Yes, but allow people to use private insurance
No, this system is too expensive
Yes, private companies should not be able to profit off of healthcare
No, the government should not be involved in healthcare
Yes, this system guarantees healthcare for everyone

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from UK users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.


Yes, but private healthcare should contribute a percentage of their profits (pre-bonuses) back into the public healthcare system in order to benefit the NHS.


Allow people to use private insurance
Guarantee healthcare for everyone
Not get involved heavily in healthcare however
Private companies can profit off healthcare if it's not creating more patients, rather retaining healthy patients who want to improve more


There should be a private and public option with tax deductions for those taking pressure off the public sector.


Yes, but a serious review of the layers of management in said healthcare organisations needs to be done, and a sane cap needs to be implemented on upper scale pay, especially at the expense of lower tier staff, bonuses or raises should not be given when the system is crumbling. too much self-interest.


The NHS should be free for everyone earning under £80,000 a year.
People earning more than £80,000 a year should get mandatory 'full-cover' private insurance, paid as gross salary sacrifice via their employer. However, this should only be introduced in combination with a Government imposed cap on full-cover premiums that all health insurance companies have to comply with, not to exceed 3% of the employee's gross income per year.


People should have to pay to make an appointment at a doctors surgery. If they attend, refund. If they don't, charge