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 @9NF845L answered…7mins7m

Make them Work hard labour to contribute something and if they try to do drug stuff in prison then rip

 @9NF7WQK answered…12mins12m

Police should be prepared and trained for violent crimes but expected to treat all civilians equally and only use force…

 @9NF7TYM answered…13mins13m

No but a further band should be included for top earners (over £1.5m) and should take into account anything that can be…

 @9NF7TYM answered…13mins13m

No but there should be regulations in place for social media and other media companies to fact check statements

 @9NF7TYM answered…13mins13m

No. But the money for this should be put towards improving the network for renewable energy for these vehicles and inves…

 @9NF7RJM answered…16mins16m

Additioal funding should be given to social and community based program, and the Police retain the origional funding. Th…

 @9NF7PDZ answered…19mins19m

Sue Webber

 @9NF7M5C disagreed…21mins21m

Ensures the most vulnerable have a decent income without means-testing and administrative interference.

 @9NF7J2D answered…24mins24m

Increase funding for these programmes and take a multi-agency approach to tackling the causes of crime

 @9NF7HLP answered…24mins24m

No, carbon capture technology can be used by some corporations as greenwashing to distract from environmental damage the…

 @9NF7CQ9 answered…27mins27m

There should be separated bike lanes. Protected from other vehicles with a physical barrier like a kerb. Also, many roa…

 @9NF6YGN answered…40mins40m

It depends upon the individual if they are willing to stay and work for a living then yes but if they have come to claim…

 @9NF6WVY answered…42mins42m

Spoilt ballot

 @9NF67ML answered…1hr1H

Green Party

 @9NF5YHP answered…1hr1H

Yes but also they're spending so much money to do it is there even a point if it costs so much but I like the fact its a…

 @9NF5YHP answered…1hr1H

Yes but not for rushed sponsored vaccines such as the covid vaccines, Tried and tested such as measles etc is fine

 @9NF5X7G answered…1hr1H

No, but there has to be a change on how people are selected for the HoL's, we can't allow governments to stock it full o…

 @9NF5X7G answered…1hr1H

No just ban private vehicles from City Centres. Re-Pedestrianize these areas which would bring back foot traffic and all…

 @9NF5X7G answered…1hr1H

No but Road Tax bands for larger vehicles should cost a lot more at least 10x what it currently does. Businesses that re…

 @9NF4THC agreed…1hr1H

Already said it. Look at the money they cost, compared to ordinary people especially immigrants and the abuse they get.

 @9NF4X92 answered…2hrs2H

NHS plus a private sector paid for by insurance plus take away cosmetic surgery and electives from the NHS

 @9NF4HBL answered…2hrs2H

Jeremy Corbin