Yes, we cannot end racism until we acknowledge that our institutions, laws, and history are inherently racist
No, kids should be raised to be racially color blind instead of being taught they are inherently racist or disadvantaged based on the color of their skin
Yes, but not until they are teenagers
Yes, and also add Intersectionality and the 1619 Project to the curriculum

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Other Popular Answers

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Critical race theory isn’t being taught in schools, the history of slavery within the British empire is, critical race theory is a high level legal theory learned in universities and similar institutions not in primary or secondary schools.


Critical Race Theory is a complex academic legal theory that is not, and cannot be, taught to children of school age. The idea that it is being taught is a lie perpetuated by those with an agenda to undermine equality initiatives.


It should be acknowledged and taught, but so should other race theories as well, and opposing points to it should be taught too.


Yes, but only if taught using factual evidence to back up claims, and only if anti semitism training is included


No , CRT is a lie and should not be taught as it is based on the misconception white people are inherently racist