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 @9G6FHSH agreed…1yr1Y

Top Agreement

Mother and Father, two mums, two dads. Absolutely no difference as long as the the child is cared for. Gender of the parents makes absolutely no difference; we should be teaching all new humans to be inclusive.


The concept of parents is fostered from a man and a woman. The ability to successfully parent a child is the combining the skillset of a man and a woman.


While it's true that traditionally the concept of parenting has been tied to a man and a woman, it doesn't mean that this is the only successful parenting model. For example, single parents, regardless of their gender, have successfully raised children, demonstrating that a well-rounded upbringing is not strictly tied to the gender of the parents. Furthermore, there are various skills and characteristics that make a good parent, like love, patience, understanding, and the ability to provide a stable environment. These qualities are not exclusively tied to one gender.


Lack of a mother or a father may have bad effects on an individual’s mental health. The child will most probably be bullied. It also creates uncomfortable situations in teenage years when their bodies change.


There is difference, two mothers cannot provide what a mother and father can provide, neither can two fathers


No, I believe that the best and most safe structure to give a child the best chance at life is to grow up with a Father & A Mother

 @9GJDM38Liberal Democrat agreed…1yr1Y

If we begin to dictate who can and can't adopt children, we take away choice, and where does that cycle end? A child would probably be much better off with two dads or two mums than they would with no family. Furthermore, saying that a child needs a mum and a dad ignores the single parents in this world who have had to divorce, or have lost their husband/wife.


Homosexuality is unnatural and prohibited in the Holy Bible. Also the child will often have an unnatural upbringing without the traditional gender roles raising them.


A child needs a masculine and feminine parent, gay couples wouldn’t work. Also they are insane, introducing their 3 year old to pronouns and changing their gender, would you get a 3 year old get a tattoo?, no obviously not, don’t let them get their willy chopped off.


If a couple adopt a child their lifestyle will rub off on the child making them more of a chance of becoming gay or trans or at best very confused. A child needs a father and a mother.


A mother and Farther relationship with children works best. I don’t now have anything against gay people but a mother and father each have a different unique part they play in a raising of a child. I prefer the traditional idea of having a tougher father who’s outdoors compared to my mum. I know I would prefer a mother and father to have raised me


Father and mother figures are the most important aspects of a child’s early life. This should not be compromised.


The most prominent factor that applies to child development is love, care and safety. The issue resides in the fact that majority of development studies are in the past and dont have mixed gendered parents as a sample due to the limited number of available couples, mostly down to the legal parameters around LGBT couples. To think that the identification or the sexual orientation of a parent has no influence or regard to their ability to raise a child. As long as the couple can pass all the checks a traditional can, then they should have every right to raise a child.


Lgbt should not adopt you need a mother and a father, same sex parents don't work well for a child.
Pronouns are completely stupid and should never be introduced to a child.
Pride flags should not be shown in public, it's a representation of sexual orientation and it's disgusting that kids can see this.

 @98GGNXJ from Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

I am not for same-sex adoption. There are high rates of abuse, especially sexually in these situations and I believe the mother-father family structure is best for the child’s development and our culture.

 @9GKMN95from North Carolina  agreed…1yr1Y

Gay couples shouldn't have priority over straight couples, but they should still be allowed to adopt children

 @B22TT9T disagreed…2wks2W

No a child deserves to have a healthy home life and it is impossible for a child to have a good home life without a mother and a father


It mainly matters if they are fully qualified to be a parental figure, because if they don't have the required skills to be a parent, they could potentially harm the safety of the child.


me personally i believe lgbt couples should not be allowed to adopt any kids as it doesnt seem right. Thats justmyopinion


As long as same sex couples and straight couples go through the same checks and there's no discrimination against neither of them, same sex couples shoule be able to adopt a child.


GAY PEOPLE CANNOT ADOPT, its not fair on the kids who will probably get bullied and also sucks to not have both parents


It is inherently wrong to teach children this satanic view and allowing them to adopt will be failing the children


I would still disagree because a child to do well a child needs a mother and father as we have seen statistics that having a lack of fatherlessness or mother lessness the child doesn't do as well.


Children need both a mother and a father, two people of the same sex is not helpful for the child's development, for example two men being parents to a girl have no concept of what it feels like to have issues only girls have, for eg periods


Same-sex/LGBTQ Couples are seven times more likely to adopt and foster children than differently gendered couples Which was increases children’s chance of adoption. Indeed 25% of all UK adaptions last year were to lgbtq couples. Office of National statistics


The right home is not automatically one man and one woman for s child. Should ve about the person applying and not their gender


if a homosexual couple are living in an environment that is unsafe for the raising of children then they should be denied the right to adopt.


Straight couples divorce, get convicted of child abuse etc etc, It is not a cast iron guarantee of a happy family. they ability to provide a safe nurturing environment is more inportant.


"The majority of the 2.9 million lone-parent families in 2022 were headed by a lone mother (2.5 million, 84%), with lone fathers now accounting for 16% (457,000) of lone-parent families."
Which shows that the fathers are less likely to take on the majority of care and responsibility regardless of if we want them to be part of the family unit.
Same sex families are a very small minority and should not be so savagely scrutinized purely on the basis that all parents should consist of a mother (female) and father (male). "Same-sex cohabiting couple families account for 0.6% and civil-partner couple families (both same sex and opposite sex) account for a further 0.6% of all families in 2022."
data source -

 @9JFHNRQConservativefrom Florida  disagreed…11mos11MO

It doesn't matter whether they are criminals or not. The point is it's still harmful to the child's upbringing.


Father and mother figures are the most important aspects of a child’s early life. This should not be compromised.


It’s important that when being adopted, children are ensured they are being taken into a safe home where they can be raised well.


Adoptions should be allowed for heterosexual parents who cannot conceive or parents who want to foster children who have been abandoned.

 @9GRRJCDfrom Grad Zagreb  disagreed…1yr1Y

A child comes from a woman and a man, therefore only a female-male pair should be able to adopt one as their own. I'm not against same-sex relationships but posing as a straight couple is ridiculous.


Any person who expresses any form of LGBTQ qualities in public should be deported/ sent to a British gulag


With today's agenda of promoting a gay lifestyle, we have to ensure this is not forced upon the children

 @9NZWKZVAnimal Welfaredisagreed…7mos7MO

Children are best served by a masculine and feminine parental influence. LGBT couples unfortunately lack a fundamental balance in their dynamic and wouldn't produce better outcomes for children than a straight couple would, assuming both couples are similar in terms of financial background and stability.


If you are gay you cannot adopt, the child that is adopted is simply going to be bullied. This brain dead ideology should not be pressed on to children


A functional man and woman provide the best support system for a child. They need both male and female influence.


It is against my religious beliefs that children should be given to LGBT couples. They are free to do as they please themselves but don’t encroach onto the rest of society just because you can’t naturally reproduce. We are a Christian country and thus if you don’t agree with this stance you are more than welcome to go somewhere that this is accepted. That child will have its mind warped away from societal norms and data shows children under this strain suffer greatly and have higher abuse and suicide rates. Simple as


It is never an advantage for a child to be without one parent of either gender male or female . There is also no evidence of the positive impact of same sex parents benefiting a child it could be negative .

 @9NMJ2GZLiberal Democratdisagreed…7mos7MO

I think that a child should not be subjugated to life with same sex parents against their will. It’s not fair on the child to have to undergo the difficulties and forgo the lessons and traits one can develop from male and female parents. Same sex couples shouldn’t be able to adopt a child without their 100% approval.


A child should have a male and female parent, it has worked for generations and has always found that children who lack a certain parent that be mother or father, usually do not grow up well

 @9NGKDFFReform UKdisagreed…7mos7MO

LGBT adoption denies the idea of men and women having differing but equal roles. A child needs both a male and female parent, as they have different attributes, strengths and weaknesses. Without an influence of one of the sexes, the child will struggle to develop as well as their equitable peers who have both parents. Background checks do not overcome this issue of male/female difference.

 @9NDK83HUKIPfrom Hyogo  disagreed…7mos7MO

I find homosexuals repulsive and am not interested in enfranchising them, I don't care about 'background checks' nor liberal slave-morality.

 @9NDDMS9British Nationaldisagreed…7mos7MO

Children shouldn't be put into non traditional family structures. The mental wellbeing of the child is more important than appeasing those with unique lifestyles.


they may pass the same background checks as straight couples, but they still may not be well-equipped to raise the children biologically and psychologically

 @9ML9C9YLiberal Democratagreed…7mos7MO

As long as they would be competent and loving parents, noone should stop them purely because of their sexual orientation - I'd rather a child has good LGBT parents, than bad straight parents.


While it's true that traditionally the concept of parenting has been tied to a man and a woman, it doesn't mean that this is the only successful parenting model. For example, single parents, regardless of their gender, have successfully raised children, demonstrating that a well-rounded upbringing is not strictly tied to the gender of the parents. Furthermore, there are various skills and characteristics that make a good parent, like love, patience, understanding, and the ability to provide a stable environment. These qualities are not exclusively tied to one gender.


Even if they pass the background check and truly mean the best for the child, it is still detrimental to the child to miss out on a mother and father unit.


I believe that children brought up with LGBT parents might have that pushed on them more, and they may also suffer in their social life at school because of this.


Everyone should have the equal chance to become parents as long as the same checks are all passed to the same standards.


A child needs a masculine and feminine parent, gay couples wouldn’t work. Also they are insane, introducing their 3 year old to pronouns and changing their gender, would you get a 3 year old get a tattoo?, no obviously not, don’t let them get their willy chopped off.

 @9NXTQJ6 agreed…7mos7MO

I think all parents should pass a background check to be able to adopt a child, not all people have good intentions, but I also don’t think there is any difference between an lgbtq couple and a straight couple when it comes to adoption.

 @9NX4BVJ agreed…7mos7MO

Any combination of parents is capable of successfully raising a child, regardless of whether it's and man-man, man-woman or woman-woman relationship. So long as both parents fulfil the required checks for adoption, they should be free to raise a child.

 @9MRXBC8Count Binface agreed…7mos7MO

Homosexual people will inherently understand diversity better and can arguably teach children to be true to themselves better, due to all of the homophobia and hate people have towards homosexual people.

 @9NW46B3 disagreed…7mos7MO

God made us, and God never makes a mistake. A man and a women can only give birth; we are all animals, that is how the ecosystem works.


A child needs a mother and father I think every child deserves a loving home but straight couples should be a priority

 @9K872KV disagreed…10mos10MO

The mind of anyone who identifies as LQBTQ is clearly **** ed, as this isn't normal behavior. And I would question their abilitiy to raise children in the correct manner, whilst somehow manging to also not warping their mind into going along with your corrupt and disgusting LGBTQ fantasies.

 @9FZYCTR agreed…1yr1Y

Many children are in need of adoptive parents. Some of them are LGBT themselves. Why would you make them wait longer, just because of someone’s sexual orientation?


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