Try the political quiz

181 Replies


If your online privacy was entirely up to you, with no regulations, how would you protect your information and identity?

 @9L7FCTK answered…4mos4MO


Is a completely equal society achievable without any hierarchy, and if so, how would it be maintained?

 @9H5YMTDGreen answered…8mos8MO

No, though as close as possible should be aimed for with high rates of taxation and a strong welfare state to ensure all people have an equal start in life and an effective safety net.


Consider a time when you resolved a conflict without authority intervention; could that experience translate to all societal issues?


How much do you value order compared to personal freedom, and how does that shape your view on anarchism?


How do you think personal relationships might evolve in a society that focuses on collaboration rather than competition?


If there were no external motivations like money or grades, what would drive you to succeed?


Which traits do you believe are necessary for someone to thrive in a cooperative, non-hierarchical society?


How do you think people's approach to healthcare would change if it were entirely community-supported?


Have you experienced a successful project or event that was organized without a central coordinating body; what made it work?


Reflect on your favorite team activity; how could the experience change if there were no designated leaders?


Imagine a world where work is not tied to wages; how would you decide what job to do?


Can you describe a situation where peer pressure positively influenced you, and how might that work in maintaining social order?


How do you think the concept of 'ownership' would change if society didn't enforce property rights?


How would you approach learning a new skill if there were no formal classes or teachers available?


Have you ever effectively collaborated with strangers on a project; what did you learn about leadership and organization from that experience?


Do you think self-management can work in all areas of society, such as healthcare and safety, and what might be the challenges?


How would you design a sports league or game that is self-regulated by the players, focusing on fairness and fun rather than winning?


What mechanisms could we put in place to ensure everyone feels heard and represented in group decisions without a leader?


How might your sense of responsibility change if there was no authority to enforce consequences for environmental care?


If there was no social media moderation, what guidelines would you enact to ensure respectful and productive online discussion?


Have you ever felt restricted by societal norms and rules; how would eliminating those improve or worsen your personal expression?


Could you imagine a society where your motivation is purely based on passion; what might that look like for education or work?


If you could create an event or project without any budget constraints or rules, what would it be and how would you mobilize others?


What role do you think empathy and understanding should play in an anarchist society's approach to conflict resolution?


If schools had no principals or teachers, how would you envision the learning process to be structured by students?


If societal roles were not defined by authorities or institutions, how would you go about understanding and embracing your role in the community?


What aspects of your current lifestyle do you believe would improve or deteriorate in a community-based, non-hierarchical society?


How might your day-to-day choices about consumption change if there was no state-enforced regulation to rely on for product safety?


How would you create and maintain trust within a community without the traditional mechanisms of authority and punishment?


Can you share an example from your life where a community’s spontaneous action solved a problem and what key elements made it successful?


What personal changes would you anticipate making if you lived in a world where cooperation was the norm and competition was rare?


How would you approach resolving personal disputes in a community where mediation is voluntary and non-hierarchical?


When have you seen self-organization in a group setting succeed or fail, and what factors do you think contributed to that outcome?


How would you like to participate in decisions about local community projects if there were no government to delegate that responsibility?


How would you convince someone to work on a shared goal if there was no external authority to enforce cooperation?


How could a message of unity and cooperation be spread in a world with many different individual views and interests?


How would you negotiate with someone if you couldn't use societal rules or legal standards as leverage?


Think of a skill you're passionate about; how would you further develop it without structured education or competition?


Recall a moment when following the crowd led to a negative outcome; could this change in a society that emphasizes individual thinking?


How might personal relationships change if the concept of ownership and property didn't exist?


In an anarchist society, how might people with different abilities be supported without institutionalized social services?


How would you propose the community deals with environmental offenders if there's no central authority?


If there were no government to regulate businesses, how would consumer interests be protected?


Could a world driven purely by collaborative efforts rather than competition be more or less innovative?


How would you imagine the dynamics of a family without any designated 'head'?


If we abolished grades, what could be a new way to measure educational success?


How would you build trust in a community project knowing there's no authority to enforce the rules?


Do you think your online communities would function better or worse without moderators, and what would change?


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