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No, it is human nature to disagree. War is just a large scale version of this, at it's most fundamental level.
No, but that doesn’t mean we should seek out war anyway.
No I think humans are ruled by greed and tribalism innately and this will never change. This means that there will always be wars over commodities, land and resources
Waging war appears to be a part of our primal human instinct and is unlikely to ever be something made obsolete.
Some people will go to extreme lengths to protect or enhance what they believe is right or rightfully theirs and others to the same to oppose them. Almost everyone knows this is unacceptable, Hopefully war will gradually become rarer and more brief as time goes on.
I think we are more likely to destroy ourselves before that happens
So long as free will exists there will be conflict sobthe quest becomes what's first. Obliteration or loss of free will
No, humans are inherently territorial and will always have a violent streak to our nature. Despite this, further economic development, especially development which benefits wider society, can mitigate the risks of war by making people feel more comfortable and less distrustful of sharing land and resources.
War is our nature. Until the human condition evolves, no.
No. So long as humans have free will and things they desire or own conflict will be present. Extend this to a community of any size and you have war.
No, I believe there will always be tensions across the world. However I want it to be obsolete.
No there will always be an option for war to occur whether than be because of land, wealth etc. People always want power and to have more control over things. World wars may not occur be there will still be smaller ones
@9HZ279M 1yr1Y
War will always be a possibility but countries and world leaders should steer away from it and work together in aid of world peace and friendship among all nations.
No unfortunately. I'd love to see that but I don't think enough people in the power agree.
with men in power and the main objective being either wounded pride, land, money or opposing opinions, wars will never stop happening.
No I think the human race will always think war is the solution to every problem
No i do not as when political discussions between states or peoples Violence will often occur if tensions are high enough.
While war amongst great powers will decrease due to doomsday weapons, states will always seek to undermine their political rivals through support of seperatist movements, etc; hence proxy wars in the developed world will continue. A world run entirely by diplomacy is a utopia that requires everyone to be inherently cooperative with those they disagree with - which goes against human nature, sadly.
Society general improves over time. It may not seem so in the short term, but the general trend, over the longer term, will see war end
Probably not. We are social animals but as long as there are us and them, there is going to be conflict.
"Of the past 3,400 years, there has only been relative peace for 268 of them, 8% of recorded history" United Nations International School
The entire concept of us and them originates from tribalism, the arbritary division of humans into social groups not based on class, and therefore the elimination of these social differences will make war obsolete.
no humans will always have disagreements that are escalated
Not with the way we are heading. Too many selfish leaders in control/power
Much as I would love there to be world peace, it is never going to happen as someone always wants someone else’s land, resources etc
There will always be somebody who feels entitled to more. Humans are inherently selfish and will always try to take more than they are entitled to
Humans are very tribal and haven’t successfully overcame hatred overall at any point in our history.
Unfortunately not. The entire economic system of the western world depends on war to exist.
War is never really over unfortunately, there will always be tension no matter what we do to try and end it.
I’d hope that the western economic structure is not the gold standard and will eventually evolve to one in which equality and nonviolence is promoted
No, polarisation of beliefs will always end in violence
No. Humans seem to conveniently forget the horrors of war and there will always be people in power who are greedy, self serving and power hungry.
I hope so, but sadly i don’t think so, there will always be people that believe in violence and a need for war, and many of these people are in power
it's unlikely, but it would be good if we could reach a point where we have worldwide peace
@9HJZN6Q 1yr1Y
no, humans are territorial creatures and war is inevitable.
No, humans have had war since the beginning of time, it is wrong but conflict is something that i do not see being resolved ever, people are selfish and always want more
Probably not although it would be ideal if there was no war
@9HM95XTLiberal Democrat 1yr1Y
No. Regrettably, part of base human nature is envy. From envy people begin to take what they want, and eventually they are willing to kill and war over what they want and what they believe to be 'right'. We can make efforts to reduce the productivity of nuclear arms and attempt to promote global compromises, however there will always be a hierarchy supported by war.
No. I think major societal change is required. We'd be dead before war becomes obsolete, before the required changes happen. People are too greedy, corrupt and power hungry.
No, there will always be war and conflict, it can't be avoided it. But we should find how to solve it quicker with talks before we head to action
i think it is important to reach for a world that has no war, yet that idea is nearly unrealistic, i think we need to focus on humanity as a whole
That is the desired outcome, but it highly unlikely. That said we have a duty to minimise it as much as possible
No, although what war looks like will continue to change in the future.
No, there will always be reasons for war, despite most of those reasons being ridiculous and completely unnecessary. War should be obsolete, but it never will be, the human race will wipe themselves out with stupidity.
I would like to hope that we will, as a global society, one day reach the point where war is obsolete.
It is important to strive for a world without war, however it is somewhat unrealistic to think that all conflicts will be stopped. Conflicts may continue however our reactions to humanitarian crisis' can improve to keep innocent people safe again.
I would like to hope that war stops however I think if we keep having the same types of people in government (usually rich, white, old, petty men) war will never end which is not what I would want, we need better world leaders
No. There will always be bad actors. Petty, selfish people will always value their own personal gain more than the lives of those they are murdering.
Violence is an inherent part of humanity so I don't think it will ever go away. Achieving peace as consistently as possible is always the way to go and to always look for the most peaceful solution. But as long as one state has an army, ours must to. But an army must only be for self defence, not interference in foreign wars. Not our place to do so.
Possibly, but it would require technological or political developments that are beyond our ability to conceptualise at the moment.
Never, children are more able to end arguments than adults.
Education and understanding different walks of life can prevent war
@9HG4HLZ 1yr1Y
Yes. I think more people are starting to be vocal about their anti war views especially with social media. I think governments of democratic nations are pressured by the people more often, due to more awareness & activism in the newer generations, so I believe war being obsolete one day is possible.
I believe it could but it would likely take a long time
No I think there will always be war humans disagree all the time
No, evolutionary pressures will always predominate and even in post scarcity societies, population booms will eventually exhaust resources, leading to conflict. Stability is unlikely to ever be the norm of an epoch, much less the norm of all future epochs.
@9HJ25RN 1yr1Y
No, war will always be powerful and impactful and will remain the main way the oppressed fight against the oppressor or how the oppressors oppress those who were initially free.
Sadly no, and I do believe that the ratio of civilian-to-military deaths will continue to increase. The threat of nuclear war poses a greater threat than ever.
No I don't, there is too much of an economic incentive to keep war in the spotlight, especially when it comes to trade and arms dealing.
No, there will always be a reason for one culture to want to hurt another - this is human nature.
no , we crave the desire of greed too much in all aspects down to money and wanting more and more each time even if it will hurt someone we just dont care as a society anymore .
@9HKXR3Y 1yr1Y
War will only be obsolete if the human race reaches a point where logic and diplomacy are at the forefront, and prejudice and religion are removed from the equation.
I think it’s too late. So long as there are weapons and unhinged people who seek power, war will happen.
I would like to say yes we can we are capable of that ,Yet human nature through historical legacy shows that we are not capable at present of harmony ,The system we have that controls our very existence is geared for WAR. Until we change the system by which we in our daily lives we exist we will perpetuate war continually,History shows us the path to the future .The way things are does not mean that they cannot change ,It means we need to change as a populous mentally in order to enact change worldwide, From within we will the outwardly & only then will be ready to move forward knowing… Read more
It is possible, but only after society has collapsed and we have to rebuild.
I think it’s possible but extremely unlikely - there will always be contrarians trying to fight over something
No. War remains the best tool for international problem solving. As long as there are disagreements between nations there will be war.
i think it is a nice thought but there will always be people that are money and land hungry
Humans will never reach a state where war is obsolete. Our negative emotions towards each other, although terrible, are necessary in order for a society to flourish. We could not possibly live in a perfectly harmonised society (in infinite time) as we are not perfectly harmonised with each other.
War doesn’t improve people’s lives, it traumatises them and it takes innocent people away from their family.
@9K7SHRK 1yr1Y
War is pointless. It puts many strains on a country socially, economically and politically. Issues need to be resolved in a more productive way, war very rarely will target the actual issue and will just prolong things and out people in harms way due to poor communication. It is obsolete but I doubt it will ever stop.
In the words of L. Fletcher Pouty "The organizing principle of any society is for war. The basic authority of a modern state over its people resides in its war powers. . . . War readiness accounts for approximately a tenth of the output of the world's total economy."
It seems there is therefore an argument that this notion of 'preparation for war' Pouty is discussing has perhaps become a necessary evil from an economical perspective, especially for the world wealthiest nations.
The argument 'I don't agree with war' could also be considered lazy. I person… Read more
Never, we’ll eventually reach a point of most people cooperating together once we focus on space exploration and colonisation but there will always be war.
No, I think the human race will destroy itself before they reach that point, unless we managed to destroy capitalism first
Differences in culture will always mean people will war with each other. Nothing to do with capitalism. For example, extreme Islam will always be at odds with Israel.
No I believe that war will always exist so long as humanity exists
I think that there will always be some countries which suffer from political instability, or have a lack of natural resources- e, g food and water so they fight, particularly in poorer countries.
No. Conflict is used as a tool - the public learn from hardship and their behaviour is influenced by it. On a political level I don't see international peace ever being achieved, because self-interest gets in the way
There is now less war and violence than any other point in history (despite social media and the mainstream media claiming otherwise). Statically, we are on a trajectory moving away from violence and war.
Yes but I believe there will be a lot more to come first. I do believe that those left in the rubble will be the leaders of the next generation and they’ll hopefully have more of an understanding than we do.
No, people will always try to kill each other for stupid reasons.
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