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 @9NGRJNKanswered…4 days4D

Restorative program as part of their included incarceration sentence and only if in agreement with the victim/and/or families

 @9NDMVMN answered…6 days6D

Yes, but this should be dependent on the type of crime committed- restorative justice isn’t suitable in all cases

 @9NCGS3Hanswered…7 days7D

Depending on the crime, I think this could be a helpful justice programme. But depending on the crime I must implore! As well as consent (in the first place) from the victim party it there was one.

 @9NBB2V8 answered…1wk1W

Again, depending on the crime. 'Petty crimes' not involving violence etc should be allowed. People servicing life sentences/ not eligible for parole should not.


It is important for the ones who actually want to improve and develop from the programme but not the ones who just want a lower sentences and don’t care about the programme


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