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62 Replies

 @5492YBKfrom Hertford answered…3yrs3Y


Increase but with protections to ensure wages are not decreased and at the same time increase funding for training citizens for high skill jobs.

 @9LQCYQS answered…4 days4D

Allow a certain amount for the short run but focus on providing more incentives to prepare citizens for these jobs for the long run

 @9LQ2FVFanswered…4 days4D

I don't believe it needs to be increased or decreased, however, the government needs to provide more incentives for our own citizens to do these jobs, if this doesn't happen then we'll need to increase the amount of temporary work visas to fill these positions.

 @9LPXV2QLabouranswered…5 days5D

Increase but also encourage own citizen to be high skilled as well as discourage the lowering of wages

 @9LP935RLiberal Democratanswered…6 days6D

We should get the best people for the job, but look into why our citizens are not getting them and provide incentives to achieve them

 @9LP3J5ZConservativeanswered…7 days7D

Incentivise these job roles to British people particularly young people. If we still have the need only then increase the visas

 @9LNYHPLfrom California answered…7 days7D

There should be no such thing as temporary visas. As long as you are not a violent criminal, you should have a right move here.


No work visas should be temporary. If a worker and their employers are satisfied with each other, the worker should be able to remain as long as they want to.


Priority should be increasing pay for domestic workers so they stay in these jobs, and just give work visas to help fill in jobs that our struggling to be filled for other reasons


Increase with legislation preventing the law from being misused by companies taking advantage of the programme.


Visa numbers should be based on the demands of the economy, and the government should provide more incentives to prepare our citizens for these jobs

 @9LKRQHK answered…2wks2W

Increase, but the government should put in protective safeguards and minimums to ensure that companies do not take advantage to decrease wages.

 @9LJNZ2V answered…2wks2W

Keep employing skilled worker immigrants but encourage and incentivise more of our own citizens to become skilled workers


Increases or decreases should be made based on the relative need/demand and current availability of indigenous labour


Temporary Visas are heavily abused and result in slavery-like conditions for workers and should be more heavily regulated and sponsors be inspected more frequently.


Yes, and visas should be limited to specific work categories where there are known skills shortages.


Very difficult double edge sword. I would think it should depend on if we have qualified people for the work. If we do not and all reasonable effort has been made to find qualified personal, then 1 temporary visa, per every 1 person taken on, to train to do the job and sponsorship for someone in this country to get the required qualifications.


I'd say both Increase and decrease. Increase the amount of skilled workers visas but monitor them and issue penalties to companies exploiting this. But also decrease it and help our own citizens become more prepared for these skilled positions.


I think work visas allow companies to abuse foreign workers and should probably be banned. Immigrants should havethe same visa, and share most of the same rights as UK citizens. The UK should also increase funding and access to education in the needed fields for all who reside in the country.


Controlled immigration is good, uncontrolled immigration is bad. Apply a Australia style points system.


Remain same and increase the training and education of national youth to fulfill the areas of expertise


Companies will always seek to reduce pay with, or without this factor. It is proven by studies that it is beneficial to incentives immigration for a country's economy and so I would support an increase alongside programs to develop these visa's into permanent residency. Overall this is a bit of a loaded question as it presumes a link between wages and this program when wage issues ar ea greater problem in the UK.


It really depends. I think, if it balances out, where it is beneficial to both, yes. If it is used to exploit then no.


Decrease, but have a minimum amount of time that that worker should reside and pay taxes in this country.


If we need specific workers with specific qualifications, and we cannot supply them internally, we should outsource with immigrants.


Increase, but add protections for such workers to avoid companies taking advantage of them for cheap labour.


It depends on the requirement at the time, it should be adjusted to reflect the needs of the state, you may not need 2000 nurses each year


Enforce stricter benefit claims reviews to encourage our own workshy folk into productive meaningful work.


we should not discriminate which immigrants are welcomed, based on their skill level. All are in need of refuge


We should be helping refugees and there should be a salary threshold to ensure they are not taken advantage of


Increase but ensure the jobs are offered without a lower cost therefore making it a level playing field for UK citizens


Immigration is important to the running of the economy but companies are currently taking advantage of foreign skilled workers. Migrants should also be paid fair wages.


Increase, but identify which high skill is we're missing and fund education into our own citizens to future fill those gaps


Increase but the governmen should provide more incentives to prepare our citizen for these jobs so we don't have to rely on immigrant workers


Sectors critically low on workers should be supported on obtaining the workers it needs, whilst allowing firms to offer competitive salaries in these areas


Regardless, only allow temporary work visas for immigrants skilled for critical industries until we can train enough citizens in those areas.


The UK should not increase temporary visas as it would exploit and manipulate high-skilled immigrant workers. However, the UK should not decrease the temporary visas as it would mean high skilled immigrants missing out on job opportunities


Equal pay to if they were from this country originally, to limit Wage exploitation but to also combat zenophobia


The position should have the same pay no matter who is applying for it, a current citizen or an immigrant

 @9HY7TMLfrom Maine answered…4mos4MO

Increase, but put in measures to prevent worker exploitation and being underpaid by large businesses


Increase but ensure visibility and fairness of wages to ensure high skilled citizens aren't being disregarded due to a higher salary requirement


I am satisfied with the current amount, but companies should require more regulation on the wages of immigrants (to stop companies taking advantage of them).


I reject the idea of 'high or low-skilled' immigrants, however I believe more work visas should be handed out


Increase while ensuring their wages are on par with native workers while also ensuring we only accept workers from countries that don’t have a strong need for the workers


Increase, but have incentives to prepare our citizens for these jobs, too, and don't allow lower wages to be paid than the legal minimum purely for immigrant workers.


Increase compared to the most recent laws, but the government should also provide more incentives to UK nationals to do these jobs. However, not all vacancies are going to be fulfilled by UK nationals, and so there is a need to increase immigration as well.


Whatever happens, whether incentives are increased or decreased, it must be based on common sense considerations. Not just based on economics or human rights, but really sound common sense.


Target jobs that Britons won't do (care work etc), and incentivise well-trained people to come here and do those jobs. Don't saturate the applicant pool for skilled jobs which Britons will do.


I think the government need to focus on the people that currently reside in the UK that need to support their families instead of allowing immigrants to take advantage because they're being take advantage of.


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