Yes, but they must perform community service on a daily basis
No, but we should increase funding to offer education and skill building services for prisoners
Yes, but place them under house arrest using an electronic bracelet
No, we should build more prisons

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Other Popular Answers

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Replace short sentences with community service and rehabilitation and put a greater focus on education and skill development in prisons


Yes, and reform the prison industrial complex entirely so that non violent offenders are not denied their liberty


The system in general should be reformed from a punitive system to a more rehabilitative system


I think more should be done to help people that have committed crimes to rehabilitate before prison time is issued.

 @9NGWVBWanswered…2 days2D

The issues start before prison- invest in social care, mental health and education . Yes add in extra education, drug/alcohol classes, mental health sessions, art Therepy, gardening skills building , anger management, domestic abuse classes for perps to understand why they act and react how they do and psychologists to screen cluster B personalities over time watching patterns and behaviours as these are highest risk of reoffending

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