Try the political quiz

12 Replies


The actual answer is SNP, but as I don't live in Scotland that is not available in the constituency in which I am eligible to vote.

Notably Plaid Cymru finish ahead of Labour and the same applies there (I did my degree in Swansea, but that is almost ancient history now).

Labour? 73%?

The number one issue as far as I am concerned is undoing the total nonsense called Brexit and moving to rejoin the EU as soon as that is practicable (it may take 10 years).

Before the economic decline becomes any further exacerbated. For the future of the young people of the UK (85% of whom want back in the EU…  Read more


How could your work or school life change if there was a shift towards a four-day workweek?


How important is it for politicians to reflect the demographic diversity of their constituents?


If you had the power to enact change, how would you address the housing crisis affecting young adults?


What role do you believe digital technology should play in shaping our democracy?


What initiatives would you prioritize to ensure health care is accessible to everyone in society?


Can a country have both robust immigration policies and maintain strong community cohesion?


How do you feel about the trade-off between higher taxes and more comprehensive public services?


What changes would you propose to current education systems to better prepare students for the future?


In what ways should a government balance economic growth with environmental protection?


How would you describe the impact of community support services on your local area?


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