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I think.religion should be taught as part of philosophy. basics in a wide range of religions maybe. But otherwise not as a topic in its own right.
The moral and ethical basis of religion are often shared between religious, agnostic and atheists alike and help to build empathy for different views.
Education, like the state, should be secular. Religion has an important role to play in culture so should be taught in the broadest possible terms.
A small role. Different religions should be thought but by having schools which a centred around certain religions such as catholic schools just reinforces divisions and hate as people aren’t used to diversity out side of school.
Religions should be taught in religious education but schools should not require students to take part in religious ceremonies or be part of a religious organisation to attend.
Children should learn about all the main religions for respectful purposes
Only insofar as students should be able to respect their fellows, but religion in general should be removed from government operations and remain a private affair, churches and such shouldn’t receive any recognition nor oppression from the government.
None. All religion is a cancer on modern day society.
I would not say it is a cancer, but it is definitely an irrational coping mechanism used by many people to deal with their issues; irrational solutions should not change general educational policy - religion should still be taught in schools to increase understanding and decrease discrimination though.
@9KDFKXRLiberal Democrat9mos9MO
Religious studies should teach young adolescents the values and teachings of various different religions so they may make an informed decision on which faith they want to live by. In later stages of education, faith-learning is objectively less important than the key subjects such as maths and English so time spent teaching should focus on those key areas rather than religious studies.
@9KKHDZ9Liberal Democrat9mos9MO
Religious studies should be purely academic, without an emphasis on how people should live their lives.
Schools should teach and respect all religions but prioritise one over the other except if it is a `religious school but even then the other religions should be respected in in respect to students who do not follow that religion
@9KKGWGSLiberal Democrat9mos9MO
religion should have no place in influencing education
religion is part of world history and understand how different parts of the world work and came to be.
I think religious studies should be taught but the emphasis should be put on science and scientific knowledge- I also don’t think a particular religion should be taught as the religion to follow etc. This system would allow people to have religious beliefs and understand the beliefs of others while allowing people to learn about science and make their own minds, opinions and beliefs about the world
Religious education should be part of the History department’s national curriculum. There is no relevance in grown up life, being educated about religion will not help anyone achieve anything.
For those interested in the topic, it should be a choice, like media studies or art
While evangelist believe God is greater than anything education in this day in age is far more important so I don't see it as high of a priority when it comes to learning.
Learning about whole world cultures, different beliefs and religions is more relevant to young people in a modern world.
All religions should be taught to students to allow them to learn from different cultures and beliefs. No one religion should be taught at a school as fact.
everyone should no the facts about how all religions have hindered (and sometimes helped) the progress of the human race
None. All religions (Christianity, Islam, ect) should be taught as works of fiction as opposed to historical fact
It is for the individual to make their own decisions. You teach them as stories. That is what they are. It isn't a teachers job to determine for children if they need faith in a higher power on not. Nonsense question. They are taught as someone else's belief, not if it's fiction or not. As stories they are mostly fiction yes, but the use of old text is to learn from it's lessons. If a teacher cannot grasp this then they are not a teacher, who would teach something so old as fact? We do not know. Jeez.
Religion should be made illegal. Sure practice your own faith in private, but don't impede your lifestyle on others, why is it fine for religious morons to murder and lynch the gays, blacks, and/or trans people but if it were the other why its seen as abhorrent?
Religion has done a lot over the years for science but it's antiquated and should remain a stupid thing stupid people did in the past.
Won't to solve a lot of the world's problems? Outlaw religion, though most practitioners are sane it's always the extremists of these religions creating problems for everyone.
Religion shouldn't be illegal. Generally practicing religion doesn't harm others, and if you practice in that way you should be left alone. Religion has no place in schools apart from Religious Education or government however.
@9KDFCPWAnimal Welfare 9mos9MO
religion could be used to educate others, ie in school but should not indoctrinate
I see it is best for society to educate one another on many religious beliefs to be more mindful and respectful to those who may have different beliefs to oneself.
I do not believe religion should play a role in education.
Religion is a big part of society and peoples cultures and we should learn about these topics in school - the pros and the cons - regardless.
All religions should play in education to make it fair to everyone.
Should always be choice, but if it leads to higher grades, then so be it.
Religion should be a more exclusive part of education so no one is forced into it only the people who want religion in school get it.
Religion should play a small part. It should be taught and people made aware of every belief but not forced upon children.
Religious education should include all religions as equals. Religious instruction should be completely avoided - even in schools run by particular religions.
I think it is important for people to be educated on different religions to an extent.
Not much unless for a specifically religious school
All children should learn about religion to be aware of other people’s cultural differences but there should not be religious schools
In my opinion every religion states that you should have an education so there shouldn’t be no ‘what role does religion play’
@9KQFJKLLiberal Democrat9mos9MO
I don’t think religion should play a role in education and should be a topic for outside of school.
I beleive that religion has a place in the privacy of your own home. It should be kept out of school.
None, schools should be secular unless they are specifically a religious school
Theists that are not Christian and atheists should not have to take part in church services and teaching about religion should not be mandatory in schools, but it should be highly advised.
Religion and education should be separate but schools should be accepting of other religions.
Encourage multiple religions instead of just Christianity
State schools should educate their pupils in different faiths and religions in school, this includes religions beyond Christanity. Schools should allow people to celebrate their religious holidays, holy days properly.
I think I’m primary schools religion seems forced on, may have just been my experience as it was funded my the church but I think I didn’t learn about culture and religion enough from a young Age
I think religion shouldn't play a role in education and that the UK should be a secular country.
@9KT6KRM 8mos8MO
Religion provides a moral and ethical framework that can guide individuals in making sound decisions. In education, this can be invaluable in shaping students' characters and helping them develop into responsible and compassionate members of society.
None as it prevents people from forming their opinions
No, we need a complete separation of religion from Education, Politics, Legislation, Banking. We should have Freedom from Religion as a fundamental Human Right, and the right to disagree, criticise, and leave any religion
I think children should learn about religion but it should not play a role in education
Religion should be kept neutral and private when teaching or learning, to not interfere with others’ personal beliefs. Religion can be shared in schools, but not preached.
Nothing, education has nothing to do with religion and vise versa, children should learn about all religions in religious education classes
Religion should play less of a role in education, and RE courses should include information from all of the major religions, not just what a school would like to teach.
Religion should be in the education system but should be taught deeply within the context of history, geography and economics to give greater understanding of not only what certain religions believe but also how and why those beliefs came about.
I support secularism but I believe that kids in education should be informed about all religions and shou,d have the freedom to believe in / join any that they want
It should be taught, but more than main stream religion, for example Quakerism, allow an informed choice to be made
A child should be free to choose their own beliefs and faiths
I think religion should be taught at GCSE in all schools so we all have a basic understanding.
Should be taught from a historical and factual point of view.
I think religion should play no role in early foundational education, but different religious perspectives should be studied in KS2 and onwards. Teachers should display no religious bias.
Different schools for different religions. However children should be educated on all religions besides their own.
Children should learn about the religions and cultures of the world to promote understanding and tolerance, but no one religion should be preached.
God should come back to schools, teaching good morals
I think that all religions should be covered in education, however this should only play a small part and not be biased to any particular religion.
None. There should be a complete separation of church and state; the religious views of a few should not dictate the education of all.
@S.chunn 9mos9MO
It is important for children to learn both religious ideas and scientific ones to make a more informed decision as they grow.
I don't think it should play any role you're at school to learn!
Public schools should teach the most popular religions mostly unbiased and non mandatory ,but religious schools are free to express their view.
Education should be secular and not bound to any religious beliefs.
I do not think religion should play any role in education beyond basic knowledge of key aspect of common religions
No role at all because education is a place for learning and there is no need for religion to be bought into it.
None - people should have a right to decide their own religious beliefs rather than having them forced down their throats.
None. People should come across religion in their own time.
Education of religious practises and standards and its role in war and society
It shouldn’t touch our education system unless we learn separate lessons on the subject
@9KM2QYPPeople Before Profit9mos9MO
Should be focused on developing an understanding and respect for cultures and for each other, not the one nation under god approach.
Any person from any religion should be treated equally and shuould have the same amount of educatin as everybody else.
In religious schools, the religion of the shcool should be heavily focused and taught. However in normal public schools there should be no bias and students should be educated on all common religions.
None, religion should in no way influence education other than the regular study of a broad variety of global religions to truly represent our countries many different religions.
religion should be taught by the family and kept away from any educational setting
Everyone should be able to practice their religion whilst in education
Religion is crucial in our society and should be compulsory in education ! Our society is completely secular and the only way our society can be better is if we start praying ! We need to come as a society and pray for our country . We aren’t forcing you to be part of a religion but at least have a good conscience ! Crime rates are high , inflation are high , politicians are playing politics instead of solving it , environment is in shambles so the only way to fix all this is not by relying to an environment but to pray for our country !
children and parents should have a choice whether or not their child is deterred or be given opinions on regligion
Public education should not involve religion for neutrality's sake. However, parents should be able to send their children to private institutions affiliated with religion is they so choose.
religion could be used to educate others, ie in school but should not indoctrinate
None, children should learn about religion from around the world, but shouldn't be driven by religion.
Children should be educated on all major regions: beliefs, historical actions, and current actions.
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