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209 Replies


Only if they have planned an attack, are planning attack, or have committed an attack or are a national security threat.


They should be treated the same way as people planning murders in this country. If it is safe to capture, imprison and interrogate them then that would be the better option.


If they are a direct threat, then yes. But this should not be used as an excuse to assassinate political entities that pose no threat outside of differing political views.


Yes, but only in exceptional circumstances such as those surrounding the assassination of Osama Bin-Laden.

 @B3SQJZSanswered…3 days3D

I think it depends what they are planning so just put them in jail and if they were going to do really bad things then sentence them to death


Only if there is undeniable proof of an attack, and it can be accomplished with zero civilian casualties


no if they are suspected then you should just detain them and interrogate them to see if they actually are not

 @B2V28XJAnimal Welfareanswered…1mo1MO

Only assassinate if there is no way of getting them out of performing a terrorist attack if they have a hostage and they want to save the hostage


Other countries should be involved in the protection of human rights in other countries, not just under threat of their own


I think the Uk should be very defending of countries that are being bombarded and attacked by intruders like China and I think America should bomb bad guys like China to bring world security.


Captured and given a fair trial, but reinstate the death penalty for criminals that are found guilty of committing acts of terror against UK citizens.

 @B26KWF2 answered…3mos3MO

No. Britian has and uses this excuse to go ahead and commit terrorist actions. Every time a leader says they are doing something to defend us from terrorists they use the working classes money to terrorise a whole country like Iraq. We are the terrorists. We should really question it they are a terrorist and bring them to the ICJ.

 @B26KLRQWorkers of Britainanswered…3mos3MO

Mass invasion like Iraq causes a genocide and mass death and the UK has used this excuse about terrorists before to invade a country. it is not appropriate actions when the ICJ should deal with them.


No, they could potentially go wrong. If anything some targeted killings appear to make groups even more aggressive and more robust. They should be captured and imprisoned


Yes but only if they get the permission of the government the target is currently in gives them permission to do so. If not then they should capture them and interrogate them and give them a fair trial/imprison them.


No as it should be the countries own problem let’s say the UK was under attack by a terrorist group it would then be the UK’s problem not anyone else’s.


We should try to capture them and treat them in the UK Supreme Court and only assissinate them if we can't find any other option to deal with them. We should only bother with them only if they pose a threat to the UK in any form.

 @9Z9GST4  from Maine  answered…4mos4MO

Only if there is undeniable evidence of an attack on civilians and the country of where the Assassination will take place give authorisation to do so


No unless the government of the foreign nation is cooperating as this can cause geopolitical backlash.


Yes, as long as there is clear and undeniable evidence that they have either committed serious acts of violence as a training program and plan to commit the same actions in the UK OR are proven to be among the upper echelon of already existing terror groups and organisations which pose a threat to the UK


Yes, only if they have planned an attack, are planning attack, or have committed an attack or are a national security threat


We should if we have undeniable evidence they have/were going to attack the country but only if we have permission from the current government where they are staying. If we don’t have permission we should capture them and give them a trail in the UK.


They should only be assassinated if the country they are now in give us permission to but it should only take place if it was a serious attempt at killing/have killed British citizens on UK soil. If the country doesn’t allow this they should be captured and given a trial on UK soil and then decided what to do with them in a court room.


Only if the country the terrorist originates from agrees and there is undeniable evidence that they are planning to attack the country


If found guilty through undeniable evidence they should be deported with no reentry to our country ever again


If they are terrorist then yes even if they don’t intend to attack us they will intend to attack another country so they should be killed or they will kill more


The uk shouldn't create situations where rebellion/retaliation is sadly an option for others from other nations.


it depends on the threat level for me, if can give them a fair trial that should be first thought but also understand it is not always possible


Yes, if there is undeniable evidence, but also recognise why terrorism occurs and pro-actively work to prevent the conditions that lead to radicalisation.


Only if the country that the terrorist resides in gives grace or if they pose and a direct threat to our country.

 @9QLQ7PD answered…8mos8MO

They should be better monitored and kept out of this country and if neccessary detained but not then released as there is proven case after case of them then attempting another terrorist attack. As it all depends if they are a suspected risk of terrorism from another country then don't let them in but if they are from the UK or have the right too currently be here then they need to be imprisoned but I do believe if they are then going to be allowed to release them then there should be a mandatory death penalty for acts of terrorism as otherwise they should all be given full whole life term orders.


The government should only do so if there is undeniable evidence the target is part of a terrorist group and has or will commit an attack on a group of people or country. They should also only kill as a last resort if they cannot be captured and interrogated.


stay out of other countries. They are fine without interference. We should be made fully aware of UK and USA interference.


They should be arrested/captured and put on trial rather than going with the assumption that they are guilty.


Are we really asking if it’s okay to assassinate someone? That’s a very slippery slope to tyranny. No we shouldn’t support the assassination of people, capture them give them a fair trial and if there is sufficient evidence to show they are actually terrorists and a planning an attack, punish them accordingly to the severity of their actions or planned actions. If it’s in a war zone that we are involved in then kill them because that’s warfare and that’s different and is held to different laws


The country of origin should be made to put them on trial which is where diplomacy is vital. If it is a hostile country, then UK should work with other countries to ensure our security. Assignation should only be permitted where all other avenues have been exhausted.


Yes, but only if there is no threat to innocent life in the process and there is irrefutable evidence that there have been planned or committed attacks.

 @9QFNMXY answered…8mos8MO

This should be handled in a case-by-case basis and polled - it should be the public's decision on what constitutes a threat, not the government. We should also do the same when it comes to other countries experiencing threat, we should come to their aid if possible.


Yes but only if they have been found to have cokitted human rights atrocities by international court

 @9QBD7G6Reform UKanswered…8mos8MO

Yes, but only when capture is difficult and they are planning to attack the country and have done so in the past.


Yes as long as the other country does not support their actions and will go to war if we were to assassinate them


No, and they should stop creating these ‘terrorists’- if you kill someone’s family they will seek revenge.


yes but only if the leaders of the country agree to the uk assasinating them or agree to doing it together


Only if there is undeniable evidence of planned/committed attack and it would be impossible to capture them


The UK Government should not be intervening in other countries at all - terrorists will not want to attack the UK without this provocation


They should be spied on by the Americans and until some what decent proof is collected of them being a terrorist then we should kidnap them and publicly execute them


Yes with undeniable evidence but also allow for the capture, interdiction and imprisonment in certain circumstances


No, only through direct and explicit co-operation with that foreign country's authorities (or authority supported by the UK government), and assassination must be a last resort.


Yes, Only if the target is in a country that wont retaliate and civilian casualties should be heavily avoided.


No. However, we should not imprison them in the UK. No doubt they would be released at some point.


This is a very broad question. If a terrorist or terror group was identified in a foreign country, and it had been proven that they will do something to negatively impact our country or an allied country. They should be either captured or killed whichever has the less civilian casualties.


If the foreign country is in agreement if they are our allies. If they’re not allies they should do it discreetly to prevent an international incident.


Yes, if there is undeniable evidence that they will make an attack the will cause a loss of human life


Can support the country and terrorist are located it and act outside of the UK - I.e. not assassinated by a UK member


They have to be 100% sure and must be the last resort or allowed by the government who are in charge there


capture, interrogate, imprison, assassinate depending on situation - confirmed plans, confirmed attacks etc.


Maybe however they should work with the relevant foreign countries to take appropriate action to survey & monitor, taking appropriate action with the co-operation of that foreign country.


Only if capture and fair trial is not an option and there is undeniable evidence they are planning an attack on our country


No because the UK can claim there are terrorists in certain countries so they can go there and exploit them


It needs to be assess how much of a danger they are to themselves and society first and ensure that the assessment is accurate first. If that is the only option then yes.


Yes, but only if it is undeniably proven that they are terrorists and are plotting against any civilian or country in the world, no matter whether it is the UK or any other place. Terrorism is terrorism


What the hell kind of question is this..surely it’s. Matter of national security and thus should not be left to the ordinary hoypoloy to decide.


Capture, interrogate and potentially assassinate/imprison them - we have little ground space in this voluntary so imprisonment may not be possible.


Yes, if capture and trial is highly improbable in addition to evidence of planned or committed attacks.


No, I believe they should be captured and given a fair trial. However, if there is undeniable evidence then yes.


No, that is an infringement of the foreign country’s national sovereignty, reflects poorly on the U.K. and diminishes our national standing.


The UK are not as powerful as they once were, they need to stop acting like it. They do not get to choose the morals of the world and who they get to assassinate


International law and relationships must be respected. You can't assassinate on foreign soil without the other countries knowledge or permission. But this is the extreme scenario that may be necessary. Capture and interrogate first.

 @9P4LMDJLiberal Democratanswered…9mos9MO

They should be tried absentia and found guilty arrested if possible. If they cannot be arrested and are found to be planning an attack then they become a legitimate target.

 @9P2MNVRLiberal Democratanswered…9mos9MO

Yes, but with clear rules and regulations. Eg: not if it’s going to cause more serious problems in the long run.


No, they should be captured and given a fair trial only if the foreign country or an international body gives permission


Only if there is no other way to prevent an attack, otherwise they should be captured, interrogated and imprisoned instead

 @9NYTYQ8 answered…9mos9MO

Only as a last resort, if there is an imminent threat and undeniable evidence. Otherwise every effort should be made to capture, interrogate and imprison.


Capture, interrogate and death penalty if undeniable proof that they have committed crimes against our country.


Yes, but only with permission of the foreign country (unless it is considered an enemy) and there is no feasible way to capture them and convict them.


Suspected is too risky, if there is irrefutable evidence that they are a terrorist and they either have or plan to commit acts of terrorism on our soil then yes.


Yes, but only if there is no option of extradition or capture and the evidence is irrefutable. Trial and imprisonment is always preferable if possible.


Captured and given a fair trail unless a situation arises where they are carrying out a terrorist act and assassinating them will save life's and capture is not possible



No, people who challenge to the status quo are often labelled as terrorists and then assassinated. This is happened to a lot of civil rights leaders in the 1960s.


Yes but only if there is undeniable evidence that they are a terrorist and have planned or has committed an act of violence against this country.


 @8ZJ4Y4BLiberal Democratanswered…3yrs3Y

No, what happens in other countries is not our business unless the country itself requests help



No, they should be captured and given a fair trial, because assassinations could lead to a free for all around the globe and innocent people could be caught up in the cross fire.


Even though I'm sure SIS and elements of 22 SAS Counter Revolutionary Warfare (CRW) Wing already do this it is just not made public yes, I think as long as there is evidence of terrorists in foreign countries and having ties to terrorist plots and attacks in the UK or Europe we should take action.

 @9SBYN5Xfrom Massachusetts  answered…7mos7MO

Yes, but only if we know for sure they either have conducted, or are planning to conduct, actual terrorist attacks.


It depends if they are suspicious then monitoring is the solution if they have evidence then depending on the crime comminuted depended the penalty


If I trusted our leaders and knew they were doing things for the greater good then I would support them on certain things that they did when it came to national security, because they have access to certain information that I don't. Unfortunately though time and time again they prove beyond any doubt whatsoever they only care about maintaining a corrupt and self interested system and for sure it's only a matter of time before this system starts world war three.


Yes, if there is undeniable evidence that they plan to commit a terrorist attack on British soil or have planned or commited terrorist attacks on British soil


They should be give a fair trial, and depending on the severity they are either given time in prison, a life in prison, or put on death triala

 @9QTWJ25from West Virginia  answered…8mos8MO

Yes, but only if the evidence is clear and undeniable that they are indeed participating in terroristic plotting and activities.


Possibly. If not, then we could assist the country with the assassination to prevent future terrorism and rehabilitate those who were brainwashed.


When they arrive in the UK, arrest, investigate, only if they have done harm to UK citizens in the past (e.g. mass murderer, terrorist, etc).


Yes, but only if there are no Casualties, but not if they’re in a country we have a hostile relationship with.


No, capture, interrogate, deport if not a British Citizen, or imprison if they are a British Citizen.


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