The Green Party of England and Wales is a green, left-wing political party in England and Wales. Headquartered in London, since September 2018, its co-leaders are Siân Berry and Jonathan Bartley.
Imagine a world where green jobs outnumber traditional ones; what would this world look like to you?
A world where damage to the environment is limited
The world would be better for animals and the environment, which is great, but I do see a lot of people complaining about this sort of thing, either fairly or unfairly, so a balance between the two would be appreciated.
A world where the environment prospers and everyone lives equally.
Mandatory tree in every garden. Wild patches left in urban areas without interference from humans
How would our daily lives change if we prioritized the environment in every decision we make?
What does a future look like where we successfully balance economic growth with sustainability?
@9T6WZF7 3mos3MO
where there is little CO2 production and a tax on companies who produce carbon emissions and products that produce little carbon are the most affordable option
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