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382 Replies


Yes, and take religion out of marriage and instead make it a legal decision, as a contract between two people. Religious people can have their own separate ceremonies.


Yes Take the government out of marriage and instead make it a religious decision

Let 'marriage' be a religious sacrament, like e.g. baptism, no state involvement. If people want to enter into legal contracts with their partner they can form a civil partnership.



I am not religious. What now?


No, allow civil unions but don’t call it marriage

I think by "religious" in this case can also mean that it's just between you and the person you love, no government involved in it.


Gays and lesbians and trans deserve not to be a thing it is bad for people and human society and population and more it’s destroying the world

 @B37KJK7 disagreed…2wks2W

Science has proved that LGBTQ is common in nature. Why shouldn’t they be allowed to marry?



Can you explain how it is bad for people, human society, population and how it is destroying the world?

I am married to a woman. I am happy and hurting no one. We plan to have children so that removes the population issue. My wife and I both have great jobs, we contribute to society, my wife provides life saving treatment and I maintain UK infrastructure. I would say we are beneficial to people and human society and are doing the complete opposite of destroying the world (I personally am rebuilding the world).

Our sexuality and marriage status does not make us bad people, however your homophobia does.


Everyone be what they want i have no issues with that just don’t try and force it upon others or challenge people for not agreeing, people need to respect that not everyone will have the same views and opinions



So I should ignore people who tell me I don't deserve to live because of who I chose to marry?

Sorry, no. I will call out bad behaviour because I do deserve to live. Being gay is not a choice and if people were more accepting then we wouldn't need pride. You are kind of shooting yourself in the foot here...


The world is changing - yes homophobia is still alive.. however the poll ?!? that is an achievement. Personally surpassing my expectations, I don't think the following person meant anything bad at all, they accept the lifestyle - however they don't think it should be forced upon others and I personally agree. Free will is a beautiful thing and we should all respect each other. Additionally we need to respect others choices and love interests , of course you don't deserve that abuse, the best thing you can do is turn that hate into empowerment and better yourself for the greater…  Read more


Yes, and reduce any government funding, assistance, or support for any religious organisation which refuses to comply

 @9QQJ26D disagreed…2mos2MO

No, allow civil unions but don’t call it marriage

If a same sex couple goes to eg. a christan church and is denied marriage, the church should be penalised? What are they doing in a church?? That would be penalising religion itself. The state should never interfere in religious institutions or support them in the first place.

 @9FL5NJN answered…1yr1Y

Yes and criminalise those who don’t support it. It’s homophobic and we should be working to a more inclusive and diverse society


No because I think that boys will never be girls girls will never be boys and therefore there is no need to marry each other



So you disagree that I, a woman should not be allowed my marry my wife, also a woman because you are transphobic?


Holy matrimony is a religious issue. Civil partnerships are there for same sex or non religious couples


No, marriage is a religious matter and should be up to the church to decide. Civil Unions should offer the same rights as marriage.


Yes and churches should be forced to allow same sex marriages… love thy neighbour - unless he is homosexual.


I don't believe the government or the churches can or should interfere with two consenting adults

 @99D5P6MSinn Féinanswered…2yrs2Y

Absolutely not, it is abhorrent that such things occur, and it is despicable to me.



No, remove marriage and make everyone get civil partnerships. It's really a decision to involve the government in your taxes plus a party so what does it matter?


No, marriage should be defined as between a man and woman and LGBT Marriage should be criminalized


Absolutely Not! It is another way of causing our society to degrade even further! It goes against our moral and spiritual growth.


Yes definitely, everyone is equal no matter what sexual orientation you are and it’s stupid that it’s even questioned!


Why wouldn’t someone support gay marriage? It’s normal and natural, it shouldn’t even be called “same-sex” Marriage, It’s just marriage and it sucks that people are so ignorant and biased towards homosexual/people attracted to the same gender/sex.

 @B37KJK7 answered…2wks2W

Yes, and uk should make it a count fully as a marriage not a civil partnership

 @B34TFWGIndependentfrom Nevada  answered…3wks3W

No I don't support I think it is a sin but it is not fair for gay couples not to have the same rights as a straight couples.


No but that doesn’t mean I don’t believe in peoples choices. I wouldn’t want it but others out there decide as long as it’s nowhere near me.

 @B2YCJGMLiberal Democratanswered…4wks4W

I don't agree with it but making it illegal in a country which isn't even majority religious would be absurd. So I don't like that it's now legal but I'm not in favour of making it illegal immediately.

 @B2WS4VNWomen's Equality answered…4wks4W


Of course I fully agree with same sex marriage. What right does religion or politics have to interfere between the love of two people?


I think it shouldnt matter but only girls should go to the girls toilet and men in the mens toilet dont mater if ur trans or anything thats not a excuse

 @B272872 answered…2mos2MO

Yes, The State shouldn't get in the way of two consenting adults but private property owners should have the right to discriminate if they want

 @B22VCHZReform UKanswered…3mos3MO

I consider marriage to be for a man and a woman, who'll make a family. I think they should have the same rights, but as a different name.

 @9XMH825 from Leiria  answered…4mos4MO

I support the rights of couples of whatever configuration to have the same access to the law, but that also requires a major overhaul of the justice system.


Yes, able to marry in register offices, but places of worship will have the authority of whether matrimony of that kind can take places in that particular place of worship.


I believe marriage to be a fundamental commitment between a man and a women and to bring life into the world. However I don’t particularly care of a gay couple get married it goes against what I believe but if that’s what they want to do then there’s no harm in that. Also I would like to add that I believe the government should give more incentives to men and women marriages when they have children as family and prosperity of a new generation should be core values in every society.


Marriage is, and always has been, based on religion and as such should be under the control of the religious houses. If you're not religious then enter into a civil partnership which by law needs to reflect the same rights and privilege as a marriage. This will allow the freedom of same sex marriages/partnerships and allow the churches the freedom to decide too.


I feel marriage is a form of slavery and gay people should not be oppressed the way heterosexuals are.


Based on social media may e higher .I had MySpace and beb could. What iv herd I'd b shocked as a 30 p!us woman ...need to rules


No, marriage is between a man and a woman and churches should have the right to refuse marrying same sex couples.


Yes, and remove religious loopholes to discriminate. If the loophole is to stay then remove their charitable status.


Is it really relevant in this day and age people should do what makes them happy so long as they don’t hurt anyone PzS I am a heterosexual male and beleive in love and let live


Yes, but we should allow churches to have the right to refuse the service if they wish to. People have the right to get married to whichever sex they want and let them live their lives, however, I think religion is an important thing to some people and we should let people have the religion that they believe in and let them live their lives. Between religion and same-sex marriage, I don't think one or the other should be superior or the most important over the other.


It should be confined to private life and should never be taken out publicly. Education systems will discourage it. In my opinion it should be defined as between man and woman.


Remove marriage from the state. Marriage is a religious ceremony, make the legal element a civil union, let that be the only part of it that is governed by the state


No, between a man and a women. Use another word eg unioned if you must, just dont mess with language unnessesarily. Allow churches to refuse or else you dont have freedom of religion. If the state believe they are above God then the state are very blind and unfit to govorn.


No but any same sex couple in a civil partnership who pass all other conditions can adopt/foster children


This is only a matter of wording, the only difference between "marriage" and "civil-partnership" is "church" and "registrey office"

 @9PMWSRKLiberal Democratanswered…9mos9MO

We are living in the 21st century, everyone should be allowed to married to any sexuality on the planet...BOTTOM LINE!!

 @9PMSJMDLiberal Democratanswered…9mos9MO

Yes, marriage should be provided equally no matter the sexuality, provided the ones in question are consenting adults

 @9PLDZTKConservative answered…9mos9MO

No but it is a personal view, people should live their own lives as they wish but should not keep shoving their views at other people. Just live as you wish.


This is a very sensitive issue of legalisation of same sex marriage people should be allowed to do what they want it is there life.


YES! as a Lesbian all marriages should be allowed! how can you tell me who I should and shouldn't love and marry!


Yes, but I believe that if those people wish to get married that for the sake of respecting the views of those who are religious and those who wish to view their marriage as still being in some way sacred that there should be churches that do and churches that don't observe gay marriage. I think tolerance of the views of others is important even if we may disagree and see it as nothing but irrational bigotry. And equally I think they should be willing to accommodate the views of others.


Yes on the condition that laws are updated to support it. There are still loop holes and grey areas in the law when it comes to same sex relationships and if they aren't updated then its's allowed


Yes, but many religious people consider marriage to be a religious concept so they would have to be considered something else.


Yes, but call it another name of equal status as marriage to differentiate the relationship is not a male and female couple.


Yes, but allow any officiary the right to refuse, however, provide support in finding someone that will.


There should be no tax benefits to being married so same sex couples shouldn’t have a requirement to marry


Yes, no matter the relationship, all people/ families/ religions should accept that. Or you are a rotten Bigot.

Yes it is your choice and if you are a respectful kind person, than you would have the kindness and respect to accept that. No all relationships have to be opposite sex and whatever makes you happy is what you can be. Booo You Bigots. Go away if you are that flippng cruel and you should be hated for being wrong in a mean way.


I neither support or not support this - but I don't think it should be illegal. However, if the church refuses to support it I understand why and agree.


The goverment shouldn't able to force religons to conduct same sex marriages and goverment should removed marriage entirely


Yes. This is no business of anyone but the people involved. It is a civil process now so anyone can marry anyone they want (That is of age).


Yes. Marriage is an antiquated religious idea, the legal benefits award for Marriage should also be given to civil unions to remove the religious aspect from it.

 @9NNL8TBLiberal Democratanswered…9mos9MO

Yes, everyone should have the right to be able to marry whomever they want and to get married wherever they want!!


Each to their own, I used to strongly oppose it but now I feel people should have the right to be with whoever they want Straight, Gay or Trans.

 @9NDR4N2Liberal Democratanswered…9mos9MO

Yes and allow same sex couples to marry where they please without refusal based on their gender and/or sexual orientation.


make marriage a love choice and take away financial benefits, these should be benefits even if not married


A more nuanced answer again. My personal convictions would fall in one direction, but I don't think that 'morals' or 'ethics' can be regulated by any body or institution, religious, government or otherwise. Therefore, allow autonomy where this is concerned. In the past, certain parishes would decline to marry a divorcee. This wouldn't have been challenged in the same way. Allow the autonomy still, as there's always the option to move to a civil proceeding if desired.


Yes, any marriage is initially, originally and fundamentally about property ownership, and anyone who creates a family unit, should be treated the same as everyone else, regardless of sex, or religion. Property is the key here.


Yes, and it should include the right to divorce for adultery exactly the same as Heterosexual marriage.


personally, i don't, however, this is because of religious reasons once again I don't control what other people want to do or want to think and neither should anyone else so i don't see why people having same-sex marries is a problem because it doesn't effect anyone if two people of the same gender get married it won't make the world end so in that stance even though i don't believe same-sex marriage is good i still believe it should be legal


Churches should have the right to refuse, and while marriage is both a legal and religious bond, create a new term to describe any individuals who are governmentally but not religiously married.


i am muslim in my religion we don’t agree with same sex marriages. though we do respect the decision of other people.


Take the gov out of marriage and make it a religious matter BUT They should put ground rules, like not marrying minors, etc


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