Try the political quiz

134 Replies


What changes would you make to the current education system to better prepare students for participation in a democracy?


More low income families should be given better chances at getting into grammar schools and receiving scholarships so that their children are smarter and more opinionated when it comes to democracy.


Why do you think it's important, or not, for individuals to debate and discuss politics openly?


How do you feel when people around you don't vote, and does it influence your desire to vote?


If people don’t vote they don’t get a right to be annoyed at politics. When people don’t vote it makes me want to vote more as i believe it is extremely important.


If you could instantly change one thing about your government's priorities, what would it be and why?


Would you want a say in choosing your educators and school administrators through a vote, and why?


I appreciate democracy but wish there was a definitive percentage majority needed to stand as valid. 10% majority would at least ensure a true majority on any vote and issue.


Do you think direct democracy tools like referendums are helpful or harmful to the decision-making process?


What do you see as the biggest challenge to equal representation in a democracy?


How might we use technology to enhance the way democracy works in our society?


How would you redesign the electoral system to better reflect the diversity of today's society?


What if voting also included community service requirements; would this strengthen or weaken democracy?


How do you think historical figures who fought for democracy would view our modern democratic society?


If your favorite social media platform started influencing election outcomes, what would be your reaction?


If you could share one personal experience with a policy maker, what would it be and why?


What if your school's policies were decided by student vote—would this be a good idea and why?


How could increasing transparency in government decision-making processes impact your trust in democracy?


What emotion do you feel when you hear about voter suppression, and what actions would you take?


In a democracy, should the needs of the many always outweigh the needs of the few, and why?


What would you do differently if for one day you held a position of significant political power?


How does it make you feel when you witness passionate political debates, and what does that say about the health of a democracy?


If you discovered a law that you felt was unjust, what democratic actions would you take to challenge it?


How do you think mandatory civic education in schools would shape the future of democracy?


What would be the single most effective way to increase voter turnout among young people?


What's the most important quality you look for in a candidate when voting, and how does that reflect your values?


How can individuals without political power make a difference in a democratic society?


How would you feel if the voting age was lowered, allowing teenagers to participate in elections?


If you could create a new political party, what would be its main value or policy, and why?


What role do you believe emotions should play in democratic decision-making?


How much influence do you think your daily choices should have on government decisions in a democratic society?


Have you ever had a conversation about politics change your mind, and how did it impact your view on democracy?


How would you act if you were in charge of writing a new constitution for your country today?


How should a democratic society deal with groups that are actively working against its principles?


If a policy you strongly disagree with was democratically decided, how would you respond or take action?


Have you ever changed your mind on an important issue after a discussion, and how did it affect your views on democracy?


Do you think having a wide variety of news sources helps or harms our understanding of democratic issues?


How do you reconcile the tension between protecting individual freedom and ensuring communal safety?


Have you ever felt that your vote didn't matter; what would encourage you to feel differently?


If you could ask one question to a political leader and get an honest answer, what would it be?


How does your personal belief in equality influence your view on policies that prioritize majority rule over minority rights?


If freedom of speech is crucial in a democracy, where should we draw the line when it comes to hate speech and misinformation?


Would you support a system where decisions are made by random selection of citizens rather than voting, and why?


How would society be impacted if only those who contributed to discussions and civic activities were allowed to vote?


In a democracy, is it fair for the uninformed or uninterested to have the same voting power as the informed and engaged?


How do you envision the ideal balance between individual rights and the common good in a democratic society?


Do you think a democratic society can still be fair and equal if the wealth and resources are unevenly distributed among its citizens?


If democracy is 'rule by the people,' what do you think should be done about those who choose not to participate in the political process?


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