Try the political quiz

159 Replies


Do you think consumerism has more power to unite or divide people, and why?


More power do divide people as wealthier people have better opportunities to consume so it sets the classes apart and widens the class divide


Somewhere in the middle. As advertising/target ads become more advanced, it feels as though our free choices when it comes to consumerism are becoming less free and more influenced which lead to bigger divides with society.


Can you recall a time when you opted for a handmade or DIY option over a store-bought one, and how did it make you feel?



I bake cakes instead of buying them and stuff because it gives me a sense og accomplishment


If there was one thing you could change about the way products are marketed to young people, what would it be and why?


It's definitely gambling culture in gaming. Considering gaming is the No. 1 medium for entertainment consumption amongst the younger generation, there can't be paid-for "random boxes" in games, that essentially provide random loot and items the same way a slot machine would. It's endemic in gaming and it will make a generation of impulsive, habit driven adults.


How would your life change if you decided to stop buying things you don't absolutely need?


I would be much more financially independent. I feel that consumerism is not in response to wants, but in response to the overindulgence of wants as opposed to needs. This being said, if basic needs are covered, I do not see why a person should not treat themselves to something they would like.


How would you creatively repurpose something old instead of buying new, and what does this say about consumer habits?

 @9J8P7B4Women's Equalityanswered…4mos4MO

it shows that we can be more resourceful and thoughtful about our consumer habits


If you were to teach someone about the concept of 'enough', what lessons from your life would you share?


Life experiences are so much more important than material possessions, don't fall in to the capitalist trap of wasting your money


How do you define 'wealth' in a non-monetary sense, and what would make a person 'rich' in your eyes?



Do you believe learning about the environmental impacts of products can change your buying habits; has it changed yours?


What are the benefits of slowing down and appreciating what you already have instead of seeking out new purchases?


How do you cope with the pressure to buy the latest trends, and are there any strategies you use to resist?


If you had to give a gift that didn't cost anything, what creative ideas would you come up with?


In what ways does 'giving back' to the community provide a different kind of fulfillment than buying items for yourself?


What would be the most challenging aspect of living in a community where everyone's basic needs are met without excess?


How has your family's history influenced your attitude towards consumption and materialism?


Can repurposing or upcycling be as satisfying as buying something new, and what's an example you've experienced?


When was the last time you swapped an item with someone, and how did that interaction differ from a purchase?


When you're feeling down, what non-shopping related activities lift your spirits and why?


How does helping a friend or neighbor instead of buying a new gadget affect your sense of connection and community?


Reflecting on your last birthday, what non-material aspect stood out most to you and why?


How can investing time in relationships rather than in shopping sprees change your personal fulfillment?


Could you imagine a future where trade and bartering replace traditional buying and selling; what would that look like?


How might the concept of 'buying local' impact your community and personal shopping decisions?


Have you ever felt more rewarded by saving money than by spending it, and if so, in what circumstance?


What experience has shown you the most about the joy of giving rather than receiving?


How has a moment of personal achievement given you a deep sense of satisfaction without any material reward involved?


What role do you think financial education should play in shaping one's attitudes towards consumerism?


Have you observed a situation where consumerism seemed to overshadow cultural or traditional values?


How do you think your life would look like if your self-worth was completely detached from your possessions?


Can you share an instance where you chose a more sustainable option over a convenient one, and how did you feel about it?


How would you define 'enough' when it comes to material possessions?


How does your family's approach to consumption influence your own, and in what ways would you like to differ?


Can you describe a moment when you realized a purchase didn't bring the satisfaction you expected?


Have you ever taken a step to simplify your life, and what impact did it have on your well-being?


Which do you think contributes more to personal happiness: collecting experiences or possessions, and why?


What's the most meaningful purchase you've ever made, and what made it so significant?


How would you balance practical needs with the desire to indulge when allocating your budget?


If your future self could advise you on your current spending habits, what do you think they would say?


How does the celebration of local culture and art impact consumer habits in your community?


How did a moment of financial constraint teach you about the value of non-consumerist joys?


What are some non-materialistic goals you are pursuing, and how have they shaped your lifestyle?


How does volunteering or helping others influence your perspective on consumerism?