime via a central EU agency.
No, but they should participate in cooperation
Yes, but not at the expense of existing National intelligence agencies
No, but should cooperate to a greater degree
They should not be merged but should feed into one
No, but intelligence should be shared across allied nations
Why can't countries collaborate with one another, instead a central EU agency. 5 eyes for example.
should still keep their own but also have a shared one
yes but each agency still operates in it's respective country aswell
No, but increase sharing of information, particularly for international criminals
should all intelligence agencies globally be mocked and exposed?
There should be a central EU agency alongside separate agencies for each member country, with high levels of cooperation, aiding trust.
No, but there should be increased communication between member countries to combat terrorism.
No, but increase cooperation between already existing agencies
A central agency should exist, but not at the cost of removing domestic agencies
Yes but also maintain their individual intelligence agencies.
Somewhat, there should be intelligence agencies for separate countries as well as an EU intelligence agency
More information should be shared between agencies
@92PHY3YLiberal Democrat3yrs3Y
Yes but only with trusted members of the eu
That is a matter for the countries within the EU, not the uk
Agencies should not be merged, but there should be a separate EU agency created
No, but they should have an almost coalition, to make sure they can both work independently and together.
@92DPXLVLiberal Democrat3yrs3Y
No, but should be open sharing
No, the EU should not act as the head of a federal state
I think it dangerous if one autonomy has tooo much power
No, but continue cooperation
Only if Europe becomes one state
all countries should have access to any intelligence whatever country has it
No, But we should make an agreement to share intelligence.
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