Try the political quiz

134 Replies

 @9LLR7G7Liberal Democratanswered…3mos3MO

I think everyone should be able to have influence over laws and shaping them.


I think that citizens should have more say since there's far more people compared to elected officials.


I believe if we had a proportionally representative voting system then we would have a good amount of influence over the laws that govern us


Fundamentally capitalism is a flawed system and any electoral reform is used to allow the ruling class to adapt and exploit the new rules while placating the voter base.
First past the post or proportional representation? Are we sure there aren’t even better ways to vote that aren’t contained in the binary?
We don’t vote for laws. We vote for parties, of which we have no control over. We don’t influence party policy.


I think citizens need to be educated before being allowed to have a say on laws. Brexit being a case in point of an uneducated public voting for an act of self harm.

 @9QXVDRJLabourfrom South Carolina answered…2wks2W

They should have a lot of control over the politics of their country and it should never be up to corporations to decide what the uk is gonna do!


You have to be reasonable, people can't make their own laws - you can't police yourself.


If the government is to help the citizens then we should have more influence


The public deserve more of a hand in the decisions that affect them, but this also involves understanding, compassion, education, and critical thinking - we must be careful not to take things too lightly. Furthermore, we cannot trust officials to always have our best interests at heart.


I feel like we should be entitled to alot more influence in rules we are to live by and should vote on them


Minor law changes it should be left to officials but for larger more influential changes it should be a nation wide vote


Moderate influence to ensure enactment. Elected individuals should be able to fully represent their public.


The people should always have a voice, it feels like elected officials can never get anything done.


I think citizens should have as much influence as possible, we live in the country and it ultimately impacts us


That’s the point of democracy, us a union steering our countries in the right …. Or wrong directions

 @MGenovaLiberal Democratanswered…4wks4W

I believe in proportional representation so I believe the people's representatives are the best fit to represent them in parliament based on their views and beliefs.



I think individuals should have significant influence as we are the ones living in the real world with real understanding of our issues


The public should have all the power to make the change based on democratic choices. No single person or group should have power over the collective public.


More influence from the people is generally preferable but we can't hold a referendum on every topic.


 @9Q3LCT9 answered…4wks4W

I think we should be able to have an influence but this needs to be regulated by neutral system.


The citizens deserve more influence as they are directly affected by the law but the government/elected officials should be there to over see that things don't go too far and get regulated correctly



I think everyone should be able to have influence over laws and shaping them.


I feel as though the citizens should have more power as they are the majority who live under those rules


I think for minor law changes it should be left to officials but for larger more influential changes it should be a nation wide vote


I feel that the system we have now works well. However for major changes that will have a big impact on society in our country then there should intelligent and transparent discussion. We need more honesty and integrity. It cannot be a rule for on part of society and a different rule for another. Governments need to honest and people should be able to have faith in them. At the moment as a country I feel that a lot of people are fed up with the lack of honesty integrity and decent morals by people who are our elected leaders.


Significant involvement in them assuming they have the intellect to understand the subject matter


We should definitely have our say! Elected officials should listen to us as a country.


We need a proportional representation system and be able to hold politicians to account more as they're supposed to represent our interests yet don't.

 @9PTH79DPlaid Cymruanswered…1mo1MO

Government officials should be spokespeople for the community's that elected them


We should have as much control over the law as possible as a citizen body, as it's us who has to live under the laws. Since they affect us, we should get to decide what they do


I believe direct democracy should be used way more especially on important topics relating to morality.

 @9PMPL8XLiberal Democratanswered…1mo1MO

Very difficult to answer. Every citizen will have a different opinion on laws and policies which would cause chaos if the general public were allowed to govern. But it's equally hatf to trust a politician because they generally lie to win. I just wish the politicians came from thw real world and not old money. People who understand the real world and people who we can trust to do the best for normal citizens

 @9PMFYB8 answered…1mo1MO

I think citizens should have more say than elected officials especially if it effects them more



Citizens should have more influence, but there needs to be regulation over political misinformation when it comes to referenda such as the Brexit vote.

 @9PL6XMW answered…1mo1MO

They should have some say but they need to know how important their vote is

 @9PKWZC8 answered…1mo1MO

Fairly large influence, with the caveat of education on said topics. If the people are uneducated and swayed by headlines, more damage may be done.


Citizens should have substantial influence over laws through mechanisms like voting, referendums, and public consultations. Elected officials, accountable to their constituents, should implement and enforce laws based on the public's interests and feedback. Both direct citizen participation and representative governance are essential for a balanced democratic process.


I think people should be allowed to vote on the laws that govern them to a certain degree. Certain laws should just be put in place not matter. Where as others should be reviewed and voted on



Citizens should elect officials that represent their views and can understand the legal complexity that citizens may struggle with.



I believe that we (the public) are not as smart as we all like to think. Everyone pulls random unreliable data to support their own bias. However, I also believe elected officials can be untrustworthy in all parties. If it was up to me people highly respected and knowledgeable in their fields should have the larger say in laws or at least have policies in place that show that politicians have to take considerations put forward by those specialists.


More influence but that would require more education and therefore greater infrastructure.


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