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Yes, but only where there is a clear and achievable goal of reducing diseases that are costly to treat and affect many people. It should be done on a value for money basis.


Yes, but they should go through all ethics and research authorities before carrying out any form of modifications to human genetics.


Think we already tried that with COVID 19 and it didn't turn out all that well did it? Much stricter regulations and safety procedures need put in place to ensure these genetically modified diseases and viruses don't escape again.


Yes, but in a controlled way, you have to be super careful about what you're managing out of the population

 @9NX2VRP answered…2wks2W

Yes - to ensure any innovations are for all and not restricted to those who can pay


I think we would need to look into navigating any ethical issues. Also, if it is more likely to cause issues down the line, such as overuse of antibiotics had become a problem, then we need to consider if this is worth it or are we creating more problems for future generations to have to deal with.

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