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Should gay couples have the same adoption rights as straight couples?

Yes, as long as they pass the same background checks as straight couples

 @9G6FHSH agreed…7mos7MO

Top Agreement

Mother and Father, two mums, two dads. Absolutely no difference as long as the the child is cared for. Gender of the parents makes absolutely no difference; we should be teaching all new humans to be inclusive.


On the whole, sexual deviants shouldn't be raising children. There are some exceptions, but broadly I would ban **** adoption


Labelling same-sex attracted people as "sexual deviants" is a mischaracterization and not based on any scientific evidence. The American Psychological Association and numerous other professional bodies recognize that being gay is a normal and positive aspect of human diversity. As for your concern about child-rearing, multiple studies, including those from the American Academy of Pediatrics, have shown that children raised by same-sex couples fare as well as those raised by heterosexual couples.