Try the political quiz

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Would you prefer to live in a world where charity replaces government welfare, and why?



How would you secure a fair price for goods if there were no consumer protection laws?


Ensure educational campaigns are still set in place so information asymmetry doesn’t influence demand and supple


How fair do you think it is for successful companies to have no limits on their growth in a free market?


its not fair because the larger they get the more power and money hungry they get which impacts negativley on the normal people.


If there were no regulations setting the school curriculum, what subjects would you choose to study and why?



In a world with complete job flexibility and no labor laws, what would be your strategy to ensure fair employment and work-life balance?


How would the concept of 'community' evolve in a society that prioritizes individual economic freedom above all else?


If you could design an educational system from scratch with no government oversight, what would be its core values and methodologies?


How would you propose we balance the need for competitive markets with ensuring fair wages and working conditions in a minimally regulated economy?


What innovative solutions could communities develop to address social issues without government intervention?


How would you envision your ideal career in a world where companies operate with complete freedom?


Picture a society where all your roads are toll-based; how would this affect your daily life?


If all education were privatized, how would you ensure access to learning opportunities regardless of someone's economic status?


If there were no public watchdogs monitoring utility companies, how would you fight for reasonable rates for essential services?


In a society with no public parks or recreation facilities, how would you spend your free time?


How do you think the absence of minimum wage laws would affect your future job prospects and lifestyle?


If job market safety nets like unemployment benefits didn't exist, how would that change your approach to career planning?


Without public transportation options, how would you navigate your daily commute?


Imagine there's no government enforcing contracts; how would you ensure that someone holds up their end of a deal?


Would you prefer to live in a place where businesses are not required to contribute to social security systems, and why?


How do you think not having government-funded arts would impact cultural development in your community?


If media could broadcast anything without regulations, how would you assess the reliability of information?


How would you ensure the ethical treatment of animals if there were no animal welfare regulations?


As a future homeowner, how would you navigate a housing market without government oversight?


What measures would you take to protect the planet in the absence of environmental regulation?


How would you mitigate potential exploitation in a gig economy with no protective labor laws?


Without government-funded arts, how would you support your local artists and cultural events?


If you could choose, would you prefer a privatized or public system for essential utilities like water and electricity?


What would be your strategy to maintain health in a society without public healthcare services?


How would you adapt to fluctuations in job security in a market-driven employment landscape?


As a consumer, how would you hold companies accountable in a market with no regulatory oversight?


Without student loans or grants, what alternative paths might you consider for your education?


How would you plan for retirement if there were no government-backed retirement programs?


If the balance between work and personal life were solely in your hands, how would you manage it?


How would you define 'financial freedom' and do you believe it's realistically achievable in your future?


How might the absence of government-backed loans impact your approach to buying a home or investing in property?


How would you promote equality of opportunity in a society with no affirmative action or government-mandated diversity policies?


Would you be more inclined to start your own business if there were no regulations to navigate, and why?


If all media was privately owned without any oversight, what strategies would you use to discern reliable information?


In an economy based on economic liberalism, how do you think individuals like you could ensure fair trade and ethical consumption?


With no state-funded research, how do you think scientific advancements would be affected and would this inspire you to contribute?


How do you think your personal aspirations would align with a society driven entirely by market forces?


Without any legal obligation, would you expect companies to invest in the communities they operate in, and why?


How do you foresee changes in your spending habits if goods and services prices solely reflected supply and demand?


How do you think people's choices about work and leisure would change if there were no regulations on working hours or vacations?


Do you think a purely free market would foster competition that benefits consumers like you, or would it favor big businesses?


How do you think the absence of import taxes and duties would impact your choices as a consumer?


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