Fewer, and ensure benefits go to those that need it most
More, reform the system so that it supplements, rather than replaces, a working income
Fewer, current benefits do not provide enough support
More, but increase benefits for the elderly and disabled
More, and deny benefits to immigrants
More, current benefits should be capped

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It should be stricter on the basis of excluding those with self inflicted matters that mean that they cannot work. Such as those who are obese, take drugs or alcoholic. Why should the state support those who don’t help themselves.


More restrictions. Too many people are adding no value in society but getting benefits. These people should be doing voluntary work in schools or somewhere to be able to get benefits. The free money idea should go. Welfare state should disappear.


The accessibility and how much benefits are available should remain roughly the same, but there should be a voluntary work scheme within the job seekers benefits. Any job seekers that commit to the programme while waiting for work and complete voluntary work get additional financial benefit on top of their standard benefit, and also get recognition for the extra work in the form of a course certificate or award, that can be used in their CV and shown to future employers.

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