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949 Replies


No, but the system needs a total revamp. Additionally, the rights of migrants who have already settled in Britain should be secure.


Yes, the UK should strongly restrict immigrants from all Islamic countries who do not share and hold compatible moral values in the 21st Century.

 @9NCVR3KReform UKfrom Virginia  answered…8mos8MO

Yes, make the process easier for honest, hardworking people, strict screening of any criminal background and regularly review recent migrants.


Yes, better screening for criminals, easier application for sponsored / skilled workers. But better support for refugees

 @9N8T52Nfrom Georgia  answered…8mos8MO

Yes, for those for no "reason" to be in the UK, don't make it stricter for skilled workers or family of British born Citizens


Neither a strict nor loose system work as currently envisioned. The best way to decrease illegal immigration is to have a robust, safe and easy to access legal system that will fairly review each applicant. The current system is difficult to access for most migrants forcing them to resort to illegal entry to the UK.

So the government should retool the immigration system as a whole to work better in our modern world.


The current one is just fine, they honestly need to stop cracking down on ways around it though as most ways around migration would just make the immigrant an official working British citizen anyway. Examples (Collage visa, Marriage)


we are all human and bleed the same blood no one shouldn't be able to stop someone from living a decent life


Yes in the fact that we should fight down on drug dealers terrorists and people who could be a threat to this nation but we must be a country of immigrants that try hard for us and are patriots


make the citenship test easier, but don't allow people to come in with a criminal background and any connections direct or indirect to terrorists groups


Current policies need reform to remove instant access to public services and public housing. Crack down on companies that drive down wages through cheaper foreign labour. Drive to up skill UK citizens to fill positions before looking outside of our boarders. Only allow access to public services to migrants if they work jobs that need filling, while ensuring they get a fair wage, possibly leading to UK citizenship.

 @9NHK8WDLibertarian answered…8mos8MO

Make it easier for skilled workers and refugees fleeing violence, but strictly screen for criminality


No, but train citizens in jobs and make wages and benefits such that immigrant workers are not so necessary


No and make the current point based system more lenient especially for refugees


 @B2GVCGKanswered…2 days2D

Yes, but once we have enough houses and services to keep it well in control return, to the current system

 @B2FG685answered…5 days5D

No people should be allowed in a relocated if absolutely necessary and only allow people who haven’t committed unjustified crimes.

 @B2FDDLZanswered…5 days5D

make it easier for refugees but make sure to do background checks on them and make sure they are safely entering the country.

 @B2FD3L4answered…5 days5D

We should look at the economical situation based on the amount of migrants and cap the amount of migrants allowed to enter the country on a yearly basis.


Yes but only for illegal immigrants. Still allow for it to be easier for asylum seekers and skilled workers.


There should be an appropriate system that ensures people come who want to work, criminals shouldn't be let in.


Yes, make sure immigrants have become productive citizens and that the process becomes easier for refugees

 @B26KWF2 answered…4wks4W

No. It is the rich who are the problem. Not the immigrants. It's all anti immigrant propaganda by the rich.

 @B26KLRQWorkers of Britainanswered…4wks4W

Immigrants aren't the enemy. The rich are. Immigrants especially one from poor backgrounds are used by the rich to divide the working class.


I mean its deep. Were probably overpopulated but good people from less fortunate places deserve a chance.

 @9Z9KQ6KLiberal Democrat  from Maine  answered…1mo1MO

No, the legal way for immigrants to become citizens needs to become cheaper and quicker as this will help reduce the number of immigrants from using visas to skip this process resulting in them becoming illegal after the visa expires


Yes, but we don't want a bunch of innocent families turned away so we should turn back single or young Muslim men but not families


Yes, screen immigrants for a criminal background and have harsh deportation laws but make the process easier for regugees

 @B24XCXMfrom Kentucky  answered…1mo1MO

No, make the process easier for refugees and make it so that anyone can be accepted into a country. Immigration is actually good for a country as it decreases crime rates and increase economic revenue.

 @B22VDR8Liberal Democratanswered…1mo1MO

The system doesn't work for legal migrants but heavily priorities refugees, but they receive short term support as well

 @9ZX9MGDReform UKanswered…2mos2MO

In the refugees have snook into the country and have a criminal background then they shouldn’t have a right to live here and put up citizens in danger!


Yes but make the process easier for refugees and asylum seekers and make it easier to gain citizenship. However crack down on illegal immigrants.

 @9ZV6FGJ from Pennsylvania  answered…2mos2MO

Only those from the EU and North America allowed.. and former colonies until all are intergrated into a superstate


Yes, reject all illegal entrants, drastically reduce the number of work visas, only give work visas for jobs paying more than the average salary, visas need to be applied for from outside the country, all work visas should last a maximum of 12 months at a time, after the 12 months they must be renewed from outside the country


Yes, but not for number reduction or increase. More thorough background checks, psychological evaluation and polygraph testing (as support not ultimate decision making). Remove economic migrants and use their space for genuine refugees. Men with underage wives should be removed immediately as they are paedophiles.

 @9ZJL9ZRLiberal Democrat answered…2mos2MO

No, the existing inefficiencies in the system should be resolved and refugees should be let in for humanitarian reasons


Yes, completely get rid of illegal immigration and small boats crossings, only allow legal immigration for work, study purposes etc.


When an immigrant has been accepted for asylum, they should be allowed to work and pay taxes, and prove themselves whilst their application is being processed.


The UK should start being actually responsible and reasonable about their own immigration standards, laws and practices. That starts with taking care of it themselves.

 @9XMH825 from Leiria  answered…3mos3MO

Something has to be done about people arriving in boats, we can't just keep putting them up in hotels.


Yes, posively discriminating in favour of those in crucially needed sectors of work, aswell as for humanitarian purposes those without documentation will be deported to the last place travelled through.


I think they should help them find homes maybe not in our country if there is to many people but I think there should be a system so that they can have homes in other countries that are safe


Allow any one who has not been convicted of a criminal offence in but for those who are able to make sure they are paying tax and working.


Depends. Make it easier for people genuinely in need of refuge in the UK and punish those who seek to manipulate and take advantage of the system.


We should generally have a policy that permeant immigrants who arrive in the UK for work should be projected to provide a net lifetime benefit to the country, while also stricter rules should be introduced to deliniate temporary and permanent migrants with temporary routes being the norm for low skilled migrants and those who take university courses of 1 year and less while other migrants have a route to permentant residence and citizenship. Non-Citizens should be prohibited from bringing dependants. However, migration numbers and targets are counterproductive on their own and a wider strateg…  Read more

 @9TWYQ87from Maine  answered…4mos4MO

Make it easier for students, workers and spouses who are granted immigration legally and have to pay, but make it far stricter and have less incentives for refugees.


Immigrants seeking refuge from a horrific country should be allowed in, anyone coming over for their own benefit or to send money back to their country shouldn’t be allowed in.


Need to make it safer for immigrants to cross, and turn away violent criminals so the others have a chance


Allow entry to asylum seekers who desperately need a safe area to live, and also allow entry to skilled workers who could help improve the workforce.


No, the government should enact a more coherent immigration policy, starting with a clear articulation of whom we are/aren’t willing to take, why/why not, and in what numbers where relevant


Yes, but make it open for skilled workers and turn away people who say they are "17" but they look like their in their 20s and 30s as a bypass


No, in fact they should make it easier for people to immigrate to the uk and else for British citizens to emigrate and a brilliant solution would be bring back EU Freedom of Movement


Yes, and the government should sign a treaty with itself, or a neighbouring country, to legally limit immigration to less than 5% per year, immigrants registered or not.


Yes but manage how many come in as the UK may not be able to support everyone who enters the country


Yes, immigrants should be required to become productive citizens, and emphasis should be put on European immigrants.


Numbers are less important than sensible policies about who we encourage to immigrate and whether that meet the needs of society

 @9SHFX7JReform UKanswered…5mos5MO

The excuse is to "flee war" but most on the boats are men. They should be the ones staying back to fight in the war and woman and children should be the ones on the boats but instead they're left behind, most of the time.


Yes, but allow immigrants to come if they do not have a criminal record. Immigrants help fill jobs that people don't want.


Yes, but make the process easier for skilled workers and international students, and only allow unskilled workers on a temporary basis


We are currently facing an immigration crisis, but we should allow foreign skilled workers who can fill the gaps in our workforce


Yes! Send illegal refugees to a National Refugee Centre (NRC), where they will be taught the English language and British laws! They will then be processed and, if found to be dangerous, they will be removed from the UK immediately! The rest of their family will then get the option of whether or not to stay without their relative or go with them (if they are not also found to be dangerous)!


No, re-legislate how border force in the country works to make it easier for people to seek asylum while dealing with the issue externally


Invest in a modernised processing system to help asylum seekers and refugees and implement intergration programs to help them hit the ground running with work and accommodation.

 @9RQNLNYCount Binfaceanswered…6mos6MO

Allow skilled workers in, check they aren't criminals, regularly review them, deport them if they commit crimes.


Introduce a three-tick rule! In the first six-months, all adult refugees who are not violent criminals (they will be sent home) will have a sheet of paper with three-ticks! Every time they commit a crime, a box is ticked! Once it gets to three-ticks, they are sent home!


Remove asylum (but have better Foreign Office involvement in other countries) and force employers to apply for license/visa for each migrant employee


Immigration policy needn’t be “stricter” but should welcome in refugees and valuable workers, and ensure their integration and basic education.


Spouse visa for a British citizen married with a non-British citizen should be made easier to obtain.

 @9QTTF8GLiberal Democratanswered…6mos6MO

Yes, but make it easier for skilled workers (as well as check in that they have become productive citizens) and check their criminal background previously.


Should be monitored to make sure people don't abuse the system but ensuring a safe place for refugees coming directly from dangerous countries is important.


The government should have an immigration policy that allows asylum for refugees and immigration threat allows economic growth


Yes, but only to ensure the country is not overcrowded and people are treated respectfully and will live a good life once here.


No, but reform the immigration ministry into a more efficient governing body in terms of asylum claims and background checks.


I think there should be a better system for immigration such as the one in Australia but I don’t believe in stopping immigrants moving over altogether

 @9QQG4W2from Missouri  answered…7mos7MO

It isn’t a matter of strictness. It’s about having a policy that is practical for migrants and existing citizens.


Yes, but better fund health and social care and higher education so they aren’t dependent on people coming from overseas


Tackling human trafficking at it's root cause is more important and we should be helping refugees and asylum seekers


Yes, but attracting more skilled workers, workers in shortage occupations, investors, and high-profile foreigners with good educational backgrounds


Yes, but they should not make the process so prohibitavely expensive for those who do want to come lie here


Have a massive vetting camp for any coming through & establish what value & skills do they bring to benefit our country. Have language teaching classes &


Let anyone in who is beneficial to the country. Also, ship out anyone who does not contribute, including uk-born non-contributors


Yes, we need a more proactive approach to immigration to counter the issue low birth rate and increasing life spans


Yes, screen immigrants for criminal backgrounds and ban anyone who has committed a major crime. Rape, murder, GBH, armed robbery, child abuse, domestic abuse. And make process easier for skilled workers and review immigrants regularly.


Immigration policies need to be reformed to; 1. Make it easier for skilled workers and, 2. Make the asylum process work productively


No, but accept Eu citizens with no criminal record and make the process easier for any graduate student with BC or MCS or PHD


Screen for criminal backgrounds, make it easier for refugees and make the process easier for skilled workers


Immigrants are an essential part of the economy and refugees need safe places to live, something needs to be done to make it a fairer and quicker system for everyone without letting criminal gangs into the country.


Immigrants with a criminal background should be reviewed and processed differently to those who do not, there should be a clearer policy for those who do arrive with the intent to seek asylum, meaning that they should know where to go and what to do to have a more welcoming and clear entrance to the country


There needs to be a fairer system overall. Less persecution of legitimate immigrants and more humanity towards non-white immigrants


No, accept anyone but if they can work but are only living off benefits without trying to find a job then they should not be allowed to stay as they are only being a burden to the economy.


The government should provide greater funding to all frontline services for the whole community in any area that accepts immigrants

 @9QLVVFGLiberal Democratanswered…7mos7MO

The government should enact a more efficient immigration policy, so that asylum seekers can be processed in a timely fashion


Government needs to stop destabilising other countries governments for oil etc... they are here because we are there.


This is a complex question and one that gets people riled up. Skilled people without a criminal backround should be welcomed.


First of all we should enforce the system that we already have and have checks and control / register for businesses in key areas where immigration is permitted so that care homes cannot abuse their staff with threat of deportation


People under threat should be welconed into society and processed quickly. I inderstand we cannot support all but having people for years in a hotel is inhumane and expensive


Yes, but to a degree. Make it a manageable in take where we can welcome immigrants while being able to sustain our economy.

 @9QL2N9Gfrom Famagusta  answered…7mos7MO

Yes and execute all of the immigrants.They are destroying the country obviously you are imbecile and a ***** .


If people want to immigrate to this country, let them. But only if they want actually be a part of this country and don’t want to harm our communities, way of life, and social systems


They should create safe and legal routes for immigrants and look into the causes of migration and propose sanctions in countries that have un ethical laws which cause people to have to flee


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