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175 Replies


Yes, if it is believed that they have truly made up for their wrong doings and if they have made their area or city a better place for civilians.


Yes, except those still serving their sentences/parole, whith no evidence of violent crime


Yes, but only after completing sentences and a 2-year probation term standard that I want to introduce for all crminals with over 3 month sentence and they cannot vote if they commit any crime punished with mroe than 2 years in jail


I believe those that have done horrific crimes should not however lots of convicts may have been placed in prison due to our laws which lots of the closet may not agree with and need changing therefore we needs their anecdotes to help make a decision


Yes, removing the vote from criminals incentives governments to criminalise groups which would vote against them.


yes, but only for non-violent and non-sexual offences and after completing their sentences and parole/probation


Yes. Someone educated in politics and criminality are not mutually exclusive. Frankly, if they can make informed, articulate opinions on important matters, they should not be excluded.


Only after completing their sentences, or if a minor crime, yes on good behaviour. The only exceptions to both rules are felons convicted of violent, sexual or financial crimes.



Yes except the worst of the worst (rapist’s, Pedo’s and mass murders etc.)


Every person, convicted of a crime or not, should have the right to vote regardless unless they were convicted of an extremely taboo crime - eg murder with extreme violent intent or paedophiles


Yes, if they have a potential release date that would occur before the following election.




Criminals are allowed to vote unless they have not committed a major crime for e.g. pedophilia or murder.


After completing their sentences and parole/probation, until convicted. Currently Guilty Criminals should get half a vote


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