Try the political quiz

186 Replies


Would you be willing to sacrifice some personal freedom for the community's well-being, and where would you draw the line?


I believe in freedom of expression and speech, so anything that would violate those ideals are where I draw a line


No, I think personal freedom is important but there should be a balance of how much certain person needs for their own beenfit


Would the ideal of 'success' change for you if money was distributed equally, and how?


No, I think that everyone that does the same job should be paid the same no matter age or ability.


In what ways do you think cooperation might improve if financial competition wasn't a factor?



Do you think you'd feel more or less societal pressure in a system where jobs and income were equalized?


i think equal pay is stupid as men do more hard work and women dont so its fune pay isnt equal


What would be your primary motivation to excel academically or professionally if financial rewards were off the table?


In that situation I guess to become self reliant if there’s no reason for financial rewards I would work forward to be become a self reliant household or community


Should people who can't or don't want to work receive the same benefits as those who contribute to society?


No I don't feel they should have the same benefits as people that want work and contribute.


Can the idea of equal distribution of wealth discourage innovation and hard work in individuals?


Yes, if you work hard for money then you deserve it, if I could make the same for less work then less people would go above and beyond to push innovation


Should individual success be limited or taxed heavily to support those who have less, creating a more balanced society?


No, people work hard for their money and shouldn’t be suffered for it


What does 'personal achievement' mean to you in a context where it doesn't lead to financial benefits?

 @9HVGF6Wfrom answered…7mos7MO


Would you be willing to give up some personal luxuries if it meant everyone had access to basic necessities?


It depends what one means by 'personal luxuries', if that means, in actuality, the negation of the ability to attain wealth and what comes with such, which is what socialism plays out as in reality, then no, however, of course everyone should have access to basic necessities, and this is possible and is done so in liberal democratic capitalist systems, but not at the expense of the ability to attain wealth and luxury.


Do you think it's fair for a talented and hardworking individual to share the same wealth as someone who contributes less to society?


I agree with many socialist values but I believe that pay should be based off the difficult, risk and skill required for the job


Would your aspirations for travel or adventure change if financial status wasn't a barrier?

 @9KTGK8WLiberal Democratanswered…5mos5MO

Yes absolutely. Financial status is one of the biggest causes of stress and self-doubt and I’d say I’m pretty positive compared to most.


If creating something successful didn't result in personal profit, how would it change your ambition to create?


Pay close attention to the public and change the negatives to positives.


How might your friendships change if everyone had the same amount of money?


If you were sure of a comfortable life without wealth, what dreams would you pursue?


In a world where your worth isn't tied to your paycheck, how would you find purpose?


How would you express your creativity if it didn't lead to financial benefits?


If the guarantee of financial security was universal, how might that shape your relationships with others?


How might your motivations differ if your work benefited society as a whole rather than yourself?


In what ways do you think your community could improve if wealth was equally distributed?


How would your goals for the future change if income wasn't a factor?


How would hobbies and extracurricular activities change if they weren't pathways to wealth?


How might the idea of luxury evolve in a society with uniform wealth distribution?


What pursuits might become more widespread if financial risks were mitigated?


How would relationships evolve when everyone is on an equal economic playing field?


How would creative expression evolve in a world less driven by commercial success?


Would you strive to be a high achiever if the payoff was equal for all types of work?


How would equal wealth distribution shape your definition of success?


If everyone had similar means, how might this affect your own goals and ambitions?


What kind of work would bring you fulfillment if income were no object?


How would you pursue your dreams if money wasn't the prime factor to consider?


How might team-based activities in schools and workplaces change if everyone's contribution was valued equally?


If profits were shared equally, how would this change the way businesses operate?


How might the dynamics of ambition and drive be different in a society that doesn't reward financially?


If your basic needs were always met, what would you aspire to contribute to society?


How might your daily interactions with people change if no one had financial worries?


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