You believe in protecting the sanctity of life from conception, promoting a culture that values and supports both mother and child.
The "Anti-Abortion" political ideology, also known as "Pro-Life," is a perspective that fundamentally opposes the practice of abortion, which is the termination of a pregnancy. This ideology is rooted in the belief that human life begins at conception and that a fetus has the same rights as any other human being. Therefore, proponents of this ideology argue that abortion is morally wrong and should be illegal or heavily restricted.
The history of the anti-abortion ideology is complex and varies across different cultures and religions. However, it can be traced back…
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How might a society benefit from or be harmed by restricting access to abortion?
society will be harmed from anti abortion as adoption clinics will be full, the nations mental health will decline, more suicides and more teen mums
A lot of angry feminists. However it would help people be more careful so there is benefits and disadvantages to this but personally abortions alright.
Harmed: number of unwanted children will go up, mortality rates of mothers may go up
Pros: less money spent on abortion, catholics are happy
If advanced technology allowed us to witness the development of the fetus like never before, do you think this would affect your viewpoint on abortion?
No, as in many circumstances, I think even seeing the development of the child, doesn't outweigh the circumstances that caused the impregnation.
Do you believe there are any circumstances in which abortion should be allowed or do you feel it should never be an option?
there are many circumstances where abortion should be allowed as a cornerstone of healthcare
How do you think banning abortion might affect a person's mental and physical health?
Abortion isn't something one decides to do lightly. It should be legal, and attempts to ban it disproportionately harm minorities and the poor, but an abortion ban has the potential of harming every woman, regardless of whether or not they expect to ever get an abortion. An unplanned and/or unwanted pregnancy can be immensely harmful to a woman's personal life and relationships, not to mention her finances and career prospects.
How do you personally define the beginning of life, and why is this important when considering the rights of an unborn child?
The beginning of life starts when your baby starts to develop in the womb. I feel that unless it is a danger to the woman's life, a baby should be given life.
Imagine if you or someone close to you faced an unplanned pregnancy; how might that shape your views on abortion?
It wouldn't. I'm also pro- abortion, up until late on.
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