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59 Replies


Yes, but genetically modified food should only be used to feed the poor and homeless and made to be as cheap as possible whilst still meeting national health standards

 @9NBR7NYGreen answered…10mos10MO

YES!! But the main applications of this research should be for foreign aid and countries (or areas of the UK in the future) experiencing drought/flooding and other detrimental climate conditions.


Genetic modifications need to show that there is no interface with human genetics


Not needed in the UK, but possibly needed in other countries with poor farming possibilities


To some extent, however first world countries should limit their use of them.


Yes but not used as much as they are. You would have to slowly decrease it so as not to cause crashes


With strict regulation and control and where there is a specific purpose eg disease resistance


No, it is against British Agriculture and the rural economy and community


I do not support the use of genetically engineered anything – including vaccines and other drugs.


Yes, but only subject to checks by scientists into their ecological effects



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