Felony disenfranchisement is the exclusion from voting of people otherwise eligible to vote due to conviction of a criminal offense, usually restricted to the more serious class of crimes deemed felonies. Prisoners cannot vote while in jail in India but can vote when they are released (even if they are convicted of a felony.)
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If they are proven to not re-offend, and this applies only to those who commit petty crimes, violent crime convicts should not be allowed to vote
yes but not rapist murders pedofiles or human trafficking
Yes, only if they pay/have payed tax
@98M9YWYWomen's Equality2yrs2Y
They may be unaware of what they are voting for, having spent some/or a lot of their time in prison.
means evaluated on a case by case basis
Depends on the degree of the crime and should only be done after sentences - should have a system to raise their voice before election, to share their stories so people can have a better idea of the conditions etc.
It depends on how long their sentence is
Yes, except serial killers and rapists
depending on the crime no
There should be a threshold of if the sentences is for under 1 year.
if there sentace is under ten years
Only if they’ve been proven sane
Only if they are serving a sentence of 5 years or less
Yes unless they were convinced of terrorism or crimes linked to nationalism / fascism / extremism.
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