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 @9NCQRCS answered…14mins14m

No, frontline care such as GP visits should be free but we should require visitors to show proof of insurance before ent…

 @9NCQRCS answered…14mins14m

Yes for personal use. but punishments should be more severe for drug dealing and trafficking. especially where children…

 @9NCQRCS answered…14mins14m

Lower the higher rate income tax. Close tax loop holes for corporations and increase sales tax on luxury goods and serv…

 @9NCQM5D answered…18mins18m

Government backed organisations that take on loans/mortgage to prevent foreclosures and agree method of repayment for in…

 @9NCQM5D answered…18mins18m

Increasing salaries but not dealing with recruitment, poor patient management will not solve waiting times.

 @9NCQM5D answered…18mins18m

Instigate publicly funded development and testing of systems that fulfill and meet the technical and ethical issues invo…

 @9NCQM5D answered…18mins18m

Retain private companies but alter contracts to focus on service culture and high quality performance with clear links o…

 @9NCQG73 answered…24mins24m

Christine Bayliss

 @9NCQBX3 agreed…29mins29m

Despite decades of continued Liberal policy on drugs, the deaths increase. A Liberal drug policy is failing

 @9NCQBX3 agreed…29mins29m

The death penalty should only be used for serious crimes such as murder. Because if someone takes another innocent perso…

 @9NCQ57W answered…35mins35m

Vote green

 @9NCPZKT answered…38mins38m

Yes, but must improve infrastructure and affordability of electric cars before this feasible

 @9NCPXJC answered…39mins39m

Not if their lives are in danger or they have significantly contributed to society and assimilated into the community

 @9NCPXJC answered…39mins39m

It is unfair to label SEND learners as truants if they are unable to attend school because of their condition. There sho…

 @9NCPXJC answered…39mins39m

The current education is not fit for purpose and forces pupils to narrow their subject options before they know what the…

 @9NCPXJC answered…40mins40m

The issue is too complex to give a straight yes or no answer therefore I abstain from answering this question

 @9NCPXJC answered…40mins40m

Not now, but possibly in the future after extensive research on the long term consequences have been conducted

 @9NCPXJC answered…40mins40m

It should have been a benefit but lack of planning has cost far too much and destroyed too many natural areas of beauty

 @9NCPSXL answered…44mins44m


 @9NCPMNL answered…49mins49m

Block immigrants from doing certain jobs similar to the Japanese system. But allow them to do all others. But put a requ…