Yes, and it should be illegal to burn any nation’s flag
No, I don’t respect anyone who does but they should have the right to do so
No, this is a violation of free speech
No, it’s just a piece of cloth that doesn’t represent what it should

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No but it is disrespectful and shows contempt fo any nation. Maybe a community education or order to teach respect not to spread hate.


It depends why they are burning it, it if's damaged and they are having a bonfire to clear old and broken property, fair enough, if it's a political statement then no they shouldn't do it.


No but the person behind it should be looked into for sure. What are their intents. If they hate it so muchyoud incite trouble then leave.


Any flag should be allowed to be burned, however if violence is being promoted they can face criminal charges


Yes, the flag represents the ideals a nation strives towards and the common pursuit of those ideals, not the government or the present state of the nation.


It is an intentional exercise in causing upset and distress, if you disagree with a country's politics discuss them or open areas for discussion, simply burning flags is not progressive and solves nothing. Overall it just comes across as ignorant.

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