You believe in creating a more equitable society where wealth and resources are distributed fairly among all individuals.
Anti-capitalism is a political ideology that opposes the principles of capitalism, which is an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, investments determined by private decision, and prices, production, and the distribution of goods determined mainly by competition in a free market. Anti-capitalists believe that capitalism is inherently exploitative, leading to social inequality, and is not sustainable in the long term. They argue that the capitalist system prioritizes profit over the well-being of individuals and the environment, leading to a conce…
Read more@ISIDEWITH1yr1Y
What initiatives would you take part in if the community's well-being was the ultimate measure of success?
Providing food and shelter for the less fortunate alongside free education for children from low income backgrounds
How might celebrations and milestones in life change if they weren't associated with material success?
@9KTGK8WLiberal Democrat12mos12MO
Can’t answer this one, this society already makes me feel ill and completely isolated. Christmas makes me want to kill myself every year because I just want to spend time with loved ones but you go into town and it’s disgusting and chaotic and the whole vibe of this country is that it’s stressful and you should be giving gifts left right and centre. This country’s sick.
What everyday decision would you make differently if you knew it would directly alleviate someone else's struggle?
Depends how close the struggle is, but i would go to help others within reason
What social or environmental cause would you dedicate more time to if there wasn't pressure to maximize income?
Help those in dual income families as they are refused help and they shouldn't be punished for earning. It is also horrid to refuse people coming to this country for a better life. If MPs payed taxes towards essential services it would shorten the waiting lists in the NHS as well as provide more workers. Its also beneficial that the environment is helped.
Imagine a society where the workweek is shorter due to fairer wealth distribution; how would you use your extra time?
More time spent with the family which means more time to educate the new generations and more quality time within the family, personal improvement, volunteering for charities, physical exercise etc.
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