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59 Replies


Provided there is regulatory control and monitoring. labelling is important - consumers should know what they are buying


Yes, but thorough research should be undertaken to prevent potential environmental impacts of crossbreeding between genetically modified plants and wild plants.


Yes, to an extent. I don't think you should be able to patent seeds, but using GMOs does impact the food chain, which could have long reaching and unforeseeable consequences.


Label the foods, and GM crop producing farms must be have stricter regulations and oversight, and processed differently to regular crops.


Yes as long as rigourus testing is done, companies can't patent seeds and genetically modified foods are labelled


100% no. I've yet to see any science that can out maneuver nature. The earth has been here for billions of years. Nature and life will always find a way. Trust it.


No, but potentially in the future based on the direction of the research and groups in control of the crops.


People don’t understand what GMO is. The majority of food we eat have been GM.


all our crops have been genetically engineered by evolving or selective breeding.


Providing they are proven safe and have no long term effects on our health


No, this term is too broad. There are more effective methods that are good for yields, soil use, nature and price.


Yes. As long as no side health issues or effects on environment or animal kingdom are demonstrated.


Yes, but all agriculture should be nationalised to ensure that GM technology is used to help feed more people, not to benefit wealthy corporations.


yes but there should be a variety pool of seeds kept safe in case of a faulty clone


Yes, as long as it is not a danger to health & companies are honest and held to account accordingly


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