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@Ekkoe 1yr1Y
Children need nurturing and guidance from a male and a female parent to grow up balanced and healthy.
I agree becuase realisticly they need a male and female parent to gain understanding of what the outside world is like from both sides not just from to of the same gender. as it would prove impactful for the child growing up to gain a level of understanding
yes, children need a male and a female parent to grow up balanced and healthy - It's a part of nature FOR A REASON!!!
Plenty of children only grow up with one parent, and children who grow up with same sex parents tend to have a better outcome on average than those who don’t.
Children don't need guidance from a male and a female, a same sex couple can do the exact same that a straight couple can do. They can love, provide, nuture, teach. They are human like the rest of us, why does being gay/bisexual/lesbian/etc make a difference to how a child will grow up?
@9FBVJSY 1yr1Y
Depending on what your argument against same sex couples adopting is, just listen to this.
How is two people who are of the same sex/gender not able to adopt, but straight couples are? Is in because you’re scared of the gay couple being a predator? Surely the same can be said about a straight couple.
Is it because you’re scared that same sex couples are going to ‘make the children gay?’ People are born gay.
@9F96GH9 1yr1Y
Gay couples are human. Straight couples are human. What's the difference? So long as everyone's consenting, it's alright.
Quite simply, this is a matter of equality. If you believe in equality, you should believe that LGBT couples are worth the same as straight ones, and should thus have equal adoption rights.
Because you can have a family with two parents of the same gender, they are not disadvantaged in that respect, and couples of the same gender should not be disadvantaged for loving who they love.
Adoption is a basic human right, regardless of background. As long as the couple is proven to be able to raise a child like any other, it shouldn't be an issue.
There’s not really a reason to say no other than the fact you blame your religion or are just a dickhead.
children are more likely to grow up mentally and emotionally adjusted to the world if they are raised with both a mother and father figure.
People are people. When heterosexual people want to adopt, their sexuality isn't questioned, because it is widely accepted that it is inappropriate to flaunt sex in front of children. Why is it that LGBTQ people are treated differently? Like sexual perverts? Not all heterosexual people are good people. Being suitable for adoption should be based on suitability as a human being. Stable, emotionally mature, able to provide a stable home. Non of which would be affected by sexuality.
i think it shouldn't be allowed because for me i believe that the modern society has change and it shouldn't be allowed a kid should be grown up with a man and a women so both can say each view and then he can choose his own opinions but it should be like the olden days with a man and a women so you dont change the kids opinion on their sexuality or anything its his own life so he chooses what he wants to be.
They are lesser citizens, they contribute nothing to society and they are a danger to the future success of our country
@9GNCMHC 1yr1Y
Just trust the research: "Children with gay, lesbian, transgender or other sexual minority parents fare as well as, or better than, children with parents of the opposite sex."
What do you want most for any child’s future? If the answer is love, health and happiness, then the answer is to find loving, happy and secure homes.
There are so many children who need a loving family, there is no reason why LGBT would be worse parents than straight people.
It should be a basic human right, and without letting more people adopt there will be tons of children stuck in the adoption system.
Every couple has the right to be able to adopt. Same sex parents can do just as much as an amazing job at parenting than a ‘normal couple’. There is no difference in the quality of child-rearing from a heterosexual couple when compared to a homosexual couple, even if a dual-partner structure is most ideal, which it may not be.
Both women and men are eligible to take care of children, it doesn’t matter who loves who it’s about happiness
Over 2 million LGBT people are interested in adopting children and we should focus on more people able to adopt, saying that children deserve to go to loving homes.
On top of allowing children to spend less time in the adoption/foster care system which holds a negative effect on their mental health, it also gives them a stable house to grow up in.
There are too many children in need of a loving home to let personal, and sometimes religious, beliefs get in the way,
I’m a man and I’m a Christian. No adoption rights to those who seek to force their beliefs on another human being when they themselves are going against nature.
i think everyone should mind their own business and worry about problems within their own lives rather than being so invested in someone else’s life. let people be people :)
They shouldn’t because it results the child being overly feminine if the child is a boy, along with not growing up normally
The only context required is that LGBT people are also people, they're not some evil person, or horrible influence on their own child. Everyone has the capacity for good, and bad. The counterpoints to this argument that all LGBTQ+ people are creeps, or rapists is ridiculous as there are just as many sick people who are hetero.
It's only a problem because it was made into a "Us and them" argument with different belief systems.
Gay couples are human. Straight couples are human. What's the difference? So long as everyone's consenting, it's alright.
Adoption is an ethically fraught subject anyway. nobody is "owed" a child, regardless of their fertility status. Adoption must only be considered in the best interest of the child, and keeping families together must be the first priority. Having said that, if straight couples can adopt and foster, then gay couples must absolutely be given the same right.
if a person wants to be a parent, and they pass all expectations, they have every right to do so. no matter their sexuality, and no one should think they are allowed to have a say because it’s not their life and their opinion doesn’t matter.
The restrictions and stigma around homosexual adoption stems from the bible (Leviticus 20:13), which is the same source of 'authority' that has been used to marginalise and supress women in the past, and even now. Therefore, we need to embrace secularisation, and build away from an absolutist system of morality.
@9FVRRVJ 1yr1Y
When having gay parents your view on sexuality is imposed on you from such a young age. Due to this i also believe they should not be teaching anything to do with LGBTQ in schools it does not benefit society in any way these are private matters and just cos one person thinks one way doesn’t mean other people in the classroom need to hear about it its wrong and unfair especially if other people in the classroom have a religious belief.
Same-sex couples living with children are eight times more likely to have foster children and almost six times more likely to be living with other relative or non-relative children.
Countless organizations have conducted studies and all of them have concluded that same-sex couples make just as good parents as straight couples. Children need love and support and ideally an example of a healthy relationship between two adults at home. The set of genitalia they posses is irrelevant.
It would be wrongful discrimination to prevent LGBTQ+ individuals to adopt - its the same as allowing a single parent to adopt with or without the knowledge that they are gay
Why should someone’s sexuality matter on their right to parent? Children who are raised in LGBTQIA+ households tend to thrive!
It is unnatural and therefore unfair for a child to be nurtured in a family where there is no mother or no father. The same disadvantage is the unfortunate case with single-parent families, however they tend to be more forced into that position rather than it being a choice.
Think about it this way. What have people in the LGBTQ+ community done to impact you and your life? How have they themselves harmed you? Once you think about it the answer will obviously be no. People just want to have a free and prosperous life. We are all equal with the same feelings so who has the right to dictate other people’s lives for them when they’ve had no impact on you.
I don't have to , if you would rather a kid spent their childhood in care instead of in a loving home with same sex parents you are bigot. There is no evidence that a child brought up by same sex parents suffers any negativity. Care homes are by and large evil, miserable places, run for profit and infested with child abusers, the prisons are full of people who grew up in care, not people who grew up with two Dads.
Gay couples are human. Straight couples are human. What's the difference? So long as everyone's consenting, it's alright.
It does not matter what gender or sexuality someone is, as long as they provide sufficient emotional and financial support.
You shouldn’t be stopped from adopting if you are not gay. I have seen videos of LGBT adoption parents trying to convince their child to be like them, which I do not agree with, the child should grow up and decide what is best for them. However, there is loads of LGBT people who are not like that and I don’t see why they can’t adopt a child based on their sexual life.
Everyone is human and everyone should have the right to marry, adopt and love who they wish no matter their preferences
How is two people who are of the same sex/gender not able to adopt, but straight couples are? Is in because you’re scared of the gay couple being a predator? Surely the same can be said about a straight couple.
Is it because you’re scared that same sex couples are going to ‘make the children gay?’ People are born gay.
Accounting for socioeconomic background, there are no significant differences in the statistics of achievement between straight and gay couples (
There are far too many children in need of a loving home to let personal prejudices, religion or politics get in the way of get in the way of a gay couple adopting a child. It’s personal thoughts and feelings getting in the way for no reason.
Children who are in foster homes and who are bouncing from one place to the next not being able to put down real roots will grow up with issues. A child who is brought up in a safe place with two adults who love them with feel more loved and wanted.
It doesn't matter what gender your parents are, the care, safety and love of the child should be the top priority.
If children are orphaned or want to be adopted they won't care if they have two moms or two dads, just that they have people there who love and care about them
There are bad straight parents. There are many kids without parents who need adopting and to be loved.
A child deserves a happy home, which can be co.prised of two heterosexual parents, or two homosexual parents, aslong as both give them love and affection, why does it matter?
Members of the LGBT community are human too. The only difference between an LGBT person and a heterosexual person is their sexual orientation! People are throwing senseless accusations that LGBT couples or people wouldn't fit the standards of parenting, but where is the proof? Where are the facts? Because, really, there are no facts to prove these claims. The only fact is that LGBT adoption rights should be given, and that a gay man, a lesbian woman, a bisexual person, or anyone at all in the LGBT community is just as capable as someone who is heterosexual.
LGTBQ+ people should be able to adopt because it has been recorded that orphanages are far from the ideal environment for a child to grow up in. There are LGBTQ+ people out there who are pining to love a child, why leave that same child feeling alone and unloved in an orphanage?
Being gay doesn’t affect people’s ability to raise kids all it affects is the gender they are attracted to
One in 5 adoptions in the uk is by a gay couple. There is no data to support the idea that parents of the same gender cannot provide a stable and loving upbringing
or, what if a single parent cant take care of their child and cant give the child to the other parent as they're absent and a gay couple wants to adopt them and they're the only ones that will? surely you'd want the child to be happy.
If two people love each other enough to want to adopt why shouldn't they be able to share that love with a child in need
Kids in LGBT families are chosen. Not accidents like in heterosexual relationships. They are planned for.
@9NMVB46Liberal Democrat7mos7MO
According to CoramBAAF, 83,840 children were in care with local authorities in 2023, which is a 2% increase from the previous year. Only 2,960 children were adopted, and same sex couples make up 20% of this. Although there is a lot more work to do, if same sex couples were not allowed to adopt, that would be 592 children who would not have been adopted.
Some Mother and Father positions can bring shame on the child that it isn't okay to be gay or whoever they want to be. It may also increase the chances of domestic abuse.
This shouldn’t need data and statistics it’s just basic human rights. What is to say that a mum and dad is a better set up than two mums or two dads? Good parents are just that, good parents. No gender requirements needed.
There is no serious evidence that a same sex family harms a child's development, children with same sex parents are just as healthy
As above answer, so long as the child is going to a loving family, it’s irrelevant weather it’s heterosexual or same sex relationship.
100% of children up for adoption must have had a biological father and mother, and look where that got them.
LGBT rights are human rights, you do not have the right to deny a child two parents regardless of sex.
Family unit consists of a male father and female mother. Everyone should strive for this. If you don’t want to it’s your choice but you are considerably less likely to raise a balanced child without both a male father and female mother.
Depending on what your argument against same sex couples adopting is, just listen to this.
How is two people who are of the same sex/gender not able to adopt, but straight couples are? Is in because you’re scared of the gay couple being a predator? Surely the same can be said about a straight couple.
Is it because you’re scared that same sex couples are going to ‘make the children gay?’ People are born gay.
There are many children who deserve love and there is nothing wrong with having two LGBT parents. This will not affect the child’s mental state.
Being LGBT is a protected characteristic for a reason. It has nothing to do with whether or not people can love children and the idea that children are not safe with LGBT people is deeply rooted in outdated homophobia and scaremongering.
why should they have the right to bring up child who will forever be bullied for not having a mother or father, in a child's life they need both a male and female role model to create a healthy lifestyle.
A child is genetically dependent on its mother, and history has shown we thrive in the typical mother father family dynamic. There are also too many societal issues attached to the decision, it will cause rampant bullying at a young age, and there isnt enough positive evidence that same sex parents produce happy and healthy adults
I don't think any amount of data should convince someone that we need to ban any ethnic, sexual, gender etc. group from having kids
All people should have the right to have children, no matter their gender, sexuality or relationship status.
Do the children get a say in this? Are they bullied at school for having 2 Dads or 2 Mums???
Adoptive children come with so many traumatic issues that they have to deal with. Each day is a struggle for them with so many triggers & a lack of understanding. Surely having same sex parents will only add to their feelings of being different, separate & not quite fitting into society?
I along with thousands of others was raised by a single mother, thousands are raised by single fathers, some through divorce, some through death of their partner. Some parents are the victims of rape. All of these examples aren’t a ‘mother and father’ and disprove your argument.
Children need a mother and father, fatherless children grow up more likely to be criminals, motherless children grow up with less empathy. Having two parents of the same sex leads to an imbalance of parenting
Anything else is backwards and ridiculous. It makes assumptions about an individual’s ability to provide love.
Children benefit from a healthy mixture of male and female influence. Allowing children to be raised by same sex parents opens physiological gates of confusion, gender and sex confusion.
@9MP2NGY 8mos8MO
No, I think that whilst a tricky issue we all forget a key element. There is a mother and a father. Biologically this is important for a reason. We are given both as they provide different roles in a family. It may seem offensive but some people who are married, straight and trying to have a baby struggle whereas gay people don't have this struggle. If adoption is something they want I think that really they need to find a female or a male . Children need both these roles in their lives in order to thrive. Yes, there are examples of children who have grown up fine but in order to truly… Read more
There are many needy children. If a couple from an LGBT group pass the assessment process to adopt then they should be encouraged and thanked by society in general.
LGBT parents ruin the lives of innocent children, which then, most of the time, turns the children LGBT, hence, a weaker society as LGBT promotes weakness.
They can teach their child about equality to all and keep the child away from homophobic or transphobic ideas
LGBTQ is a mental illness and mentally ill people should not be allowed to adopt children, as it could corrupt the child's world views and limit their parenting ability.
I'd likewise not like a child I gave free for adoption to be adopted by a person missing a chromosome (or having one more) or any of the like to adopt it.
Psychological studies have shown that fathers looking after children without the influence of a mother adopt more maternal tendencies in order to care for the child just as well
I believe that voting against LGBT Adoption rights shows a fundamentally unrealistic view on the ideals of parenthood and the raising of a child.
The best thing a Father can do for the mother figure of the house is to show a love and respect that is witnessed by their children
The developed world now incentivises women to contribute to the economy rather than be stay at home mothers. The role of a mother has therefore changed to be like that of the father. Similarly, modern father figures are more self-aware and misogyny is on the decline, removing societal barriers between men and women. There is no evidence that children raised in LGBTQ families are less well adjusted than traditional man-woman parental figures.
If someone has an issue with a two gay human beings adopting a child they need to look at themselves in the mirror.
yes, children need a male and a female parent to grow up balanced and healthy - It's a part of nature FOR A REASON!!!
It is morally wrong for a child to be bought up in an abnormal family, and it goes against my morals as a human being
Children need a mother figure and father figure in their life. Single parents struggle to provide both role models to their children and this negatively affects their mental growth.
I’m pretty sure it’s a majority of heterosexual couples who are having children who suffer trauma and are ultimately adopted. Correct me if I’m wrong.
@9M2PVGSBritish National9mos9MO
It is important for children to have both a father and mother figure, this simply is not possible through LGBT couples and is not good for the child growing up.
Not every child needs both father and mother figures when a lot of fathers and mothers abandon their kids should they be left without a home just cause u don’t feel comfortable with lgbt people raising a kid.
The Family unit of a mother and father is the most beneficial and natural when it comes to raising a child, this is shown by numerous studies as well as the whole of the animal kingdom. Also the percentage of paedophilic incidents in the LGBT couples is much higher than Heterosexual couples.
Being Gay is not natural especially when it comes to reproduction and shouldn’t be imposed on young children as they are very impressionable at a young age so shouldn’t be open to same sex relationships from such a young age.
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