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175 Replies


Yes, but only if it has been confirmed that they have been successfully reintegrated back into society upon completion of their punishments.


Yes, for everyone after their sentence is completed, and yes for minor crimes, but not murder or other violent crimes.


Yes, because it prevents a corrupt government imprisoning political opponents. The UK is a long way from being that kind of a dystopia, but the principle is important.


Yes, but not for foreign prisoners or those convicted on charges of terrorism, treason, espionage or people trafficking.


Yes, to a certain extent, criminals convicted of murder or violent crimes should not be able to vote, however criminals with less severe convictions should be able to vote as long as their conviction doesn't conflict with their political views.


Yes, but only after they reattain good standing in their communities and after a certain number of years as per the crime. Violent criminals should not be allowed to earn back their voting rights except through military service.


Yes but depending on the crime they committed, I.e. those who committed violent crimes, murder, sexual crimes, scams, fraud, embezzlement etc should not be allowed to vote.


Yes, only after a genuine psychological evaluation that they understand and are apologetic to their crime, as well as serving their time



Yes, as long as they will experience the effects of their vote during or after their sentence has been completed


Yes, if they will be affected by that government on released, e.g. they could vote in 2019 if they were to be released in 2021


The right to vote shouldn’t be an inherent right it’s should be earned And should be lost for wrong doings. But shouldn’t be that easy to remove it as could give to much power to government


Yes, but only if the election or referendum will affect them by the time they leave prison. Prisoner X is to be released in 2026, he couldn't vote in the 2019 general election but could vote in the 2025 general election.


Yes, except for those convicted of crimes related to electoral fraud and such



After the sentence/parole has been served and after being back into society after a couple of years


they should take a test after they’ve finished their sentence to see if they’re eligible to vote



I think it depends on what crime has been committed. I think that this right should not be allowed if an individual has committed many acts or one terrible act of wrongdoing.


They should take a test to see if they are suitable to vote. If they fail they can have the opportunity to take it again every 4 years to see if they have improved, etc.



Yes, as long as they haven't committed murder or violent or dishonest crimes


Yes, but only after completing sentence and parole for felons who have not been convicted of violent crimes.


Every citizen should have to partake in a quick test before voting, if you fail to pass, you cannot register to vote in the election/referendum in question.




yes except for racists, pedophiles or people that have been convicted of hate crimes


Yes. But there should be legislation in place where the prisons can educate inmates about their voting rights. Some of this legislation could be changed depending on the severity of the crime.


I'd say those who have committed certain crimes should have no right to vote, as this can have a bad effect I believe.


Yes. But there should be legislation in place where the prisons can educate inmates about their voting rights. Some of this legislation could be changed depending on the severity of the crime


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