Try the political quiz

179 Replies


Is it possible to have patriotism without bordering on xenophobia?


Yes there is a difference between loving your country and hating outsider


You can be a patriot to your country and what it has without being xenophobic of others.


How would you define a 'nation' without using ethnic or cultural characteristics?


I believe individuals that are born and live in that place make the nation.


Can a strong dedication to civic values enhance the sense of community in your neighborhood?

 @9KZHQDWBritish Nationalanswered…3mos3MO

Yes, when local people are closer and have values it shines as an example on all others in the country.


How do you feel about a nation where your values, not your background, define your belonging?


How could a country's commitment to universal values impact its economic policies, in your opinion?


How do you imagine a world event celebrating civic nationalism would look and what activities might it include?


How would you approach a community issue if you considered each person's rights and contributions equally?


When making friends, how important are shared values as compared to shared interests or similar backgrounds?


What experiences have taught you that diversity of thought strengthens rather than weakens a nation?


What's one way a national leader could demonstrate their commitment to civic nationalism?


Does striving for a nation with a shared civic identity contribute to or detract from global diversity?


Can embracing civic nationalism help us find common ground on environmental issues?


What personal experiences have shown you the importance of inclusivity for national strength?


Why might it be significant for countries to form alliances based on shared civic principles rather than geographical proximity?


What local issues could be more effectively addressed if everyone adhered to principles of civic nationalism?


How do personal freedoms and civic responsibilities intersect in your daily life?


How can we respect cultural heritages while cultivating shared values as the basis for national identity?


Can music and art play a role in fostering a sense of unity and shared values across your nation, and if so, how?


How could an individual's actions at a local level contribute to a broader sense of national unity based on shared values?


Can you think of a community initiative that exemplifies civic nationalism, bringing together people for a common good?


What are the possible benefits of having diverse role models who embody a nation's shared values for you?


How could nations with different cultural customs unite under shared civic principles in international relations?


If given a chance to contribute to national policy, which civic value would you prioritize and why?


What could be the impact of putting shared civic values ahead of personal interests in your daily life?


Have you ever experienced a moment where unity in diversity made your community stronger?


What’s one personal value you hold that you believe could strengthen your country’s unity?


How might embracing shared values in our nation shape your dreams and career choices?


What's an example of a book or movie that reflects civic nationalism, where characters unite over shared values?


Could the sharing of digital media content play a role in uniting a nation under civic nationalism?


What role does language play in a nation that values civic unity over ethnic unity?


Would you stand up for a national value you believe in even if it's unpopular among your peer group?


Would a society focused on civic values change your approach to voting in elections, and if so, how?


What shared national value do you think could bring the most unity to your community?


What would school look like in a nation that prioritizes inclusive civic values over a homogenous cultural identity?


What challenges would you anticipate in building a community that fully embraces equal rights and shared values?


In what ways could embracing civic nationalism improve how we address societal issues like inequality or discrimination?


Can you think of a moment where you felt united with your peers through shared goals rather than personal backgrounds?


How has a diverse classroom setting demonstrated the strengths or weaknesses of civic nationalism?


How does the notion of inclusive citizenship affect your willingness to participate in community service?


Would you feel more allegiance to a country that prioritizes shared values over shared history? Why or why not?


In a society that values civic nationalism, what do you think is the role of national symbols and rituals?


How might the principles of civic nationalism change the way we talk about immigration and citizenship?


How does the idea of civic nationalism play into your vision of the ideal community?


Can civic nationalism truly create a sense of belonging for everyone, or are there limits? Why do you think that?


What does being a 'true patriot' mean to you in the context of civic nationalism?


Would you support a country that champions shared rights over shared ancestry – why or why not?


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