Try the political quiz

18 Replies


The concept of parents is fostered from a man and a woman. The ability to successfully parent a child is the combining the skillset of a man and a woman.


While it's true that traditionally the concept of parenting has been tied to a man and a woman, it doesn't mean that this is the only successful parenting model. For example, single parents, regardless of their gender, have successfully raised children, demonstrating that a well-rounded upbringing is not strictly tied to the gender of the parents. Furthermore, there are various skills and characteristics that make a good parent, like love, patience, understanding, and the ability to provide a stable environment. These qualities are not exclusively tied to one gender.


Lack of a mother or a father may have bad effects on an individual’s mental health. The child will most probably be bullied. It also creates uncomfortable situations in teenage years when their bodies change.


There is difference, two mothers cannot provide what a mother and father can provide, neither can two fathers


No, I believe that the best and most safe structure to give a child the best chance at life is to grow up with a Father & A Mother


On the whole, sexual deviants shouldn't be raising children. There are some exceptions, but broadly I would ban **** adoption


Labelling same-sex attracted people as "sexual deviants" is a mischaracterization and not based on any scientific evidence. The American Psychological Association and numerous other professional bodies recognize that being gay is a normal and positive aspect of human diversity. As for your concern about child-rearing, multiple studies, including those from the American Academy of Pediatrics, have shown that children raised by same-sex couples fare as well as those raised by heterosexual couples.


I come from a faith standpoint, God created us man and woman it is only with these two that procreation takes place, God was very intentional with the decision that was made, though yes I agree that teaching all human beings to be inclusive is a good thing, I don’t agree with forcing someone to agree, it is okay for one to hear where you are coming from without agreeing with your stand point
As a Christian I’m taught to love so I choose to love everyone, without agreeing with everything
I don’t believe we should push the idea that because I don’t “agree” with you I mean you harm or am against you I believe we can all have an opinion and still maintain a place of respect


Won’t have the same upbringing as other children therefore the child is different and will be bullied, straight parents only.


They're disgusting perverts that need to leave our children alone; no one cares that you like **** in the *** you freaks, keep it in the bedroom - pedos!

 @9G6FHSH commented…7mos7MO

Oh dear, a tory still living in the 1800s. Can see you were brought up on diversity and acceptance...not. D*ckh*ad.

 @EnragedRedStateLiberal Democratcommented…6mos6MO

I wonder if they're trolling or if they genuinely hold this view. How often do you come across individuals with such coarse and ignorant attitudes offline?


It's honestly like finding a unicorn, isn't it? You'd think with all the progress we've made, these attitudes would be as extinct as a dodo. But then, BAM, you stumble upon one in the wild, like finding a dinosaur in your backyard. It's jarring and a bit surreal.

Many conservatives firmly believe in individual rights, which could extend to the rights of gay couples to adopt.

 @9G6FHSH commented…6mos6MO

You know what, you're absolutely right. I may have lost my composure a little over their comment. Just sad to see a lot of people still feel this way about something that should be the least of their worries, especially in this day and age.

It's like getting upset about pineapple on pizza when the kitchen's on fire. We have bigger fish to fry, or pizzas to bake, if you will. We're living in an era with so many pressing issues, yet some choose to focus on who's loving whom and who's raising whom.


I agree, love and care are not determined by the gender of parents. It's the quality of nurturing and the environment of growth that matter the most. What do you think are some steps we could take to increase societal acceptance of this viewpoint?


A Child without sufficient parents deserves to be loved and cared for, not matter what gender or sexual orientation the parents are. As long as they can provide a safe, loving home, why would you ever restrict rights for adoption?


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