Try the political quiz

2 Replies


Yes as long as they can provide equal or better education as state schools


Yes as long as they follow strict national curriculum standards and funding per pupil equal to the amount of funding to other schools

 @9HD7XT3 answered…5mos5MO

Yes, but isn’t a shame the U.K. government can’t seem to run the school system. This should not be required, yet is working in many cases.


Depends on the nature of the school's governance. If the school is democratically controlled, with all members of the school community collectively owning the school, then yes. If it means the school will fall into being controlled by a small clique in place of democratic accountability, then no.


Privatise entire education system but provide some financial subsidies and assistance for children of households in low income brackets


I don’t think you should have to pay for a child’s education but I also think our education system should be changed drastically.


No, and education should not be privatised. However, free schools should still remain.




No; education should not be privatized and we should focus on improving our public schools and providing more resources for schools and their staff.



Only in part privatisation with the rest of ownership by the local authority.


Yes but only in part privatisation with the rest of ownership by the local authority.



Yes, but only while also focusing on improving our public schools and increasing teacher wages



private schools are a good idea but they shouldn't be publically funded. Also public schools should still exist.


Schools funded by the state should come under local government control and not profiteers or sectarian schooling.


Yes, but only if they are better regulated and provide at least the same quality education as a public school



This would be raised in public debate and could be voted on via Liquid Democracy.


Yes, but only if they are non-profit, not at the expense of funding public schools and education should not be privatised


All Schools should be Run by the Church of England to teach Children how to Respect and Obey God.


No, education should remain public but also needs improving as well as increasing teacher wages.


if parents want t osend there kids to these type of schools then why not


Primary focus should be to improve existing schools and if they do come in to place they should not be for profit with proceeds going towards tax with allowance for investment in facilities only. Wages to staff should be comparable as to not detract from quality of teachers choosing to go to public schools.


If people wish to use them they should be at a cost and no public funding should be put towards it. Our public schools need to be better supported!


No we should focus on improving the schools education system in general


No, the public education system should be ran by the state/state-owned businesses, student's individual needs should be payed more attention to in all schools anyhow


I would support any initiative that improved the quality and range of educational choices in available


Yes, but our education system shouldn't be privatized. Charter schools releasing us from the rules of a regular school & adapted to fit each student rather than a factory for the same mindset.


No Education should not be privateised. We should focus on improving resources and teachers wages in public schools.


We should be focused on funding state schools and improving the educational opportunities for the masses—programmes for those of particular aptitudes in various areas—including those of which are vocational—should also be considered—though the entrance into said programs should also be not solely credited through standardised testing.


Yes, But we should focus on improving the quality of public schools and increasing teacher wages.


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